
Press release. Judge Lamberth’s law clerk apologized for the delay, stated Judge Lamberth was out of town and he is reviewing the pleadings and exhibits now

Press Release Law offices of Orly Taitz Attorney Orly Taitz was able to talk to a law clerk for for the Chief Judge of the USDC, Judge Royce C. Lamberth. She provided her name and phone number which are not being posted at this time. She stated that they apologize for the delay. She stated […]

Press release: Rubio had evidence of Obama’s use of a stolen SSN since 09.22.2011. I met with his General Counsel Leonard Collins and Chief Legislative Counsel, A.J. Sanchez, on 09.22.2011, Rubio had in front of him Obama’s failed E-Verify report for a year and a half, as well as all the evidence of forgery in his BC and SSS, but defrauds the nation by saying that we can trust him, we can trust the government to enforce the E-Verify. Demand that Rubio bring to the floor of the Senate Obama’s failed E-Verify immediately or resign immediately

Press release Law offices of Orly taitz senator Marco Rubio knew about Obama’s failed E-Verify since 09.22.2011 Yesterday Senator Marco Rubio appeared on Greta Van Susteren show and lied to the public by claiming that we have to accept the new mega amnesty since we can trust the government  to run E-Verify to make sure […]

Attorney Taitz received and saved a recorded message from USDC for the District of Columbia stating that the motion and documents were indeed received by the court and given to Chief Judge Lamberth, the clerks are waiting for him to give them ok to docket the pleadings and exhibits. They are hoping that he will do it soon, but it is not the fault of the clerks

Press release Law Offices of Attorney Orly Taitz 13 days ago, in the morning of 05.24.2013  US District Court for the District of Columbia received pleadings and documents from Attorney Orly Taitz, providing undeniable proof that Barack Hussein Obama signed his 2009 tax return while using a stolen Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 of Harrison […]

This is the third interview I will be doing. I did not do interviews for a while, as I was busy, but now I am livid about Judge Lamberth refusing to even docket the pleadings and exhibits and covering up flagrant theft of SSN by Obama and by Arpaio, Zullo and Co refusing to file criminal charges on 100% forgery and claiming that using a stolen SSN is not a criminal offence. The word livid is an understatement of the year!

Interview Request Inbox x Clayton R. Douglas <clay@freeamerican.com> May 26 (9 days ago) to orlytaitz, me   Call me from the phone you would use for the interview. I have days open beginning Monday June 10   TODAY’S SHOW https://freedomslips.com 2 HOURS WEEKDAYS 9:OO AM  to 11:00AM CENTRAL at 7:00 to 9:00 AM Pacific  Clay […]

Retired Elite Scotland Yard officer responds to idiotic claims by team Arpaio, Zullo and controlled “opposition” media of WND, ORYR, PPSimmons and others who attacked me and sang praise to Arpaio and Zullo who did not file any criminal complaint after 2 years and who claimed that Obama did not commit Social Security fraud, that using someone’s Social Security number is o’k.

Neil Sankey Responds To Team Arpaio Obama Social Security Number Statements. Inbox x Paula Hoehn 3:26 PM (11 minutes ago) to me Dear Orly,Do you already know about the SSN letter by Neil Sankey today on: https://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2013/06/licensed-investigator-neil-sankey.html Licensed Private Investigator Neil Sankey Responds To Team Arpaio Obama Social Security Number Statements By Licensed Private Investigator Neil […]

Record numbers of Americans and Europeans commit suicide! People, stop ending your lives, end corruption and treason in the government: throw out of White House Kenyan-Indonesian criminal with stolen and forged IDs, throw out of Congress and Judiciary corrupt Congressmen and judges. Your lives should not end, their tenure should end immediately

Baby boomers ‘killing themselves at alarming rate’… Rash of lawyer suicides rattles Kentucky…

Call your congressmen and demand to stop mega amnesty! These shameless bought and paid for puppets in the U.S. Congress are getting millions in campaign contributions while they are robbing you and your children of your jobs and benefits. Tell your congressmen: we will work very hard to throw you out in the primary, to recall you if it is not time for you to run, and we will try you for treason, if you vote for this America robbing amnesty!!! We do not need immigration reform, we need corruption reform!

    Send FREE Fax to your elected officials in 1 STEP Amnesty Betrays California Congress is preparing to grant amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens, and grant lifetime work visas to another 22 million foreign workers. Amnesty advocates in Congress are working with the media to make this seem inevitable. That could cause some in Congress […]

Cosa Nostra of the New World Order! Time for a legislation banning all members and attendees of secret groups, like Bilderberg, Davos and so on from holding any elected or appointed positions in the federal or state governments or be allowed to give any campaign contributions to any elected or appointed officials of the federal or state government. It is time to end this targeted destruction of our lives by the world oligarchy and their puppets in the government and academia

~ The Whose Who At Bilderberg! InternetPaulRevere 6:45 AM (22 minutes ago) to dans2little2 Tuesday – June 4, 2013 – 5:00 AM – PDTHi All You Anti-Bilderberg Patriots: On this date in History, Henry Ford’s First Car rolled off the assembly line in 1896! Also today – another date in Infamy –  will be marked by the […]

FOX-James Rosen cover up all over again!!! Multiple calls to the DC court went unanswered. Royce C. Lamberth, Chief Judge of the District of Columbia continues in the style of the Soviet Judiciary and simply refuses to post on PACER, public docket, my pleadings and exhibits received by the court on May 24, 2013. They were supposed to be docketed the same day or next day. Please, keep writing and calling the inspector General of the Department of Justice, GAO, Public Integrity unit of the Dep of Justice, Congressmen ISSA, Congressman Goodlatte chair of the Judiciary Committee. They can’t keep this in their pocket any longer, waiting for the right time. the right time is now.!!!

APPEAL,CLOSED,PROSE-NP,TYPE I-FOIA U.S. District Court District of Columbia (Washington, DC) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:11-cv-00402-RCL TAITZ v. ASTRUE Assigned to: Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth  Cases: 1:10-cv-00151-RCL 1:11-cv-01421-RCL Case in other court:  USCA, 11-05304 Cause: 05:552 Freedom of Information Act Date Filed: 02/16/2011 Date Terminated: 08/30/2011 Jury Demand: None Nature of Suit: 895 Freedom of Information Act […]

Judge Royce Lamberth, Chief Judge of the US District court for DC, who did not post James Rosen subpoena on the docket for 18 months, continues the same pattern of aiding and abetting Obama regime and covering up the most explosive evidence. He refuses to allow his clerks to post on the public electronic docket the most explosive evidence submitted by me on May 24, 2013, showing Obama commiting IRS fraud, Social Security fraud, elections fraud when Obama signed his name on the tax return under a stolen Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel. I am asking all members of the media to call this court and demand to immediately post in PACER, electronic public court docket, the pleadings and evidence received by the court 10 days ago. Please, call Bob Goodlatte, Chair of House Judiciary Committee and Darrel Issa, Chair of House Oversight Committee and demand an immediate investigation of Chief USDC Judge Royce Lamberth

Query Reports Utilities Logout APPEAL,CLOSED,PROSE-NP,TYPE I-FOIA U.S. District Court District of Columbia (Washington, DC) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:11-cv-00402-RCL TAITZ v. ASTRUE Assigned to: Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth  Cases: 1:10-cv-00151-RCL 1:11-cv-01421-RCL Case in other court:  USCA, 11-05304 Cause: 05:552 Freedom of Information Act Date Filed: 02/16/2011 Date Terminated: 08/30/2011 Jury Demand: None Nature of Suit: 895 […]

As you can see, the left, Obama’s operatives, are using the Cold Case Posse to attack the strongest evidence against Obama. They are grabbing at straws and repeating the CCP manufactured nonsense that Obama’s use of Bounel’s Social security number in his tax returns, Selective Service certificate and other docs is not a crime, because he did not use the name Bounel. Not only Arpaio and Zullo did not file a criminal complaint, they tampered with my witness in IN and now they are aiding and abetting Obama by attacking the strongest evidence against Obama. All the controlled opposition web sites are working with Arpaio and Zulllo

Birther Fight: Orly Taitz vs The Cold Case Posse – Democrats … www.city-data.com › … › Politics and Other Controversies‎ 9 hours ago – in a surprise move (imo) an investigator for the maricopa county cold case posse publicly debunked one of orly taitz’s hallmark claims, that obama is. @Doc C – Zullo tries to pull off a fast one on sheriffs … […]

2 days left for Sheriff Arpaio and Investigator Zullo to file a criminal complaint against Obama for his use a 100% forged birth certificate as a basis for his identity applying to run for the U.S. President in AZ. If criminal complaint is not filed by Monday June the 3rd, donors will start demanding a refund of all of the donations obtained Arpaio, Zullo and CCP under false pretenses

Yesterday Carl Gallops had on his show someone by name Don Jeffreys. Nobody knows who this Don Jeffreys is, if this is even his real name and what is his qualification to report on Obama’s Social Security number investigation. Shockingly this man claimed that Obama did not commit any crime by using a stolen Social […]

Zullo, Arpaio, Carl Gallups, Richard Garruth from ORYR, new guy Jeffrey have been proven to be a part of the controlled opposition. Arpaio and Zullo and Jeffrey never filed the criminal complaint and they are trying to cover up the most explosive evidence, Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel certified by Obama’s signature in Obama’s tax returns and his Selective service registration. Only the most corrupt judges would deny this evidence and would not put Obama in prison. If judges cover this up, these judges need to be prosecuted as well

Paula Hoehn 95 approved Submitted on 2013/05/31 at 8:48 pm Dear Orly, I was astonished and dumbfounded when I heard Gallups and Zullo saying Obama committed no crime in using that SSN, (which neither one of them had the guts to quote the number). And they tried to deflect by saying Obama used lots of SSN’s. […]

I am asking my supporters to call USDC Monday morning at 8 am EST talk to the Chief Clerk and clerk for Judge Lamberth and demand my pleadings and exhibits docketed asap. If for any reason something happens to me, I want everything, all the evidence, in the public records. Sooner or later these people will have to be brought to justice and will be brought to justice and will be serving long prison terms at the very minimum. Call any and all newspapers, radio TV, forward to them all the evidence of Obama using the solen Social security number of Harrison J. Bounel. This is the strongest evidence with which he has to go to prison. We got him with his signature on his tax returns under Bounel’s Social Security number

steve 8 approved Submitted on 2013/05/31 at 3:54 pm Dr. Taitz – As you move forward with great courage, “Keep Your Guard Up”, and stay safe. Behind Obama’s “Mr. Nice Guy” persona is something very Sinister and Devious. As you approach the completion of God’s assignment to you, we need you to take all necessary precautions, […]

Reportedly some spokesman for Arpaio and Zullo confirmed that Obama is using Bounel’s Social Security number, but claimed that it is not a crime to use a stolen Social Security number.This is insane. Using a stolen SSN is a federal crime, it is identity theft. Is judge Lamberth sitting out of town, hunkered down and waiting if I will buy this nonsense thrown in by controlled opposition? No go, no deal, I am not buying this BS. The records have to be docketed, SS-5 revealed, Obama removed from office and sent to prison (with all of his accomplices)!!!

Freedom First 138 approved Submitted on 2013/05/31 at 1:54 pm With regard to H.J.Bounel’s SS#, Don Jeffrey , member of the CCP, just mentioned on Carl Gallups’ radio program that yes indeed Obama is using Bounel’s SS# but since he is using his own name a crime has not been committed…WHAT???…So…We all can begin using Bounel’s […]

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