Extremely important. Please, write and e-mail SSA and demand release of records. Write to all the congressmen and demand an emergency hearing in the Judicial, Intelligence, Armed Services and Government Oversight committees
DR. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ PRESIDENT DEFEND OUR FREEDOMS FOUNDATION 29839 SANTA MARGARITA PKWY, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688 fax 949-766-7603 phone 949-683-5411 orly.taitz@gmail.com 01.01.2011 Via Certified Mail/Return Receipt and e-mail Attn Dawn Wiggins Acting Executive Director Office of Privacy and Disclosure Social Security Administration 6401 Security Blvd Baltimore, MD 21235-6401 FOIA.paofficers@ssa.gov ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL […]
From Steve Malzberg show
I gave an interview to the “Examiner” yesterday, it will be published shortly. I talked to Steve Marlzberg a couple of days ago and I will be on his show in the near future, before my January 7 conference in the Supreme Court. Please, contact the media and civil rights organizations, (even NOW and ACLU) and […]
Cornell law professor William Jacobsen and Catholic University law professor Sarah Dugin support my position. Can someone get their phone numbers and check if they would write Amicus Curiae in support of my case, which will be heard in conference by all 9 Supreme Court judges on January 7
Flag this message Cornell Law Professor: “Obama’s strategy of concealing the records and dismissing the ‘Birthers’ as cranks is not working” Wednesday, December 29, 2010 10:47 AM From: “David LaRocque” Message contains attachments 1 File (111KB) winmail.dat “It…seems that the supposed intellectual poles have been reversed. People who supposedly are irrational and driven by hatred […]
40 copies of this supplemental brief were filed with the Supreme Court and served on the Solicitor General. Lantagne printing was paid $625 for printing of the brochures of this supplemental brief and $1700 for printing of the petition. Proper formated PDF will be posted tomorrow
No. _10-541_______ In The Supreme Court of the United States C ONNIE RHODES ,Captain, M.D., F.S., and D R. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ .Attorney for the Petitioner, Interested Party, Petitioner v. T HOMAS D. MACDONALD , Colonel,Garrison Commander, Fort Benning, G EORGE STEUBER , DeputyCommander, […]
“Kapdey v Hashdeu”- trust but verify comes from the Old Testament
Submitted on 2010/12/27 at 4:50pm I’ve said many of these things to my husband about you. So she talks with an accent from her country. I admire her for knowing how to speak more than one language. I only know english. When someone has lived in communism and they tell you your country is […]
This request was received by certified mail at SSA on October 8, they were supposed to either provide the info or deny my request within 30 days. It has been 80 days. Two letters, stating they are processing the request, but no answer. Today I sent a final demand to respond within 10 days or another legal action will be filed and a formal complaint will be sent to the judicial committee of Congress.
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ President Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Ms Dawn Wiggins Social Security Administration OEO FOIA Workgroup 300 N. Green Street P.O. Box 33022 Baltimore, MD 21290-3022 Dear Ms. Higgins, I am requesting US Code 5 §552 FOIA disclosure of the following […]
“The Guardian” a leading newspaper from United Kingdom publishes a new article about eligibility. They are already writing about my article, posted yesterday “New play -American POW in America”. Within hours it is being promoted on the other side of the globe.
Barack Obama detractors, the’birthers’, face challenge from Hawaii governor Conspiracy theorists’ claim that president is an alien interloper and not a US citizen to be challenged by Neil Abercrombie Share Comments (8) Ed Pilkington in New York guardian.co.uk, Sunday 26 December 2010 17.15 GMT Article history Barack Obama’s citizenship is a target for the […]
Will Abercrombie aid and abett Obama in creating a cover up? We need judiciary committee of Congress to investigate. i will be happy to work with them. As a doctor and a lawyer I know all the documents we need to look for
Jim Submitted on 2010/12/25 at 3:14am Oh, they will probably show SOME paper, now that he has his own man in and records can be changed. If they do, the question that needs to be asked is why are they showing them now ? The only way they can be shown is with Obamas consent. […]
Please send Christmas presents to Lakin, his wife and children. Please, call each congressman, Senator and governmental and military official reminding them that Lakin cannot celebrate Christmas because of their gutless and spineless behavior, because of their fear to demand answers from the usurper in the White House
Flag this message Obama Ineligibility Scandle Gives Lakin Prison For Christmas Send letters for clemency Friday, December 24, 2010 7:48 AM From: “srm View contact details To: Undisclosed-Recipient@yahoo.com Message contains attachments 4 Files (627KB) | Download All apfphotos4.png frontpage201004222.gif LakinFlyer3a.jpg icon_pdf.gif >>>>>>>URGENT<<<<<<<<URGENT ACTION NEEDED<<<<<URGENT<<<<<<<<<<<< If you have already done this, thank you….I am […]
Governor Abercrombie of HI and arrogant usurper Obama: put up or shut up and go home. POW LTC DR Lakin is a political prisoner in US because of your fraud
For Hawaii governor, discrediting anti-Obama ‘birthers’ is a top … Dec 24, 2010… live birth … you don’t find the name of the doctor, hospital or signature,” said prominent “birther” Orly Taitz, a California lawyer and … blog.bitcomet.com/post/268415/ – 2965 49 minutes ago
New governor of HI wants to use his office to counter my view. No problem. we can have a debate on the issue tomorrow, but I doubt he has the guts and other parts to face me
Flag this message la times trying to reach you Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:39 AM From: “Dilanian, Ken” Add sender to Contacts To: “‘dr_taitz@yahoo.com’” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Dr. Taitz, Just left you a phone message. I am trying to reach you to talk to you about a story we have out of Hawaii quoting Gov. Abercrombie saying […]
Free Republic writes about my case. (one correction-the article misquoted me: I stated that the 11th circuit refused to hear the case, refused to allow oral argument and denied with one word response without any explanation)
Free Republic Browse · Search Bloggers & Personal Topics · Post Article Skip to comments. Lakin Goes To Prison – And Here Comes The Next Eligibility Lawsuit Here’s The Right Side Of It ^ | December 18, 2010 | John L. Work Posted on Saturday, December 18, 2010 4:14:32 PM by JLWORK With thanks […]
I need help with WIKI
My petition to the Supreme Court for writ of Certiorari will be heard on January 7, 2011, but Wikipedia has written that it was already denied, this disinformation was forwarded to all the media. There are a lot of mistakes and inconsistencies in the wikipedia article. For example, they claim that only 15-20 people came […]
Today’s World Net Daily lead article
BORN IN THE USA? Supremes facing eligibility challenge to Obama, again Taitz’s case distributed for conference among justices on Jan. 7 Posted: December 18, 2010 12:35 am Eastern By Bob Unruh © 2010 WorldNetDaily It just doesn’t appear to be going away. The idea that Barack Obama’s eligibility to occupy to Oval Office, and do chores such […]
African-American Pastor James Manning, a political dissident against illegitimate Obama regime, was illegally arrested, detained for 3 hours at Fort Meade, interrogated and pressured to sign a statement without an attorney present
Alexander Gofen to me show details 10:52 PM (6 hours ago) (Not for posting) Dear Orly, I guess you are well informed about that unlawful arrest of Pastor Manning and his team: https://atlahmedianetwork.org/?p=11907
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