
what goes around, comes around

 Flag this message Arizona: White House snubs Brewer on immigration talks as she snubs Tea Party on eligibility bill Wednesday, April 20, 2011 8:45 AM From: “Gil Guignat”  dr_taitz@yahoo.com https://www.teapartytribune.com/2011/04/20/arizona-white-house-snubs-brewer-on-immigration-talks-as-she-snubs-tea-party-on-eligibility-bill/    

My answer to Obama regime. I am familiar with the full faith and credit, and that is why eligibility bills will work. We give full faith and credit to original documents, not a piece of garbage that was created 5 minuted before the election for one who does not have a VALID SSN of his own and does not have a valid long form BC. This piece of paper does not deserve any faith or credit.

Bill Bowman Birther Movement Examiner SubscribeSponsor an Examiner View all of Bill’s articles 1 comment Email Print Full Faith and Credit January 27th, 2011 3:10 pm ET Do you like this story? United States Constitution Article 4 Section 1: Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and […]

Mediate reports: “MSNBC got rid of Olbermann for the same reason proctologists retire. Get tired of dealing with …”

MSNBC Leans Forward, Pushes Olbermann Out the Door by Michelle Malkin on Friday, January 21, 2011 at 9:53pm **Written by Doug Powers Friday night was Keith Olbermann’s last day doing “Countdown” on MSNBC, and it would appear that most of America found out about it at around the same time Olbermann did. NBC Universal’s statement […]

Yap, this looks more authentic than Obama’s HI birth certificate and his Connecticut Social Security number

Just to make you smile             Inbox   X                    Reply   | Alexander Gofen  to me show details 10:00 PM (7 hours ago)    this one says: KGB ID card Place of work- Pres of the US type of work- diversant, undercover […]

Left posted this BC below. I have to say that it is as authentic as Obama’s Hawaiian BC and Obama’s CT SS number.

Chris Matthews “Obama, show your birth certificate” is still among the most popular clips on the Internet right after Lorena Bobbit, which got me thinking, whether it is a sign from above for the type of punishment Obama deserves for defrauding the Nation and persecuting civil rights attorneys like me and war heroes like Lakin. (I am just wondering)

Commented Bill Maher’s Christmas Message: Oprah, Tell Your Audience “Stop Losing Your Sh*t Over Material Stuff” Tucker Carlson: “I Think Personally [Michael Vick] Should Have Been Executed” Global Warming Skeptic Predicts Brutal Winter, Warns “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” Hey, What Has Lorena Bobbit Been Up To? CNN Offers Up A Snippet Chris Matthews: Why […]

OMG, Liberal media goes completely nuts!

: Google Alert – “Orly Taitz” InboxX Bill Van AllenBlogs 3 new results for “Orly Taitz” Today’s World Net Daily lead article | D… Dec 18 (11 days ago) Orly Taitz———- Forwarded message ———- From: Bill Van Allen <hvanallen@hvc.r… 5:33 PM (18 hours ago)  Reply |Bill Van Allen to richardwinger show details 11:08 AM (46 […]

Washington Post and pals need to get a life. They would not report on Obama’s Connecticut Social Security number he claims, he received in Hawaii, but would write 2 articles in one day “Is Orly Taitz and Eric Cantor friends-friends or facebook friends”. No wonder the country is going down the drain. Our main stream media is acting like a bunch of retarded 5 year olds.

From: Bill Van Allen <hvanallen@hvc.rr.com> Date: Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 4:05 PM Subject: FW: Google Alert – “Orly Taitz” To: richardwinger@yahoo.com News  5 new results for “Orly Taitz”     Is Eric Cantor ‘friends’ with birther Orly Taitz? Washington Post a friend of Orly Taitz, the dentist and lawyer who has become a leading figure […]

From my “friends” on the left and response from Orly ‘What is the difference between Santa and Barack Obama?

‎ stuart_oneill‎ RT @GottaLaff: Orly Taitz is asking to see Santa’s birth certificate. Will she never learn?//Takes brain to learn. Twitter – 55483 15 hours ago ► ‎ AnaRevolution‎ #lol RT @GottaLaff: Orly Taitz is asking to see Santa’s birth certificate. Will she never learn? Twitter –   Response from Orly: What is the difference […]

Merry Christmas from Gov. Jan Brewer of AZ. I say she makes a cute Mrs. Claus

Governor Jan Brewer’s Photos – Wall Photos Photo 46 of 46   Back to Album · Governor Jan Brewer’s Photos · Governor Jan Brewer’s Profile Previous Next Click on people’s faces in the photo to tag them.

Gene Simmons from KISS today on CNN: ” I want my Obama vote back!”

I can’t believe I lived to see crazy rockers asking for their Obama vote back.  If this guy wants his Obama vote back, than I say, determination on the eligibility issue is near. Merry Christmas!

Sign of times

When Obama was elected, his insignia was everywhere. As I passed a large souvenir shop in Dulles airport in DC, I was shocked to see a huge full size statue of Obama. It reminded me of statues of  Lenin in each and every corner in the Soviet Union. As I was passing by the same shop […]

Saturday Night Live is really enjoying their residence in my birther kingdom. Can I collect some royal tax in the form of some show tickets for me, my husband and my 3 sons? Just checking

How sweet! Our friends on the left created this Orly Taitz/Michelle Bachmann tea set. They even put a smiling tooth on my bracelet, to commemorate my DDS degree. Really sweet!!

HYSTERICAL RAISINS If they don’t like dolls at all, how about a nice tea set? There are some for girls, like the Orly Taitz/Michele Bachmann set…

History of the USSR or what happens when you kiss up to Marxists, Socialists, Fabians and Tyrants

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