
Update on Taitz v Donahoe, Obama’s use of a fabricated Selective Service registration with a fabricated cancellation USPS stamp affixed to it

Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz Latest correspondence with the Department of Justice is provided herein. High ranking officials, US attorneys and courts continue this RICO of theft of the US Presidency by a citizen of Indonesia Barry Soetoro, aka Soebakah, aka Obama by fraud and while using fabricated IDs. Attorney Orly Taitz is […]

Taitz v Astrue Reply to Opposition and Motion to Strike

  Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz New filing in Taitz v Astrue 11-cv-402 District of Columbia, Hon Royce c Lamberth, is attache dherein. Pleadings in the case and documents show that not only Obama used a stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425 of Harrison (Harry) J. Bounel, but also high ranking officials of […]

Your help is needed to organize protests in front of the houses of several anti-American, treasonous billionaires pushing the most corrupt congressmen to pass amnesty of 42 million illegals and drastically lower the wages of Americans. We need people to protest on public sidewalk in front of the house of Congressman Issa, who is set to introduce amnesty bill. Issa lives in San Diego area, Zuckerberg in Palo Alto area, Soros and Bloomberg in New York. If you can protest, call Orly Taitz at 949-683-5411 or e-mail at orly.taitz@hushmail.com

https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/362532/soros-fellow-billionaires-open-borders-lobby-gop-amnesty-mark-krikorian We need volunteers to picket on the public sidewalk in front of the houses of several congressmen: Issa, Boehner, Cantor, Goodlatte, Ryan, McCarty- demand  NO on Schumer-Rubio treasonous amnesty bill. With over 90 million adult Americans not in labor force at all and another 25 million on unemployment or working part time with no […]

After 16 hours of “processing” this, 10.26.2013, edition of Taitz report is finally on the Internet, make it go viral. Demand investigation of disbursements of700 mil contract of Obamacare web site, demand investigation of Obama’s invalid SSN, failed E-verify

Looks, like I am really hitting the nerve. It has been 9 hours and Google-YouTube are still blocking my latest video in “processing”

How do you get rid of a lemon? is there a kickback in 700 mil Obamacare web site? I  recorded the latest edition of Taitz report at 4 am, it is being blocked by Google-YouTube for 9 hours. In my latest report I argued that 700 million contract for Obamacare website made by Sibelius with […]

Reminder: please, be in court this Wednesday, October 23, 9 am, 601 Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA, Taitz v Obama. Please, contact veterans, bikers, truckers, tea party, ask people to be in court

Will Judge Lamberth seek a special prosecutor in ObamaForgeryGate similar to Archbald Cox and Leon Jaworski in Watergate?

Truckers deliver to Congress a demand to remove Obama from office due to bogus IDs, dog eats documents at Department of Justice, eats $650 billion at Treasure and eats the back bone and other important parts of Republicans who believe a bogus NBC poll and ready to surrender, when they have all the cards in their hands. Call Sen Collins and the rest, demand they stand strong and do not offer anything until after October 17th. Don’t be a moron, let the Dems and Obama come to you with offers

More evidence of malicious sabotage and tampering by the regime as mounting evidence for my RICO case

The public can see more evidence of malicious tampering, sabotage, disinformation of the public by the regime. tampering with my web sites, e-mail accounts, my mail, my phones, my car and now the you tube channel. 1. I have reported previously that the regime had a lock on my videos and it was reported to […]

Want to solve an impasse? Are you exasperated? Bring a cow in the house. Why not raising a debt limit will be the best thing that ever happened to this country?


Next act of the play. Today Obama is meeting with top US bankers to discuss the government shut down and looming default. It looks like he is in for a healthy dose of enema for his “I will not negotiate with Congress” prima donna aria

PIC OF THE DAY – OCTOBER 2, 2013 HERE’S A PHOTO OF THE HOUSE READY TO MEET WITH DEMOCRATS EXCEPT THE “SENATE” REFUSED TO SHOW UP. Today top nations bankers are meeting with Obama. At this meeting Obama cannot allow himself to take this “I don’t negotiate with Congress stance.”  He will have to provide a concrete plan, how he WILL […]

Obama blinks, pushes Syrian debate towards mid September as a distraction from budget, Obamacare, immigration and PPT, which he plans to push through quietly. GOP should not take the bait and should call Obama on his bluff

  Press release from Dr Orly Taitz, ESQ 08.31.2013 Orly Taitz Obama blinks, pushes Syrian debate towards mid August as a distraction from budget, Obamacare, immigration and PPT, all of the programs  he plans to push through quietly. GOP should not take the bait and should call Obama on his bluff. Today Obama issued a […]

Please, spread the word. Nearly 100,000 people watched me testifying before the ballot law commission. Every American citizen has to know that we have a criminal in the WH

Press Release: OrlyTaitzESQ.com is in top 50 Conservative Internet magazines/ web sites according to Ranking.com

Press Release: OrlyTaitzESQ.com is in top 50 Conservative Internet magazines/ web sites according to Ranking.com Ranking.com was used, as it is believed that large companies like Google, Alexa might be connected to the ruling establishment and their ranking might be  skewed. TOP 50 MOST READ CONSERVATIVE WEB SITES/INTERNET MAGAZINES Top ranked conservative web sites/ Internet […]

Senator Corker: Show me the intel! UN chemical weapons inspector Carla de Ponti: Chemical weapons were used by the rebels, not government of Syria

Is Obama administration rushing  to bomb Syria in order to deflect attention from their de facto stealing of estimated 300 billion from retirement and disability funds of Federal employees, of NSA, IRS, FEC, DOJ scandals and of impending revelation in courts of Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number and fabricated IDs? By Orly […]

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