
from my supporter Tim Powers

Hmmmm     SOME OF YOU WILL APPRECIATE THIS AND SOME OF YOU WILL NOT. I DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR SENDING THIS BECAUSE ALL OF IT IS TRUE.   If any other of our presidents had doubled the National Debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would You have […]

from Barbara Coe, president of OCIR

REMINDER to California/O/C AMERICAN PATRIOTS:     PLEASE send your message to these O/C Supervisors, URGING them to DEFUND the Orange County Human Relations Commission (who is trying to censor OUR Free Speech rights in opposition to THEIR Pro-radical Islamic Muslim efforts) AND these Supervisors allocated $300,000 of OUR tax dollars to fund these anti-American radical […]

this is frightening, you have to resist federalization of the police, or you will be a part of the most oppressive police state

Hey,  – This is pretty bad stuff.  Especially how they are working out tax assessments to property owners to pay for UPD ‘services’.  This is a long read, but comprehensive.  More Agenda 21 – public/private partnership crap.  And, of course, it’s all spun by the media to sound like a great thing for all the […]

a great letter to Obama: “go back to 1959 lines, so Hi is not a state and you are not a citizen”. It is hilarious, but in reality we don’t need to give up HI, Obama is indeed not a citizen, but a criminal with a forged birth certificate and a stolen CT SS number

 Flag this message LETTER TO THE USURPER: Monday, May 23, 2011 5:36 AM Dear President Obama:    I am writing today with a somewhat unusual request. Actually, it is a series of requests. First and foremost, I will be asking that you return America to its August 20th, 1959 borders so that Hawaii is no […]

My supporters are correct, my goal, as well as Trump’s and Corsi’s, all along was to force Obama to release his forged birth certificate and prosecute him based on evidence, that he, himself, provided. It worked, he took the bait. Now it’s to prosecute him.

Veritas Submitted on 2011/05/22 at 3:22pm Here would have been a fertile topic for discussion. Did OBAMA release his fraudulent B.C. and himself right into “birthers’” hands? Did Trump, Orly, Corsi, et al, just make mega progress, because what some knew or suspected existed as a Fraudulent document all along, was released for all to […]

Can someone contact Gene Simmons and forward to him info on Obama’s forged birth certificate and stolen CT SSN? Can someone get his phone number? maybe, he can help with bringing awareness of ObamaFraudGate to Hollywood

Tonya Franklin and 18 other friendsBob Vishneski   Gene Simmons Slams President Obama’s Israel Policy: Gene Simmons Slams President Obama’s Israel Policy: ‘He Has No F-Ing Idea What The World Is Like’ May 21, 2011 at 9:50 am – CNBC Dateline: “How about YOU live there and try to defend an indefensible border?” FAIR USE […]

The squatter in the White House calls the state of Israel a squatter, and tells Israelies to go… I say, the squatter in the White House, sitting there with a forged birth certificate and an invalid CT Social Security number needs to lead by example and needs to go first!!!

  Jeff Dunetz / YID With LID: SLAM!!  Bibi Diplomatically “Slaps” Obama During White House Press Op  —  It was a stunning tableau, a President of the United States sitting back and glaring while the Prime Minister of Israel pushed back against the words made by the POTUS yesterday.  Both parties made their presentations … […]

from my supporter Nicole. I get a lot of e-mails like this and it helps me to keep going and fighting the thug-o-rama running this country

 Flag this message Fw: E-mail me after you get this. Thursday, May 19, 2011 5:28 AM From: “Nicole .JPG No virus threat detected File: DSCN1567 (2).JPGDownload File Orly, I have been very proactive in your movement behind the scenes. If you ever need a place tostay I live two hrs. east of DC. Please remember […]

Urgent help needed!!! Please, call OK state senators and state representatives and demand they vote on reconciled eligibility bill SB 91

OK State Capitol:             405-521-2711 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              405-521-2711      end_of_the_skype_highlighting  Governor Mary Fallin E-mail: info@gov.ok.gov Phone: 405-521-2342 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              405-521-2342      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Fax: (405) 521-335  SENATE Main Switchboard 405-524-0126 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              405-524-0126      end_of_the_skype_highlighting  Senate President Bingman 405-521-5528 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              405-521-5528      end_of_the_skype_highlighting bingman@oksenate.gov  Authors of SB91 in Senate:   Senator Rick Brinkley 405-521-5566 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              405-521-5566      end_of_the_skype_highlighting brinkley@oksenate.gov   Senator Ralph Shortey 405-521-5557 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              405-521-5557      end_of_the_skype_highlighting shortey@oksenate.gov   I attached SB91 in a pdf. (It says […]

from editor of “PostEmail” Sharon Rondeau

Orly Taitz: Default Judgment Due in Obama Social Security Number … 7 hours ago – 30-DAY RESPONSE TIME HAS ELAPSED WITH NO ANSWER by Sharon Rondeau (May 18, 2011) — On May 13, 2011, Atty. Orly Taitz posted on her website that she had. www.thepostemail.com/…/orly-taitz-default-judgment-due-in-obama-social- security-number-case/

from my supporter Florence

Florence Stone Submitted on 2011/05/17 at 10:29pm They keep sending me snail mail, asking for money, and I keep mailing back a copy of Orly’s letter to Obama after the AZ shooting, and my cover letter telling them they don’t get one red cent from me until they put their support behind Orly to remove […]

from supporter Henry Tisdale

Please Post This Again, Orly, The RNC is Beginning to Soften Somewhat Tuesday, May 17, 2011 1:51 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Henry Tisdale” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> ATTENTION BIRTHERS, TEA PARTY MEMBERS, PATRIOTS EVERYWHERE, Let’s face it, Fellow Americans, it seems that none of us can explain why this […]

Breaking News [BREAKING:] Donald Trump Abandons Presidential Run By Matt Coker, Mon., May 16 2011 @ 10:43AM Comments (1) Categories: Breaking News, Politics, TV Share  0diggsdigg ​Donald Trump earlier this morning announced at the NBC Upfront event in midtown New York City that he is not running for president in 2012, New York magazine reports. […]

LTC Dr. Lakin is finally free. We now need to work really hard to put criminal and fraud Obama in the cell, that Lakin occupied. Prison is a generous punishment for one getting in the WH with a forged BC and stolen SSN ID. Please, work hard to remove Obama from office and have him criminally prosecuted!!!

        SOCIAL MEDIA:  LIKE us on FaceBook  *  JOIN us on Twitter TERRY LAKIN IS FREE See the pictures and story Look for postings later at WND, Post & Email, Greeley Gazette, and others. *** CLICK HERE FOR TERRY’S RELEASE DATE AND HOMECOMING DETAILS  **** Click here for all news stories. The countdown […]

I just came from New Orleans. PDF of the pleadings and exhibits will be posted by Mr. Murray today or tomorrow. Summary of the oral argument and jpg of the pleadings and exhibits will be posted today

Darryl and Donna Minter with Orly Taitz in Louisiana InboxX  Reply |Darryl L. Minter, Chief Technology Officer to me show details 7:27 AM (31 minutes ago)     After following Orly Taitz and her cases for 2 and a half years, Donna and I finally got the pleasure of meeting her and spending the day […]

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