
Dr. Taitz, more then half of the country is backing you

To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Dr. Taitz,      I do applaud your attempts at bringing forth information about Obama’s eligibility to sit as the head of state.   I understand that it was thrown out of a court in Ga?, I thought it was filed in Calif.   If judge Carter threw it out I am saddened that a marine would […]

From a frustrated concerned citizen

Arresting obama Tuesday, November 10, 2009 12:20 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Concerned Citizen” Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com To whom it may concern, As a concerned citizen, that has been watching the president destroying our country, since he was elected. And despite how proud I am of my country and the […]

 Clear flag Major Hasan v Major Cook – A Contrast in Political Correctness Friday, November 6, 2009 9:47 PM From: “William M Lolli”View contact details Here is my take on the media gushing over “victim” Hasan. Compare Hasan to a real hero – Major Stefan Cook… https://www.gunnewsdaily.com/index.php/contributor-commentaries/184-hasan-v-cook-a-contrast-in-political-correctness Thanks, William Lolli, MCSE

Randall Barondess Submitted on 2009/11/07 at 1:56am Obama and his administration need out. Lets not forget about the economy. He blames it on Bush, well lets not forget that Bush was being run by Obamas congress two years before Obama took the helm….The economy is Obamas problem and he can not blame it on Bush…. […]

G. Fredrickson Submitted on 2009/11/07 at 3:36am Please go to World Net Daily and read the article entitled, “Military jihadists fill every branch.’ It is very important. Also, American Thinker has an article called “Obama and Islam”, with an accompanying video below it. The 9-minute video compilation shows Obama’s intimate ties with Islam–in his own […]

Muslim in Sheep’s Clothing by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired   If you would like to listen to an audio reading of this column click here.   Those watching events at Fort Hood have come face to face with the reality of Islamic jihad in America. No doubt excuses will explode with every possible defense […]

Can someone trace this guy’s IP? They have already disconnected a fuel emissions hose in my car, god knows what will they do next

Abdul Musab Aziz rrab@citiwide.net Submitted on 2009/11/05 at 6:39pm The shootings in Texas at military base happened because they were worried about being deployed to iraq – BECAUSE OF THE LIES YOU HAVE MADE UP ABOUT THE PRESIDENT. You have incited terrorism now with your lies and you will probably burn for it. The […]

Katie Submitted on 2009/11/05 at 8:03pm “Do you believe that Barack Obama is a native-born American citizen who is eligible to serve as president?” Uhhh, READ the Constitution! NOWHERE does it require the POTUS to be a “NATIVE-born” citizen. NATURAL born citizen!!! Born to TWO U.S. citizen parents on U.S. soil. BLOOD & DIRT – […]

TurnRight Submitted on 2009/11/02 at 11:15pm At some point America will realize that Rush, The Cowardly Lion has had his leash yanked in the direction away from even mentioning there is a controversy over the ghetto communist’s birthplace/parental citizenship. Many of us think Rush is The Doctor of Democracy… a Truth Detector. He isn’t. He’s […]

Ginny Submitted on 2009/11/04 at 9:20pm Dr.Taitz, From Russia with Love,need to check Russiann University of Peoples Friendship (formerly Patrice Lumumba).Founded 1960, Patrice Lumumba a activist in the then Belgian Congo and was killed on 2/17/1961. When Barack Obama was a senator he passed some sort of bill for Patrice Lumumba 2006. Possibly his mother […]

Apple Pie Submitted on 2009/11/05 at 5:55am Excellent to hear that Sarah is paying attention!! You 2 really are 2 peas in a pod. Both of you have been attacked as unintelligent and mean- spirited women, but we know the truth. Never have there been 2 women who have fought for us Real Americans here […]

Carlos Ramos Submitted on 2009/11/03 at 12:44pm Dear Dr Taitz; First I appreciate and support the work you are doing to rid our country of this recent vermin infestation. Cowards like this silly cowardly judge bore me! I hear that you are a target – I know whatthat is like and since I have until […]

From Licensed investigator Susan Daniels to judge Carter

 Clear flag Fwd: CA Judge Sunday, November 1, 2009 8:03 AM From: “susandanielspi@aol.com” <susandanielspi@aol.com> View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Orly, This letter is going out in tomorrows mail. Susan    The Honorable Judge David O. Carter  Ronald Reagan Federal Building and U. S. Courthouse  411 West 4th Street  Santa Ana, CA 92701-4516    Dear Judge […]

I hope every member of US military reads this while pondering on decisions of Judge Carter, Judge Land GA, Judge Richard Lazarra FL, Judge Xavier Rodriquez TX

UNBELIEVABLE USURPER PRESIDENT HERE IS HIS RESPONSE WHEN HE BACKED OFF FROM HIS DECISION TO LET THE MILITARY PAY FOR THEIR WAR INJURIES. WHAT AN EMPTY HEADED PERSON HE MUST BE…. Bad press, including major mockery of the plan by comedian Jon Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposal to require veterans carry private […]

From a talk show host and a former Marine Rick Biesada

    Fwd: Semper Fi, To The Few ! Sunday, November 1, 2009 6:30 PM From:   View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com     Happy Birthday United States Marine Corps. This November 10th, we will be celebrating 234 years of honorable, tenacious, service, to the United States of America, but in this Socialist climate, I’m hoping […]

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