
Woman of the year award from a reader Dean

If this doesn’t qualify for “Woman-of-the-Year” award, I can’t imagine what would.      

MinutemanCDC_SC Submitted on 2010/03/11 at 3:15pm Dr. Taitz, I beg you to accept my abject apologies for troubling your house. Please post the following clarification to Mr. Kornhaber’s blog at OCWeekly, which rejects my server. _____________________________________________ MinutemanCDC_SC writes: Dear O.C. readers, and Patriots, Christians, Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Countrymen, I wrote the post which offends some of […]

More Evidence. Please, contact all Republican party officials and election officials

Judith Bailey Submitted on 2010/03/10 at 11:02am What can be done to make sure that he will not have his name on the ballot. I just hope that there are some honest people that will investigate. I did email him and asked him not to run but I guess he will try to run anyway. […]

Ed Submitted on 2010/03/09 at 9:33am Well DONE!! If only the American media would allow for such a clear and uninterupted interview…perhaps one day. GOD BLESS you Dr Taitz( aka Lady Liberty). We Love and Respect you This interview on RTTV (Russia Today English Edition TV) was seen by billions of people on 6 continents, […]

 Flag this message Eligibility News: Obama conspiracy – It’s no longer just a theory | Conservative American News Monday, March 8, 2010 8:59 PM From: “George Miller” View contact details To: MicroCapMaven@aol.com An amplification of previous news of Obama/Soetoro’s ongoing fraud. It is a monument to the corruption, stupidity and partisanship of the U.S.  that […]

Malicoat Laird Submitted on 2010/03/02 at 3:01pm Orly, I do not have much money to give at this time but will send more as I can. I so want you to enter the race and win!!! We read your website everyday, sometimes several times a day. Obama must be shown for what he is. You […]

why do we need Federal judges and Supreme Court Justices who don’t believe in US Constitution and don’t defend it?

queenofshina Submitted on 2010/03/01 at 7:52pm Brilliant deduction, Bill! Yes, it does make you wonder why we need a Justice like that…or any of them for that matter. They fail to serve their purpose! It must be for appearances, or maybe they like that check each month. It certainly can’t be because they believe in […]

  Please HELP us Thursday, February 25, 2010 4:33 AM From: “Laura” Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com The very people we elected to protect our sovereignty are the very ones that are putting us into world slavery. The ‘rotating presidency’ i.e. Bushes, Clinton and Obama have been working together for years to create the […]

verite Submitted on 2010/02/21 at 8:57pm Dr. Taitz, I agree with you that Beck is a sell-out, specifically a mouthpiece/puppet for the Saudi-controlled Faux News Network, which is part of the globalist oligarchy, which has its tentacles in every aspect of our society (POTUS, SCOTUS, Congress, RNC, DNC, the media, public education, federal, state and […]

When will those judges wake up?

 Flag this message Extremely Important: News that Matters: Obama covers up Jihadist Attempted Attack and other disturbing news Friday, February 19, 2010 12:29 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “P. B.” OBAMA COVERS UP MUSLIM PLOT TO KILL THOUSANDS OF SOLDIERS WHILE HE JETS OFF TO HAWAII   (this man needs to be immediately […]

A very special open letter

  An Open Letter to Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. Friday, February 19, 2010 11:56 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Alec Knight”>View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Orly, if you decide to post this, please do not post my email address. An Open Letter to Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.   The people of the USA […]

T he percentage of each past president’s cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. You know what the private business sector is… a real life business, not a government job.

 Here are the percentages T. Roosevelt…….. 38% Taft……………..40% Wilson   …………..52% Harding…………..49% Coolidge………….48% Hoover   ……………42% F. Roosevelt………50% Truman……………50% Eisenhower………. 57% Kennedy…………..30% Johnson…………..47% Nixon…………….53% Ford……………..42% Carter……………32% Reagan……………56% GH Bush…………..51% Clinton     ……………39% GW  Bush…………..55% Obama……………..8%  !!!    Only Eight  Percent!!!..the least by far of the last 19   presidents!!  And these  people are telling our big   corporations how to […]

Beck, Coltier, O’Reilly-stop selling out to Saudi interests on the most important issue facing this nation, Obama’s illegitimacy to presidency and fraud committed by Obama in order to get in the White House

 Flag this message Fox News Bows To Saudi Masters Wednesday, February 17, 2010 6:28 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “James Flynn” Add sender to Contacts To: me@glennbeck.com, writemalkin@gmail.com, tips@hotair.com Cc: ““Dr. Orly Taitz”” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Saudi Billionaire boasts of manipulating Fox News coverage! Say it is not so Glenn Beck and O’Reilly!!!! Did your […]

topics TAITZ, ELIGIBILITY, BIRTHER are the most frequent and the top of the Greta Forum ( Greta Van Susteren hosts evening news on FOX)

 Flag this message Re: Tues…GLENN BECK is talking about BIRTHERS Tuesday, February 16, 2010 3:18 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “jose Barrera Add sender to Contacts To: “Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> this was this evening, I dont know if it is rebroadcast on the east coast! Also the topics TAITZ, ELIGIBILITY, BIRTHER […]

Shamelessly lying Newsweek posted a defamatory article on Feb12, claiming that obama’s illegitimacy was debunked, didn’t state that it was never heard on the merits, because gutless judges are scared to order discovery.

I join Joseph Farah, editor of World Net Daily in demanding retraction from Newsweek. While not too many people will believe what some dumb yahoo from Seattle Examiner is writing, a lot of people read and will believe to be true, an article  written by Newsweek, a publication read by millions of people around the World. […]

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