
I am very angry…

Submitted on 2009/10/30 at 8:15pm Then you mean to tell me that Judge Carter does not care that he is eligible. We have had presidents ousted before and lived through it. It is going to be much harder to live through the kings reign than to elect another president. I think that if a judge […]

See how the truth was twisted, don’t let them get away with it.

Bob Submitted on 2009/10/30 at 1:13am One other misleading statement the Judge makes : “While the original complaint in this matter was filed on January 20, 2009, Defendants were not properly served until August 25, 2009. Taitz successfully served Defendants only after the Court intervened on several occasions and requested that defense counsel make significant […]

elizabeth wilson Submitted on 2009/10/29 at 10:53pm When we clean house in Washington, we must take out the garbage in our corrupt courts. A new day is coming. Submit to them nomore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we clean house in Washington, we must take out the garbage in our corrupt courts. A new day is coming. Submit to […]

From: “Peder Anderson”  To: Orly/Charles,   I find the decision disappointing but there is something good to take from it.  That is the conclusion that the Plaintiff candidates were harmed.  I think the justiciability prong can be turned around since Carter created a false premise to justify his lack of justiciability.  We all know he […]

“One is left to wonder about judge Carter’s actual judicial motive”

Jack Submitted on 2009/10/29 at 7:21pm Before bashing Judge Carter for his October 29 Order, consider that he gave Dr. Taitz three openings wide enough through which to drive a Mack truck. First, Judge Carter misstates Orly’s argument as follows: “Plaintiffs argue that despite the fact that President Obama has produced a birth certificate from […]

Number 1 duty of the Federal government is to protect Nations borders

kenneth Submitted on 2009/10/29 at 10:56am A vote for just about any candidate from either party should be considered a vote against America. Number one duty of federal government is to protect nations border yet both parties agreed to leave border open in anticipation of SPP getting though. I do not know about you but […]

If the court does not adress Obama eligibility, there will be civil unrest

Jack Submitted on 2009/10/29 at 10:33am We’ve crossed a very critical juncture in the Obama eligibility cases — very critical in terms of timing. I believe Judge Carter knows this. Until now (or very recently, say last week or two) any court taking action vis a vis Obama eligibility would have seriously risked (let’s use […]

From my plaintiff in Barnett et al v Obama et al Capt. Pamela Barnett

https://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2373072/posts   To: Red Steel Walking into the bar, O’Reilly said to Charlie the bartender, ‘Pour me a stiff one – I just had another fight with my guest, a lady captain. And this was one was on the air.’ ‘Oh yeah?’ said Charlie, ‘And how did this one end?’ ‘When it was over,’ Bill […]

Don’t let O’Reilly get away with it

Jacqlyn Smiht Submitted on 2009/10/28 at 2:33am Great job Pam…..now everyone….here are the producers of the show…..start calling and pummel them with email and phone calls….do not let O’Reilly get away with this!!! Mitchell, Ron Producer (212) 301-3697 (212) 301-5147 ron.mitchell@foxnews.com Monaco, Rob Producer (212) 301-3198 (212) 301-5147 rob.monaco@foxnews.com From Captain Pamela Barnett to Bill […]

Is there a connection?

 Need help with research. This clerk ctarted working for judge Carter on Oct 1. Before he worked for Perkins Coie, a firm handling Obama’s defense in eligibility cases. Why do his resumes show 2 different law schools: Columbia and a school in Bratislava, Slovakia. Is there a connection to the fact that nobody remembers Obama at Columbia and he […]

I guess there is God in heaven

Joe Submitted on 2009/10/26 at 2:22pm Anita Dunn is already supposed to leave in December. It was stated when she accepted the post in March, that it was only temporary.   When will you rise and demand removal of Anita Dunn from her position as White House Communications Director? Do you want these Nutcase Maoists […]

there is no difference between the mob and the totalitarian regime

Michelle Submitted on 2009/10/23 at 11:02am Dear Dr. Orly-I cannot see any difference between the Mob and these various totalitarian governments or philosophies. They look alike, they act alike and underneath it all is total corruption. One of the best books I ever read was The Godfather by Mario Puzo. Since I’m originally from Chicago […]

From reader Phil Guerena

 Monday, October 26, 2009 2:32 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Phillip Guerena” Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Dr. Taitz, thank you for all your hard work. I appreciate your willingness to take a stand for truth.

Hello Orly, Thank you again for speaking at our Costa Mesa Republican Assembly meeting on Thursday.  You go girl!   You are in my prayers and I will send you a small donation.  Be careful out there! Sincerely,   Wendy Leece Mayor Pro Tem City of Costa Mesa   (Also, for the record, I am […]

Alinsky theory: create chaos (epidemic) and people will agree to anything

KBB Submitted on 2009/10/25 at 3:15am It was predictable that Obama would declare a nat’l emergency over this swine flu “epidemic”. It’s nothing more than his latest tactic to attempt to get Obamacare passed. He wants us to believe the world will fall off into a ditch unless the government jumps in and takes over […]

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