
Farrar et al v Obama et al submitted today to judge Malihi in GA. Trial is tenatively set between january 9-16. Please, forward to all media outlets in Ga and around the country, as well as international media

Farrar et al v Obama et al Election challenge NH Exhibits1-4 Election Challenge NH Exhibits 5-9Election Challenge Exhibits 10, 11, 12 PS I will be on TV today in Santa Maria, Santa Barbara area of  CA “On Second thought” with host William Waggener

Nearly 40,000 people saw this video clip of my testimony before NH Ballot Law Commission in re to ObamaForgeryGate

Translate results into my language 57:34Add to Orly Taitz vs NH Ballot Law Commission Obama Birth www.TimCartersFirePit.com founder Tim Carter attended a hearing taping this video where evidence was presented to the NH Ballot Law Commission … by TJCTV | 3 days ago | 39,975 views new

Reminder, rehearing of this ruling in HI is coming on November 30, please, come to the 1st circuit court of Honolulu, 10 am, to support me in demanding the release of the original BC

Video of my testimony before NH Ballot Law Commission posted again, as it was reported that the link does not work

Video: Orly before NH Election Committee

Full one hour video of my testimony before NH Election Committee. Thank you Mr. Tim for your help.

Sen. Feinstein Loaded up on Biotech Stock Just Before Company Received $24 Million Gov’t Grant

Huge! “Drudge Report” writes about my oral argument before the NH Ballot Law Committee

Subject: RE: Drudge REPORTING Obama BC Forgery story…   Gary,   Here is the article on Drudge.   https://www.concordmonitor.com/article/293101/birther-challenges-obama?CSAuthResp=1321635127%3Akac5p0ac2a53k27d9iernpe2m5%3ACSUserId%7CCSGroupId%3Aapproved%3AC7BFB10B487EEBB060A53F45DE1EA54D&CSUserId=94&CSGroupId=1   Jeff

Here is the original “Concord Monitor” article by reporter Maddie Hanna, which was pulled by the regime (inconvenient truth?)

I need help in research.  I am preparing several cases now. We need such Usurper Obama ballot challenges in each and every state, we will burst this fraud and treason wide open. Supreme Court of the US will not be able to ignore 50 cases coming from the Supreme courts of 50 states, just as […]

Concord Monitor covers the hearing and the revolt by the State Representatives after Commission became complicit in Elections fraud, Forgery and Treason

View our complete coverage » Primary Circus 2012 More from Primary Circus 2012 » Primary Circus Orly Taitz challenges Obama’s U.S. citizenship Photo by John Tully / Monitor staff Orly Taitz, from California, questions a representative from the Secretary of State, Bill Gardner’s office regarding the primary ballot registration process.Purchase photo reprints at PhotoExtra » […]

Extremely important! Obama’s fate as a candidate in NH will be decided tomorrow!

Overnight my account with Network Solutions was hacked and body of all the articles posted yesterday was deleted. Also, somebody disabled the backup function on my Network Solutions server. So, there is no back up. I am reposting the complaint and exhibits and info on the tomorrow’s upcoming NH Elections Board hearing. I am getting really […]

Emergency Petition for Writ of Mandamus was filed today in the 9th Circuit.

Today was a tough day. I had to stay up all night to submit this petition and 151 pages of exhibits.    After I filed the documents with court, there was tampering with my web site, it went down, I had to spend several hours on the phone, taking care of the web site. As you recall, […]

last hearing in HI

I am not sure, whether I can attend this hearing. Can my supporters attend this disciplinary hearing for PA attorney Philip Berg, who together with Gary Kreep was attacking me? Can you record what transpired during this hearing and what was decided in regards to his law license?

Home Attorney Info Consumer Info Look Up Pennsylvania Attorneys Disciplinary Reporter Supreme Court Actions 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Attorney ID: 9867 Berg, Philip J. PENDING PROCEEDINGS PETITION FOR DISCIPLINE DB No. Date Description Effective 208 DB 2010 10/18/2010 PETITION FOR DISCIPLINE FILED   208 DB 2010 12/13/2010 ANSWER TO PETITION FOR DISCIPLINE FILEDBY RESPONDENT […]

Very important! PDF of the Court copy of the November 30 hearing in Taitz v Fuddy, Onaka

Orly Taitz Petiton for Hearing 11-30-11[1] You will not find any reports about this hearing, you will not find the pleadings  in our corrupt main stream media or even WND, or Birther Report/Obama Release your Records who claim to cover eligibility and ObamaFraudGate. This is the only web site, which provides you with the reports and actual pleadings of […]

November 30, 2011 hearing against Director of Health Fuddy and Registrar Onaka has been docketed

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