
From reader Jim

Jim Submitted on 2010/05/24 at 9:39pm Let’s hope that Judge Lamberth uses some common sense when deciding on this. Since this number was issued in 1976-1977, there is only one way that a number could be issued from Conn. without actually living there. That is to have a mailing address in Conn. Now for the […]

Why WND didn’t write about Obama SS fraud for a year and a half, that I have been writing about it?

Svetlana Submitted on 2010/05/24 at 9:58pm I just don’t understand why WND didn’t run with the SSN story long time ago ??? Answer from Orly: I can’t tell for sure. I have been outspoken about SS fraud for a year and a half now. For the first time that I remember speaking  about it publicly, was a […]

Please contact the members of the CRA board and demand that they issue personal statements withdrawing their support, as now they privy to the information, showing him defrauding CA voters. He still didn’t re-register properly, his voter registration card in CA still does not show his registration in TX and FL, where he registered as a Dem.

I have to explain that we can’t blame CRA members, since when they voted in the beginning of March, Damon Dunn has already campaigned for 4 months, they got a lot of e-mails from him. I only started campaigning in March, when I saw that the elected and appointed officials are not upholding the Constitution, during […]

From Desert Storm veteran Captain Pamela Barnett

P. Barnett Submitted on 2010/05/22 at 9:26am For clarification, I filed a criminal complaint with AG Brown against Bowen before I knew of all of the fraud around Dunn. My complaint against Bowen was regarding her failure to investigate Obama’s forged certifications of live birth that were posted on the internet… My complaint against AG […]

Aaron Klein, Host of WABC show and best selling author of manchurian president, is now my friend of Facebook

72 friends in commonSee All ObamaRelease YourRecords Michael Reagan Report/Block this PersonShare Aaron Klein (Aaron Klein Show Wabc)  Friend Request ConfirmedRespond to Friend Request

from reader Sherry

Sherry Malicoat Laird Submitted on 2010/05/17 at 10:06am Orly, I am really getting excited over the changes occuring as many more people are realizing Obama IS ILLEGAL and a Communist, and that he and his regime are only out to gain total control of America. You see peoples’ thinking changing in the news,(even Fox News), […]

Please, call, e-mail, personally visit local news papers an radio and TV stations, demand that they cover this material. It is news worthy and important statewide, otherwise they are aiding and abetting voter fraud

Barbara Allshouse Submitted on 2010/05/13 at 11:26am On April 17, 2010, I wrote to the Daily News Public Forum stating that Damon Dunn should be disqualified for violations which I enumerated. An employee from the newspaper phoned to verify that I had sent the E-mail, but the newspaper never published my letter. Help me fight […]

Thank you Sherry

Sherry Submitted on 2010/04/29 at 6:54am Orly, I just made a donation to your campaign. You are right in all that you are doing and we have such great hope that you will prevail in this, the greatest of all causes!! Thank you for you. More donations coming as I can send them. Sherry The […]

More on drug smuggling across the border

 Flag this message Illegal Immigration/Rancher being sued/the cost to our country Monday, April 26, 2010 7:24 AM From: “srm2” Undisclosed-Recipient@yahoo.com My question is this, why has it taken so long?    [always remember if you pass this on, make sure you erase the email addresses, kindly do not trail email addresses and use BCC feature please]    […]

e-mail adress of the International Criminal Court

Danny Vestal Submitted on 2010/04/25 at 5:14pm If you want to write the International Criminal Court. Following is the email address for the Office of the Prosecutor at the Hague to request investigation and prosecution of Barack Obama for War Crimes. otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int  

Is Obama preparing an escape route to the embassy of Kenya?

Veritas Submitted on 2010/04/24 at 12:23am and even had he been “naturalized,” that kind of “citizenship” can be revoked! And is it possible that in Kenya they are telegraphing something to us in America? Obama goes walking in the vicinity of the Kenyan Embassy. Two times in two weeks members of the Kenyan Government assure […]


Nomination of Dr. Orly Taitz, DDS, Esq., to serve as a Member of the Department of Commerce (United States Patent and Trademark Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:51 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Dr. Paul Maas Risenhoover, Tainan, Formosa” View contact details To: “Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com>, nmti@uspto.gov Nomination of Dr. Orly Taitz, […]

There are many true constitutional attorneys and legal scholars that agree with Orly and there are millions of us who support all she does to free us from the travesty Bo and his cohorts have done to our beloved country

Lady Patriot Submitted on 2010/04/22 at 7:10pm Kaci Jay,people like you are the reason we have this problem in the first place,why don’t you open your eyes and see the truth for once. “You do realize all he will have to do is present thesame colb he released during the campaign and he will be […]

From my client Lt. Col David Earl Graef

Lt Col David Earl-Graef earlgraef@yahoo.com Submitted on 2010/04/22 at 6:19pm The reason Mc Cain was by all accounts born off base is conjecture. However, being military myself and in the Medical Corps it would very likely be that the base clinic did not have the staffing to offer OB services. Happens all the time. […]

from JINSA

Orly,   I hope you gain great encouragement by the following ad beingrun by JINSA.  We greatly appreciate you and the sacrifice you are making for our country.  May God bless you, your family, your business and all that you do!  I just made a $50 donation to your SoS 2010 campaign and pray for […]

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