
from fellowship of minds

Proof of Fake Social Security Number: Lawrence O’Donnell is a … May 9, 2011 … O’Donnell Beats Up on Orly Taitz Because She Shows Proof of Fake Social Security Number from Connecticut … fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/…/proof-of-fake-social-security-number- lawrence-odonnell-is-a-bullying-pig/ – 2624 43 minutes ago

Birthers have more up their sleeve

Thom Hartmann: Orly Taitz – Birthers have more up their sleeve   8 min – Apr 28, 2011 – Uploaded by TheBigPictureRT- Block all youtube.com results Not helpful? You can block youtube.com results when you’re signed in to search.youtube.com Orly Taiz tells Thom Hartmann where the birthers are going next and how they will go […]

Here is the video tape of the argument before the 9th Circuit court of Appeals

I need to explain a couple of points, which people might not know or understand. I filed this case as the only attorney on inauguration day. Gary Kreep joined only towards the end. I represent Ambassador Alan Keyes,  10 state representatives and 30 members of the military. Kreep represents only 2 clients. After Carter ordered the case […]

Finally election fraud cases are being tried and officials are facing prison terms. So far nothing was done in relation to fraud committed by Damon Dunn here in Ca and of course Obama was not prosecuted yet. Please, demand prosecution

FYI – Two Michigan Democrats Charged in Tea Party Election Fraud fromEarl C  toOrly Taitz <orly.taitz@gmail.com> dateSat, May 7, 2011 at 9:46 AM subjectFYI – Two Michigan Democrats Charged in Tea Party Election Fraud hide details 9:46 AM (26 minutes ago) Just FYI Orly.  ~Earl ————- Two Michigan Democrats Charged in Tea Party Election Fraud. […]

from Voltaire blog. Please, forward this to your Attorney Generals, governors, congressmen, demand immediate investigation!

Orly Taitz Exposes Barack Obama for Social Security Fraud.flv 06.05.2011 | Author: admin | Posted in Freedom of speech O’Donnell is a complete & utter jackass in the way he conducts himself here. Like it or not Ms Orly Taitz definitively exposes Barack Obama for Social Security Fraud. If this were perpetrated by anyone else […]

9th circuit court of Appeals. My presentation starts around 18min

Tomorrow I am on Peter Tilden show 790 KABC LA, 7:30 AM. Call 1-800 -222-KABC

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Tea Party Nation News

Tea Party Nation May 5, 2011 … RT – Orly Taitz States Obama Is Using STOLEN Connecticut SS Number And Provides Proof. Added by Scott Adams … www.teapartynation.com/ – 2267 37 minutes ago

A complaint was filed with Inter-American commission for human rights. Complaint is confidential, but lists abuses by Obama regime.

Inter-American Court of Human Rights From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search The Inter-American Court of Human Rights is an autonomous judicial institution based in the city of San José, Costa Rica. Together with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, it makes up the human rights protection system of the Organization of American […]

this interview with ultra liberal Joy Behar was already seen by 75,000 people

Great news! Pro Obama, far left “Los Angeles Times” writes a positive, fair and balanced article about my case!!!

News for orly taitz Southern California ‘birthers’ keep the controversy going 5 hours ago Attorney Orly Taitz, a leader of the “birthers” challenging President Obama’s eligibility to hold office, speaks to the media outside the US 9th Circuit … Los Angeles Times – 216 related articles – Shared by 10+ ►

This “Associated Press” article was republished in multiple news papers around the world

9th Circuit hears arguments in Obama birth lawsuit May 2, 2011 … But it has not deterred Orly Taitz, an attorney at the forefront of the birther movement. On Monday, Taitz told a three-judge panel of the … azdailysun.com/…/article_c508d7d1-05bc-516f-ae37-b9a529576729.html – 116 1 minute ago

WND, Alex Jones show quoted the president of Pakistan, stating that Bin Laden was dead for over 7 years

Starla HeavensAcresFarm@aol.com Submitted on 2011/05/02 at 2:38pm “STAGED OSAMA ASSASSINATION: GET READY FOR MORE WAR” Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com May 2, 2011 https://www.infowars.com/staged-osama-assassination-get-ready-for-more-war/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From: https://www.prisonplanet.com/inside-sources-bin-ladens-corpse-has-been-on-ice-for-nearly-a-decade.html “- Former CIA officer and hugely […]

I got about 50 e-mails stating, that layers in this document cannot be created by scanning. I got one comment, saying it is possible. It can be an obot, trying to discourage us. Just to be on the safe side, is there any way, for layers in the document to be created during scanning?

John Submitted on 2011/04/28 at 5:29pm Dear Orly: Please, don’t rush to follow this path. The “multi-layer” issue is a non-issue. The layers can be generated by the scanning process. It be better to raise the issue that “now” one must consider the discrepancies between the Long Form and the alleged adoption (change of name) […]

Please, write to FCC and Congress demand hearing and severe sanctions against MSNBC and Lawrence O’Donnell show for being complicit in massive fraud of American citizens.

donna marie Submitted on 2011/04/28 at 3:34pm Hi, Orly. I just viewed the video of you on MSNBC and was totally shocked at the way he treated you. Especially when you asked if you could speak, and he shouted “No!” at you. In fact, all he did was yell at you. He is the crazy […]

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