
PDF version of the court subpoena from HI

Court subpoena HI

Letter from SSA shows an invalid application form for Ann Dunham

I received today a letter from the Social Security administration. It provided years when social security revised its forms. As you can see, there was no revision in 1955, however the form allegedly  submitted by Stanley Ann Dunham to the Social Security administration, shows on the bottom non-existent revision date of 1955. As I provided […]

Update on FOIA legal actions in DC and HI and thanks to Ms. Tckly (I don’t know her real name)

Dear Ms. Tickly, thank you for your help and information. I assure you, that things are in the works and the legal actions are moving along  in spite of all the attacks from Philip Berg and Gary Kreep and an army of Obots, who even created additional sites and pages on Facebook, calling for my disbarrment  and need to waste […]

New Wenzel poll: half of American voters do not beieve Obama’s papers, do not believe he is eligible. Among men skepticism is rising to 60% (I have a feeling, I contributed to this statistics)

newstip: 77% of Republican​s, 43% Independen​ts and 28% Dems want ELIGIBILIT​Y INQUIRY X InboxX  Reply |jose Barrera to me show details 5:51 PM (7 minutes ago) “Even among Democrats, more than one in four – 28 percent – said they now want an inquiry, as do 43 percent of independents and 77 percent of Republicans. […]

Enemies attack the ones, who are perceived as the biggest threat, but at the end cream rises to the top

OBAMA’s Case in 9th Dist. # 2, Orly TAITZ get … 15 min – May 10, 2011 – Uploaded by williamwagener Atty. Kreep finishs, Dr & Atty. Orlly TAITZ compares Judicial buse and Undue pressure as like the Soviet Union, and mentions that … youtube.com Remember the attacks and the ridicule, that were launched against […]

from supporter Paula Hoehn regarding stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425, which is being illegally used by Obama

Paula Hoehn pshoehn@yahoo.com Submitted on 2011/06/24 at 4:04pm June 24, 2011 e-mail to Rep. Goodlatte: Subject: Please investigate Obama’s forged BC and stolen SSN. Dear Rep. Goodlatte, I have read about your e-mail response of June 23, 2011 to your constituent Dean C. Haskins, posted on the internet at: https://giveusliberty1776.blogspot.com/ and https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/ in which […]

Breakthrough! Congressman Goodlatte acknowledges Congressional investigation of ObamaFraudGate!!! Keep burning the phone lines. Demand meetings with chairs of committees ASAP, Pronto!!!

We need urgent meetings with: 1. Sam Johnson- chair of subcommittee for the Social Security 2. Lamar Smith- chair of the Committee on the Judiciary 3. Darrell Issa- chair of the oversight committee 4. Dana Rohrabacher- chair of the subcommittee on intelligence of foreign relations committee 5. Mike Rogers-chair of House intelligence committee (former FBI […]

Correction: Attorney, who accused me of being a racist is April Blackman not Blackwell, her info is below

Notorious Obot rakasha.elemental@yahoo.com Submitted on 2011/06/22 at 10:42pm Hmm. Interesting. According to the CA Bar there is no lawyer named April Blackwell currently licensed to practice law in CA. Also, Orly, which Superior Court Bldg. were you at? I ask because you had nothing scheduled today in any court, you haven’t posted anything about […]

I can’t deal with these dumb bureaucrats anymore. I need my supporters to call Lindsey Ray, scheduler for Congr. Johnson and explain, that Commissioner Astrue is allowing Obama to seat in the WH with a stolen CT SSN ID, that is why we need the Congress to act

From: “Ray, Lindsey” <Lindsey.Ray@mail.house.gov> Date: June 22, 2011 6:32:40 AM PDT To: Edward MacIsaac Subject: RE: new informationRoad from Just to clarify – Mr. Johnson is the Chairman of the Social Security Subcommittee on the Ways and Means Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. He does not actually work for the Social Security Administration. […]

My motion to strike was docketed today in Taitz v Astrue, see the link

Taitz v Astrue filed motion to strike

Supplemental brief Filed in the 9th circuit in Barnett, Keyes et al v Obama et al

Barnett, Keyes at al v Obama et al 9th circuit final supplemental brief #3 Cases 09-56827 and 10-55084 Submitted on behalf of  all 40  Plaintiffs in Barnett et al v Obama et al 10-55084 Attorney Taitz represents all plaintiffs in 10-55084 Barnett, Keyes et al v Obama et al UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS   […]

from WorldNetDaily today, June 15

 Flag this message Investigation getting closer to Obama Social Security records Wednesday, June 15, 2011 4:49 AM From: “WND” <alerts@alerts.worldnetdaily.com> Add sender to Contacts To: “orly taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Obama critic coming closer to Social Security records? Judge advances FOIA dispute over application for Connecticut number President […]

letter to Barack Obama, requesting voluntary consent for access to his original BC, stored in HI

Dr Orly Taitz ESq 29839 Santa  Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603 Orly.Taitz@gmail.com 06.14.2011 Mr. Barack Hussein Obama White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC Via certified mail returned receipt Dear Mr. Obama On April 27 2011 with great fanfare you unearthed your long form birth certificate, which […]

Attorney General of HI states, that the director of Health Loretta Fuddy will not comply with the subpoena and will not provide access to original BC due to reasons of privacy. How is it private, when he posted the copy on Whitehouse.com. It’s not privacy, it’s forgery, stupid

Taitz v Astrue redacted first amended complaint and redacted complaint FedExed today

Taitz v Astrue redacted first amended complaint

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