
I need all the patriots of this country to help me fight this enormous voter fraud, associated with vote counting machines run on trade secret protected software, which does not allow public oversight. Our economy and our constitutional rights were bought for $16 mln dollars coming from the Communist tyranny of Venezuela. If you are a voter and want to be part of a class action legal action, please e-mail me at orly.taitz@gmail.com

  https://www.votetrustusa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=199&Itemid=50 CEO of Vote-Counting Company Refused Entry into the U.S.        PDF         By John gideon and Ellen Theisen, VotersUnite.org and VoteTrustUSA   October 17, 2005 On October 14, 2005, Antonio Mujica, CEO of Smartmatic, was refused entry into the United States. His Visa was revoked by the U.S. Embassy in Venezuela. See (https://www.vcrisis.com/index.php?content=letters/200510160629)   Ten months […]

According to Washington post more people voted for me than for Chuck DeVore and John Campbell, who are considered main stream, got millions of dollars in donations and have been in CA National politics for years. So what’s next?

Plenty of hype, but a bad night for Orly Taitz and other birthers In the end, the hype took birther attorney Orly Taitz to a decisive 49-point defeatin the race for the GOP nomination for California secretary of state. Mainstream Republican candidate Damon Dunn, who got into that race earlier and raised seven times as […]

Associated Press and San Francisco Chronicle article “Although he seeks to run the office that regulates voting in the state, Dunn had never voted before 2009.”

Calif. statewide offices draw fierce competition By BROOKE DONALD, Associated Press Writer Tuesday, June 8, 2010 (06-08) 13:34 PDT LOS ANGELES, (AP) — An ambitious field of candidates for attorney general and lieutenant governor is hoping to draw the attention of voters who have been saturated by coverage of the higher profile races for governor […]

Orly Taitz is 43rd most popular search on the Internet in the last hour. It shows tremendous interest of the public. People want to know the truth about Obama

orly taitz – Add to iGoogle   43rd most popular search in the past hour.           Hotness:Medium google.com/trends At the press conference in Columbus GA

Dr. Taitz gets 85% in High Desert Tea Party Movement, North San Bernardino County Voter poll

 Flag this message High Desert Tea Party Voter Poll Monday, June 7, 2010 9:57 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Bill Jensen” Add sender to Contacts To: orly.taitz@gmail.com Cc: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Hello Dr. Taitz, Just a note to say thank you for taking the time to come to the High Desert Tea Party Movement in […]

National Writers Syndicate endorsed Dr. Orly Taitz for CA Secretary of State

Sunday Jun 06th Home News Latest Do You Want A Politician To Trust? Do You Want A Politician To Trust? Written by Administrator    by Barry WeinsteinNational Writers Syndicate Endorses Orly Taitz For The Office Of Secretary Of State for California in the June 8, Republican Primary. Taitz is clear-headed … … intelligent, utterly reliable […]

Newsletter 06.05.10. Latest Rasmussen poll: Steve Poizner (R) is only 1% away from Dem Jerry Brown. Are there new matters hurting Jerry Brown?

California Governor race latest Rasmussen polling: Brown 43%, Poizner 42% Democratic State Attorney General Jerry Brown’s post-convention bounce appears to be over, and he now posts narrow leads over both his Republican challengers in California’s gubernatorial race. [more] In the same poll Meg Whitman polled 41% to 45% for Jerry Brown 4% difference. Keep in […]

from reader Diane

 am sorry if this offends anyone but this is right out of Hitlers play book.  This should scare anyone who cares about our future as free people.  If you don’t know History look it up.   And for you people who think we shouldn’t have guns look at the places who have taken guns away from […]

Zimbio is a large web site. They posted my campaign info.

Orly Taitz Orly Taitz is the so-called “Birther Queen.” A prominent figure in a group of people who believe Barack Obama was born outside the United States, thus making his presidency illegitimate. + Write an Article Front Page Articles Pictures Videos more     Polls Notes Links History RSS Orly Taitz for Secretary of State 2010 […]

Following organizations participated in Grassroots Constitutional Conservatives survey and by margin 2:1 (30 points difference) ranked Dr. Orly Taitz first, Damon Dunn second in a contest for CA Secretary of State

Tea Party PatriotsCampaign for Liberty   Campaignforliberty.com Our mission is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a non interventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity. The 912 Projects   The912project.com This is a non-political movement. The 9-12 Project is designed […]

Letter from plaintiff Pamela Barnett to talk show host Steve Frank

Stephen Frank please retract your statements regarding Orly Taitz InboxX  Reply |P. B. to me, Steve, Charles, George, Christopher, Neil, David, Hon, Gail, Alexander, Christina, Jonathan, Evelyn, Zonya show details 9:11 AM (45 minutes ago) Mr. Frank,   I am the lead plaintiff on CPT Pamela Barnett v. Obama in federal court in California currently […]

My ABC interview- candidate for CA Sec of state statement

Your video is great!   https://abclocal.go.com/kabc/feature?section=news/politics/local_elections&id=7429583 Regards, George Miller https://venturacountyteaparty.com

Please contact the members of the CRA board and demand that they issue personal statements withdrawing their support, as now they privy to the information, showing him defrauding CA voters. He still didn’t re-register properly, his voter registration card in CA still does not show his registration in TX and FL, where he registered as a Dem.

I have to explain that we can’t blame CRA members, since when they voted in the beginning of March, Damon Dunn has already campaigned for 4 months, they got a lot of e-mails from him. I only started campaigning in March, when I saw that the elected and appointed officials are not upholding the Constitution, during […]

9 more innocent victims of ObamaFraudGate. Obama, unseal all of your records, let us see if we paid for you to go to school as a foreign exchange student from Kenya. Come clean or resign and go back to Mombasa, Kenya.

Nine Indicted on Charges of Accessing Obama Records from Coralville Company By Becky Ogann Story Created: May 12, 2010 at 6:45 PM CDT Story Updated: May 13, 2010 at 8:00 PM CDT CORALVILLE — Nine people are accused of accessing the student loan records of Barack Obama, when he was a candidate for president, president-elect […]

New Revelation. Painter Dan Lacey admits he was paid to paint horrible pictures of Taitz. See an article below from Mother Jones magazine. Watergate started with a money trail. Now we have a money trail in ObamaFraudGate. Help me trace the money trail to it’s origins.

The Birther Queen Bee and the Painted Pancake — By Stephanie Mencimer Pictures were redacted from the article | Tue May. 18, 2010 3:00 AM PDT  Orly Taitz, the queen bee of the birther movement, sounds distraught. “I’m going through hell,” she says.  The California dentist-lawyer had called to tell me about what she says […]

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