
Cornell law professor William Jacobsen and Catholic University law professor Sarah Dugin support my position. Can someone get their phone numbers and check if they would write Amicus Curiae in support of my case, which will be heard in conference by all 9 Supreme Court judges on January 7

 Flag this message Cornell Law Professor: “Obama’s strategy of concealing the records and dismissing the ‘Birthers’ as cranks is not working” Wednesday, December 29, 2010 10:47 AM From: “David LaRocque” Message contains attachments 1 File (111KB) winmail.dat “It…seems that the supposed intellectual poles have been reversed. People who supposedly are irrational and driven by hatred […]

Quite an awakening for Chris Matthews. Please, call him and see if he will allow me to talk about Obama’s constitutional illegitimacy to U.S. presidency and how it ties in withillegal immigration and anchor babies

 Flag this message Chris Matthews: “I Don’t Think Democrats Want To Stop” Illegal Immigration Wednesday, December 29, 2010 5:09 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Bud Chris Matthews: “I Don’t Think Democrats Want To Stop” Illegal Immigration https://www.mediaite.com/tv/chris-matthews-i-dont-think-democrats-want-to-stop-illegal-immigration/ » 56 comments by Matt Schneider | 5:49 pm, December 28th, 2010 Video What’s gotten into […]

I don’t know who is the author, but we have now the music and the lyrics for the play “American POW in America”

“The Guardian” a leading newspaper from United Kingdom publishes a new article about eligibility. They are already writing about my article, posted yesterday “New play -American POW in America”. Within hours it is being promoted on the other side of the globe.

Barack Obama detractors, the’birthers’, face challenge from Hawaii governor Conspiracy theorists’ claim that president is an alien interloper and not a US citizen to be challenged by Neil Abercrombie   Share   Comments (8) Ed Pilkington in New York guardian.co.uk, Sunday 26 December 2010 17.15 GMT Article history Barack Obama’s citizenship is a target for the […]

Here is a link to Los Angeles Times article. Please, write and call governor Abercrombie of HI and demand the earliest possible date for the eligibility debate. Explain to him that an army hero is sitting in jail because he is not willing to serve under a usurper. There is a total demoralization of US military and it will only get worse until the issue is resolved

Fwd: Birther Article InboxX  Reply |George Miller to colony14, me show details 9:13 AM (3 hours ago) Regards, George Miller https://venturacountyteaparty.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don’t you just love the LA Times?   https://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-obama-birthers-20101224,0,3744847.story

Governor Abercrombie of HI and arrogant usurper Obama: put up or shut up and go home. POW LTC DR Lakin is a political prisoner in US because of your fraud

For Hawaii governor, discrediting anti-Obama ‘birthers’ is a top … Dec 24, 2010… live birth … you don’t find the name of the doctor, hospital or signature,” said prominent “birther” Orly Taitz, a California lawyer and … blog.bitcomet.com/post/268415/ – 2965 49 minutes ago

Today’s World Net Daily lead article

BORN IN THE USA? Supremes facing eligibility challenge to Obama, again Taitz’s case distributed for conference among justices on Jan. 7 Posted: December 18, 2010 12:35 am Eastern By Bob Unruh © 2010 WorldNetDaily It just doesn’t appear to be going away. The idea that Barack Obama’s eligibility to occupy to Oval Office, and do chores such […]

African-American Pastor James Manning, a political dissident against illegitimate Obama regime, was illegally arrested, detained for 3 hours at Fort Meade, interrogated and pressured to sign a statement without an attorney present

Alexander Gofen to me show details 10:52 PM (6 hours ago) (Not for posting)        Dear Orly,        I guess you are well informed about that unlawful arrest of Pastor Manning and his team: https://atlahmedianetwork.org/?p=11907

Please, patriots make an effort to come to Fort Meade Dec 14-15 at 9am to support LTC Dr. Terry Lakin- an American Hero standing up for U.S. Constitution, which many high officials failed to do

McInerney: “Congressional Investigations If Lakin Imprisoned” CMDR Kerchner & Orly Taitz To Be At The Court Martial Tuesday — Know Anyone In Maryland, Get Them There InboxX  Reply |Jeff LICHTER show details 5:55 PM (1 hour ago) LAKIN WILL BRING DOWN OBAMA YET…OBAMA IS BACKING HIMSELF INTO A CORNER BIG TIME IF LAKIN IS FOUND […]

Supreme Court distributed my case for conference of all 9 justices to be held on January 7, 2011

No. 10-541   Title: Orly Taitz, Petitioner v. Thomas D. MacDonald, et al. Docketed: October 25, 2010 Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Case Nos.: (09-15418) Decision Date: March 15, 2010 Rehearing Denied: May 14, 2010 ~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings  and  Orders~~~~~~~~~ Aug 12 2010 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. […]

Call TN senators and Congressmen, demand to free a hero Commander Fitzpatrick, who blew the whistle on corruption in the grand jury system and who filed the first criminal complaint against Obama for elections fraud and treason

Calling all activists to make phone calls tomorrow! InboxX  Reply |Stephanie F show details 6:40 PM (13 hours ago) Images are not displayed. Display images below – Always display images from stephanieflater@yahoo.comThanks to those who called Tennessee Representative John Duncan (in Lt. Cmdr. Walter Fitzpatrick’s district) on Friday.  His office staffers were polite, but relayed […]

Fed created trillions of funny money. Demand from every Congressman to support Ron Paul for the financial subcommittee chair auditing the Federal Reserve- a private bank, which usurped U.S. banking and destroyed U.S. economy and our children’s financial future. Fed needed a puppet like Obama to continue funnelling money to foreign banks

More on Siddharth Velamoor, Obama defense attorney, who was planted as an attorney-law clerk for judge Carter to defame me and derail my case. No answer from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on my appeal and demand to reverse Carter decision due to clear bias, lack of impartiality and improper influence by the White House

Siddharth Velamoor on the editorial board (in 2008) of a law journal ? show details 1:22 AM (6 hours ago) Something doesn’t make any sense. Someone graduates a 3rd rate law school (Comenius University in Slovakia) in 2008 and is ALREADY serving (in 2008) on the damn editorial board of a prestigious law journal ??? […]

You can download the REN-TV European program quickly by going to Google, Orly Taitz, REN-TV option video

REN TV fast Friday, December 3, 2010 10:18 AM From: “lioudmila dyer” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Message contains attachments 1 File (293KB) VOENNAYAtayna.docxДорогая Мисс Орли. Я нескоко  раз пыталась открыть ЛИНК который Вы дали, чтобы посмотреть ВОЕННУЮ ТАЙНУ. Это очень долго и безрезультатно для меня по крайней мере. Тогда я набрала Вас […]

This is the link to Russian language interview. The file is 360 megabites, it takes about an hour to download, it is easier to watch it on MAC

  Russians are more informed than most of U.S. media They end this program by saying, why doesn’t Obama resolve all the questions by releasing all the documents. They are talking about: 1. multiple SS numbers in the databases and the fact that Obama is using a stolen SS number from CT 2. the fact […]

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