
From Reality Check web site

Dr Taitz demands a hearing within 20 days Posted by admin On February – 15 – 2010   Dr. Orly Taitz, esq 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603 E-Mail: dr_taitz@yahoo.com UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO […]

 Flag this message Outraged Patriots overwhelmingly support you Dr. Taitz !! Monday, February 15, 2010 8:09 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Dan Howard” <outragedpatriots@yahoo.com> Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com (please feel free to post this to your web site)   From:  Dan W. Howard (Outraged Patriots)   Date:  February 15, 2010   […]

Look at the form again. Does it say on the bottom “Revised 7-65” How could she fill out in 1959 a form that didn’t exist till 1965? I need a few people, who got these from SSA to mail the originals to me.

  Re: Thanks Thursday, January 21, 2010 10:09 AM From: “Roger Beckham”View contact details To: “‘Orly Taitz’” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Orly:   Your continued efforts are more than enough thanks for most of us! You are the one deserving the thanks on a continuing basis!   God bless and be safe   Roger

Letter from supporter Paula Hoehn

TO:  DR. ORLY’S SUPPORTERS I used Dr. Orly’s ‘Donate’ button on her website to make an on-line donation today, and I had no problems using Paypal on her website. There are a lot of expenses resulting from filing briefs, as well as traveling to give interviews, and many other expenses which all add up, and […]

Every citizen should file this report with every SS office, US and DA attorney’s office and demand immediate action, demand immediate action from congressmen and senators or they will be voted out of office.

 Flag this message sankey Monday, January 18, 2010 1:44 PM From: “ARTHUR OLSZEWSK View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Orly, wanted to let you know about my recent activity.  I took The Sankey report up to my SS admin. office last week. I filed ss fraud report on Obama.  you should have seen the expression on […]

Can someone get me a certified copy of Obama’s 042-68-4425 CT selective service registration?

Bill Submitted on 2010/01/14 at 3:36am Whidbeyjack, It is a social security number. When you register, you register under your name, DOB, and SS number.The point here is that he has a record that was registered under a SS number beginning with 042. SS numbers are issued according to the state where you are living […]

Stephen Knott Submitted on 2009/12/31 at 7:21am Glad Orly has enough decency as a lawyer to actually follow the law, rather than corrupt “accepted practice” and “unlawful and illegal violations of law as a matter of policy of several renegades in power as domestic enemies of the constitution”. I’m also glad she’s fulfilling her oath […]

G. Fredrickson Submitted on 2010/01/01 at 4:36am Time for us all to start connecting all the dots since the media is not doing it. 1) 7 CIA intelligence agents were killed yesterday in a suicide bombing on a U.S. base in Afghanistan. The bomber was INVITED onto the base. This means INSIDE JOB…possibly by another […]

Support Dr. Taitz,   I fully support your efforts to force Obama to prove Presidential eligibility; and as a retired USAF E-8, I believe what you are doing is of incredible importance for our country and our military.  It’s obvious Obama is hiding something, and I believe it’s his natural born citizenship.  What I find […]

Re transfer to DC

Orly, In estimation of your near future, January 2010 success in moving the Barnett vs Obama, Civil case to Washington DC, Judge Lamberth’s jurisdiction, I refer to you that American Grand Jury has also submitted its Criminal Presentments to the same Judge Lamberth and to date AGJ has received two “Orders”(replies) from Judge Lamberth in regard to its  Presentment submittal. To […]

From reader Lori I.

Lori I Submitted on 2009/12/24 at 11:11pm Best present for America this Christmas 2009!! Best present for America this Christmas 2009!!  Important, Notice of January 25 hearing and motion to move to the District of Columbia

From a fellow attorney with over 30 years of experience

Orly,   I just read your Motion to Transfer 12.24.09 filing with the court.   What a brilliant move.   What law can the judge, staff, or attorneys present to contradict your facts?   HANG IN THERE!!!!!   D.B.

stand fast

Davey Submitted on 2009/12/24 at 4:45am Patriots:…let us NOT speak in terms of giving up! Let us speak in terms of WINNING! To give you an example of the type of totally positive attitude we should all have:…WE SHOULD NEVER EVER BELIEVE IN A (”NO-WIN”) SCENARIO!!!! The Founding Fathers didn’t have all of our modern […]

frank leonetti Submitted on 2009/12/14 at 6:29pm Dr. Orly Taitz: This is NOT NBC’s interview, this is YOUR interview. . THEY DO IT YOUR WAY OR ITS THE HIGHWAY. These people are micro media nerve endings for the dot.gov.misinformation.BS ”They” have EVERYTHING to gain and loose”Their”entire backsides if ”They” don’t. Then at the very least….TAPE […]

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