
Joint FBI and IRS investigation of corrupt judges

Michelle Submitted on 2010/09/21 at 4:25am Dear Dr. Orly-same corruption, different state, in case anyone needs this case for reference. This is one of the many reasons Cook County is called the cesspool of corruption from whence Obama sprang. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Greylord Operation Greylord was an investigation conducted jointly by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the […]

Follow up on Prof Ronald Rotunda story

Redd Submitted on 2010/09/17 at 4:28am You are quite popular. I am wondering what your take is on this article that came out in the Chicago Tribune yesterday by your friend Rotunda? https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/ct-oped-0916-birthright-20100916,0,4594378.story State Representative Cynthia Davis R-MO and writer Jane Jamison signed up as my friends on my new Facebook page 0 #   […]

Gingrich calls our elite “arrogantly dishonest”. Who is our elite: Obama, his administration, most of Congress, judges and media

 Clear flag Cordoba House Sunday, September 12, 2010 12:08 AM From: “Miriam Brenner” View contact details To: This is the most clearly stated, sensible, and historically accurate  statement that I’ve read on this issue (and I’ve read a lot of them).Mosques shouldn’t be in any western Country!!!! They do not belong there….Muslims should move back […]

This was recorded by Democast TV two days before the primary

Sheriff of San Francisco instituted a sanctuary city, aiding and abetting Mexican violent criminals and endangering the lifes and rights of US citizens. We need help and protection of US military, minutemen and organized militia in protecting US citizens in S. Fr. county and prosecuting S. Fr. Sheriff Michael Hennessey for treason against US Constitution and treason against US citizens

Jim Kouri Law Enforcement Examiner SubscribeSponsor an Examiner View all of Jim’s articles 2 comments Print Sheriff takes “Sanctuary City” policy to the extreme, say critics September 5th, 2010 8:38 am ET Some call Hennessey the “anti-Arpaio.” He’s a fellow-traveler of Speaker Pelosi and Barack Obama.Photo: SF Weekly The top cop for a major California county may prove […]

UN to review US judicial system for Human Rights abuses and retaliations against attorneys like me

Hi Orly: Don’t build up expectations from Alito…  They are all the same. I would be grateful for any help in gaining more is signatures on the petition to the UN regarding review of the US justice system in November 2010. Please notice that retaliation against attorneys is listed as one of the hallmarks of […]

Vote J. D. Hayworth for Senate in Republican primary in AZ. Throw out of office all of the corrupt politicians who gave us huge unemployment, foreclosures and an illegitimate Kenyan communist usurper in the White House, send them all packing

Clarence Thomas cannot be accused of being a racist, if he has the courage to issue a stay and limited rule 11 discovery of Obama’s status

Chito Papa commented on your status: “I hope Justice Clarence Thomas takes the lead in taking the issue of Obama’s eligibility. Other justices could be accused of being racist, but a black justice would render that accusation ridiculous. A black justice can bravely insist with honor that “no one is above the law, not even […]

You have to read this report from Protective Intelligence analyst Lyle Rapacki

SENTINEL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES, LLC LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D. __________   CONSULTANT AT:                                                                                         Protective Intelligence and Assessment Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment Independent Intelligence Analyst                                                                                Lyle@SentinelIntelligenceServices.com __________                                                                                                                 __________ Thursday – July the 8th, 2010 1100Hrs; m.s.t. (Arizona)     BRIEFING CLASSIFICATION:       NOT CLASSIFIED – Public Domain Content SUBJECT OF BRIEFING:                 Severe Health Concerns are coming across […]

Justice Clarence Thomas at Congressional committee hearing is stating that the Supreme Court is evading the Eligibility issue

This brief for stay was forwared to Hon. Assocate Justice of the Supreme Court Clarence Thomas

Full brief with attachments is about 300 pages. We can have it copied, made in a book form, autographed and mailed to you for a minimum donation of a $100 or more. It will help cover our costs and fees and will help Dr. Taitz to continue fighting for your freedoms and for your children’s future . […]

Now even attorneys of department of Justice are saying that we have a corrupt Dep. of Justice. How do you expect me to succeed going after illegitimate Obama or illegitimate Damon Dunn? Watch the interview with this DOJ whistle blower.Criminal cartel took over this nation. People will have to start making citizen arrests of the criminals, who endanger their lives, their property and their safe and lawful and fair voting

HI election official gives an interview to ABC station, confirms that Obama was not born in HI

Now there are 12.5 million articles on IXquick.com under “Orly Taitz”. I am not sure exactly what is going on, but it is going viral. Where is NOW now?

I am wondering: where is NOW now? Where is the National Organization for Women?  Do I have to be  a lesbian, a stripper sleeping with a celebrity or at the very minimum a liberal Democrat to get some support from the National Organization for Women? Where is Gloria Alride? Where is Katie Couric? Where is Barbara Walters? […]

RT TV has shown this interview live in LA, NY, DC, on 6 continents. I wish they would not have shown the paintings and would have concentrated on the issues, but we will need and will have discovery in both actions: against Obama and against Dunn, Bowen and others. Keep in mind, Watergate started with the money trail. RT TV just posted the interview on you tube. Here it is. I hope we will have discovery soon. Nearly 2 years of hell and agony is probably enough for any human being.

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