
Now we are talking! some hands on (or off) ideas for cutting on spending

 Flag this message Fw: [Give Us Liberty] Why Michelle Doesn’t Fly Commercial Thursday, November 18, 2010 8:18 PM From: “scyrierFrom: Blogger <no-reply@blogger.com> Subject: [Give Us Liberty] Why Michelle Doesn’t Fly Commercial Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:46:23 -0800 (PST) Michelle Obama doesn’t fly commercial because of the added cost to the TSA for the extra […]

What about PA? What about Chuck?

Chuck Shummer is sending e-mails everywhere, stating tha Democrats have an opening in PA, however I don’t see it. Most polls and particularly the most reliable Rasmussen poll show Pat Toomey R 4% ahead of his opponent Joe Sestak-D. Marist shows him 7% ahead and an average of 2 recent polls from a left leaning Muhlenberg […]

As queen of the birthers I welcome Senator Harry Reid to my court. See SNL parody clip below!

 Flag this message Harry Reid the birther– If you have not already seen this, I think you will like it. It makes the point with comedy, Worth it!–Gil Sunday, October 24, 2010 9:18 PM From: “Gil Guignat View contact details To: “‘Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ’” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> https://www.thehopeforamerica.com/play.php?id=5593 Even Washington Post is featuring this clip

see, what the liberals are saying

 Flag this message Fwd: To Cheer You Up Monday, October 18, 2010 5:08 AM From:          You know the honeymoon is over when the comedians start.     The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree… 25 to life would be appropriate.    — Jay Leno America needs Obamacare like Nancy […]

If you are a NJ voter, appeal to Chris Christi to stump for the team and visit IL, NV, WA

While Clinton and other Dem luminaries are campaigning for their team, most Repub luminaries are indifferent and lazy to say the least. I don’t see them stumping for the team, specifically in senatorial races. I have to say that Mike Pence is doing an amazing job to rally the troops in congressional races, it is not […]

Actually I am very proud to be #6 on this list before Rush and Rupert Murdock

  Search Web Search Ask What would you like to ask? Continue Answer Discover What are you looking for? Search Y! Answers Advanced Search Home > All Categories > Politics & Government > Politics > Open Question Jay-T Member since: August 04, 2010 Total points: 75 (Level 1) Open Question Show me another » If […]

News release from the WH. Obama annouces his new economic team, picture below. (hold on to your stomachs and socks)

No moustache here, only the essence

ideas for Jon Stewart October 30, National Mall Wash. DC rally

John Stuart does not like picture of Obama with Hitler moustache. Please, people, let’s be thoughtful! Please, make some signs and banners of Obama with Stalin moustache!!! Hey, we are reasonable, we are making changes and adjustments.

Jon Stewart is organizing a rally against Birther Queen Orly Taitz and Raging Cajun James Carville to restore peace and sanity. I think we should join his rally with a slogan “after Obama shows his CT Soc. Sec application and his long form birth Certificate we will restore sanity in the country”. Please, call me 949-683-5411, if you can help make the signs and banners for this rally and for AZ rally.

Jon Stewart Announces DC ‘Rally to Restore Sanity’ 46 Comments By Marc Schneider  Posted Sep 17th 2010 06:34AM Print this page|EmailShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on DiggShare on Lifestream ‘Daily Show’ host Jon Stewart announced Thursday that he’ll lead a rally on Washington that aims to encourage angry citizens on both sides of the isle […]

You’ll love to see the summary below of the stats comparison

Trailing 7 daysTrailing 1 monthTrailing 3 monthsTrailing 6 monthsMax Orlytaitzesq.com’s Worldwide Traffic Rank Country Rank  Colombia 18,582  United States 98,697  Canada 240,301 Audience Demographics for Orlytaitzesq.com  While we estimate that 82% of its visitors are in the US, where it is ranked #98,697, it is also popular in Colombia, where it is ranked #18,582. Compared […]

Obama Bumper Sticker (BS) removal kit

Are we reaching for the stars or suicide bombers?

Today Greta Von Susteren showed an interview with the NASA chief, who stated that the main goal of Obama administration for NASA, was outreach to Muslims. Oh Really? And silly me thought that they are supposed to reach for the stars or Mars at least. Now I find out that they are supposed to reach […]

How sweet, now they show Lou Dobbs holding me in the Titanic scene. It will be more appropriate to show Chris Mathews holding Obama before he jumps of falls from the deck. (Just a suggestion)

From reader Bill Allen, who sends me alerts on Orly Taitz. I have to say that I am very proud that left is calling AZ an”Orly Taitz state”. You go AZ! I hope the state officials in other states will grow some backbone too.

Google Blogs Alert for: “Orly Taitz” Brianroy’s Input: To Republicans in California, PLEASE VOTE FOR … By Brianroy Orly Taitz appears ca. 3:46 on the tape. She is running for Secretary of State in California as the only legitimate Republican on the primary ticket. I therefore endorse her candidacy in preference to Damon Dunn, “a […]

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