A very powerful article from the founder of the Tea Party Nation attorney Judson Philips.
Scaring the left – Tea Party Nation www.teapartynation.com/forum/topics/scaring-the-leftShare Shared on Google+. View the post. You +1’d this publicly. Undo 19 hours ago – The left claims that birthers are a joke and they like to point to people like Orly Taitz, the attorney who will file a law suit over the issue anywhere she can […]
Examiner.com story on legal actions by attorney Taitz on elections fraud
Urgent!!! I need your help in calling the Supreme Court of the US. More evidence of tampering with the docket, my application for stay sent to justice Thomas and resubmitted to justice Roberts was deleted by somwone from the docket
This is the second case where my case is being deleted from the docket of the Supreme Court. The first case, application for stay Lightfoot v Bowen was submitted by me on December 12, 2008, right before the electoral college meeting, which formally elected Obama. The case was read by Chief Justice Roberts and referred […]
legalnews/findlawcom publishes my recent press release
If Justice Clarence Thomas does not grant a stay or referral to full … legalnews.findlaw.com/article/0eH66FN6mig9v?q=Barack+Obama You +1’d this publicly. Undo 2 hours ago – Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses. Mail donations to: Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz 29839 Santa …
Amazon.com, 10th highest Internet site with 157 million links runs a reader discussion on my latest case against Obama Tax. It is ranked third in Obama challenges ahead of Fast and Furious discussion. Please, write to Amazon.com in support of my case
Amazon Your Amazon.com (What are Customer Discussions?) Customer Discussions Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President forum Showing 1-25 of 1023 discussions Discussion Replies Latest Post Why do so many of you hate Obama so much? 119 40 minutes ago Obama: Natural Born Citizen or Alien? (the […]
Breaking news! New 113 page complaint with exhibits class action filed on behalf of Christian and Jewish US Citizens:Healthcare Obama Tax is illegal as it violates Equal protection clause, Due Process Clause, Establishment clause and Free exercise of religion clause of the US Constitution, as it exempt Muslim citizens and places a heavy tax burden on Christian and Jewish U. S. Citizens to pay a de facto Judeo-Christian Obama Tax not only for themselves, but also for Muslim citizens, who are exempt
Press Release Sent to 30,000 U.S. and International Media outlets For Immediate Release Breaking news! New 113 page complaint with exhibits class action filed on behalf of Christian and Jewish US Citizens:Healthcare Obama Tax is illegal as it violates Equal protection clause, Due Process Clause, Establishment clause and Free exercise of religion clause of […]
Second notice Secretary of State of CA Debra Bowen
Second notice Secretary of State of CA Debra Bowen
Petition for En Banc hearing in Taitz v Astrue, Washington DC
Taitz v Astrue Petition for En Banc Hearing
Letter to Luis Del Castillo, Presidnt of the International Criminal bar
Letter to Luis Del Castillo, President International Crinminal Panel Dr. Orly Taitz, ESq 29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 ph. 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603 Luis Del Castillo President International Criminal Panel luisdelcastillo@bpi-icb.com Barreau Pénal International Criminal Bar Barcelona Secretariat: Avenida Diagonal 529, 1º2ª 08025 Barcelona, España Tel.+34 +93 405 14 24, […]
WOW! Senator Diane Feinstein agreed to debate me. However she has 5 conditions: FOX news is not allowed to transmit the debates, we are not allowed to talk about Obama’s eligibility, my supporters will not be allowed in and so on. Should I agree to these conditions?
Feinstein2012@aol.com 10:13 AM (5 hours ago) to me Dear Dr. Taitz, It looks like you may end up being the California Republican nominee for Senate in the November general election. While I understand that you wanted to set up some debates before the June primary, this would have been inappropriate given the large field of […]
Over 70,000 people watched this video of my testimony to NH Ballot Law commission
How was the state of AZ and citizens harmed by Holder and by the fast and furious?
Paul Jackson 11 approved Submitted on 2012/05/12 at 6:25 am @ The Truth… Perhaps, since you seem to believe you are some legal genius, you could explain to those of us of lesser legal acumen just exactly how AZ would have standing. I wait with great anticipation. Holder attacks sheriff Arpaio! You fight fire […]
Other web sites reprinted my pleadings and docket in my cases. Nouri of very popular “Anti-Mullah” web site did a great job of going through the latest pleadings and highlighting important parts. I do not know, who Nouri is, never met him or her, but thank you for spreading the word
ANTI-MULLAH: CORRUPTION AT STATE AND FEDERAL LEVELS … noiri.blogspot.com/2012/…/corruption-at-state-and-federal-levels.ht… You +1’d this publicly. Undo 7 hours ago – This is an elections challenge case. It was filed after plaintiff Orly Taitz (Hereinafter “Taitz”) filed an elections challenge with the Democratic party of Mississippi. Obama regime is in default in the Circuit Court of Appeals […]
good news from Europe, people are rising there against the Bielderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission mafia and their puppets in the positions of power
Corruption in Europe Antonio Bassi 11:35 PM (5 hours ago) Dear Orly, I will be short because I have to run to work but I had to say this. Even if Obama will be re-elected (and he most likely will be), don’t give up your cause because sooner or later you will prevail. Here in […]
Jerome Corsi is destroying the case on which I worked for 4 years 24/7/365. He is gratuitously making up an American father for Obama. What is his motivation to do so? Tell WND and Corsi to stop this.
BHO Jr. Biological father Inbox Viktor Karlsohn 3:28 PM (7 minutes ago) Miss Orly: What is you take on: President’s father not Barack Obama Sr. https://www.wnd.com/2012/04/film-presidents-father-not-barack-obama/ by Jerome R. Corsi comment from Orly This is too much. WND and Corsi claimed to support this issue. However their actions as of late show the opposite. They […]
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