Yap, it was a blood bath, as I predicted. Republicans added 60 seats in the house, 6 in Senate and 2 more: WA and CO are too close to call and will go to recount. Republicans can still take both chambers of the Congress
Here is my analysis, and what we can and should do. as I was saying all along, it was a bloodbath in the house, Republicans won 60 seats and easily took the House. Tea Party candidate Paul Lepage won the governorship of ME Congressman Nathan Deal, who mailed a letter to Obama and demanded from Obama to […]
Tea Party Nation officially takes on eligibility debate. Read a letter from the founder Judson Phillips
Tea Party movement consists of 3 large groups: Tea Party Nation,-founder Judson Phillips, Tea Party Express-founder Dick Army and FreedomWorks and Tea Party Patriots: a loose confederation of thousands of local Tea Party Groups. One of the main organizers is Mark Meckler. The statement below came from the founder of the Tea Party nation Judson Phillips. There […]
Please, report Daily KOS to the deparment of Justice, Judiciary committee of House of Rep and Inspector General for repeatedly defrauding the public
ACTION ALERT: Orly Taitz posting SSNs online–again ShareNew 0 Christian Dem in NC’s diary :: :: Daily KOS is a far left comi internet rag, which is engaging in defrauding and brainwashing of innocent young people. Please, read their article above. They are intentionally misrepresenting the truth, they claim, that I am publishing a social […]
Article in World Net Daily about my Petition for Writ of certiorari filed with the Supreme Court
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Ann Moorman” <View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com https://www.wnd.com/?pageId=221373 BORN IN THE USA? Lawyer: ‘Environment is more favorable for judges to decide on the merits without fear’ Posted: October 30, 2010 1:00 am Eastern By Brian Fitzpatrick © 2010 WorldNetDaily Orly Tait California attorney Orly Taitz says the changing […]
Docket of the Supreme Court
SCOTUS WEBSITE: https://www.supremecourt.gov/Search.aspx?FileName=/docketfiles/10-541.htm
Reply to Appellee’s response in the 9th circuit court of Appeals. PDF will be available shortly
UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT ____________________ Pamela Barnett, Alan Keyes et al., Plaintiffs-Appellants, vs. Barack Obama, et al., Defendant-Appellee. __________________ APPELLANTS’ REPLY TO APPELLEE’S RESPONSE Appeal from Final Judgment of the United States District Court, Central District of California, Honorable David O. Carter […]
Update regarding Lt. Col Lakin
thanks for helping col lakin. Inbox X Reply | alex rynkiewicz to me show details 4:37 PM (2 minutes ago) ms taitz i went to wash dc bergs rally but only 50 people there— i cancelled my membership […]
When will Bill O’Reilly and the rest of our corrupt main stream media stop spinning and stop defrauding American Citizens? Please, write to Inspector General and FCC and demand criminal prosecution of ones in the media, who are aiding and abetting in ObamaFraudGate
Flag this message wnd: FAILure TO READ? Monday, October 25, 2010 1:22 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Michael Angelus” View contact details To: “Joseph Farah” <jfarah@wnd.com>, “Bob UNRUH” runruh@wnd.com ) SCOTUS 10-21-10-Taitz-USSC-Pet-for-Writ-of-Cert.pdf Hey Joseph Will you be publishing the attached brief filed with SCOTUS this week? As usual…WND is the “news source” for […]
Petition to the Supreme Court for Writ of Certiorari
10-21-10-Taitz-USSC-Pet-for-Writ-of-Cert FedEx-shipment-report
I demanded answers to these questions from Dawn Wiggins, FOIA officer with SSA, no answer from SSA, no answer from judge Royce Lamberth for 2 months.
Jim Submitted on 2010/10/19 at 10:49pm That 7/55 on the Hamilton is not a 55, but a 65. It is a result of a bad scan. If it were a 55, both 5’s would be the same height and width. The first “5″ is wider and longer than the second “5″. They are clearly not […]
Attorney General of CA Jerry Brown and Secretary of State Debra Bowen are committing elections fraud by allowing R Candidate for Sec of State Damon Dunn to run for office, while fraudulently omitting from his voter registration card mandatory disclosure of his voter registration in TX and FL, where he registered as a Democrat
10/18/2010 For IMMEDIATE RELEASE REGARDING LAWSUIT AGAINST ATTORNEY GENERAL BROWN, SECRETARY OF STATE BOWEN FOR ELECTION FRAUD: Attorney General Brown, “The Worst Attorney General in America” according to Competitive Enterprise Institute in a July 2010 report, is complicit with Secretary of State Debra Bowen in promoting voter registration and election fraud in California as evidenced […]
Amazing! “Birther” Tom Tancredo jumped 24% in his run for governor of Colorado, he is only 4% behind his opponent! Support Tom Tancredo for governor of Colorado!!!
October 16, 2010 Tancredo Surges in Colorado A new Rasmussen survey in Colorado shows John Hickenlooper (D) now barely leading Tom Tancredo (C) in the race for governor, 42% to 38%, with Dan Maes (R) way back at just 12%. Tancredo’s support has surged from 14% in late August, while Maes’ support has dropped from […]
Even Slate magazine writes that Damon Dunn’s qualifications for office are mysterious. Bottom line, he was groomed by someone to run as a Republican Obama: he is packaged as a black Cinderella story, a lot of hype, no substance, elections fraud and the hearing in CA Superior court intentionally set for January 10, 2011, after the election. By the way, he calls himself a successful real estate developer. Can someone find at least one site, where he is developing anything? Where is he building anything? Where is he employing anybody? How is he a developer?
Podcasts & Video Blogs Weigel: Reporting about politics and policy Home « Prev | Main | Next » The Incredibly Exciting Race for California Secretary of State Posted Friday, October 15, 2010 11:01 AM | By David Weigel In 2006, while Republicans were distracted, wealthy liberal donors funded the Secretaries of State Project — an effort to get Democrats […]
Today Obama submitted response to my appeal in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
10-55084 Pamela Barnett, et al v. Barack Obama, et al “Submit Brief for Review by the Court” InboxX Reply |ca9_ecfnoticing@ca9.uscourts.gov to me show details 4:27 PM (25 minutes ago) ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record and parties in a case (including pro se litigants) to […]
Important. Sent to the Social Security Administration
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ President Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Phone 949-683-5411 Fax 949-766-7603 Orly.taitz@gmail.com OrlyTaitzESQ.com 10.04.10 Via Certified mail –return receipt Ms Dawn Wiggins FOIA officer Social Security Administration OEO FOIA Workgroup 300 N. Green Street P.O. Box 33022 Baltimore, MD 21290-3022 […]
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