
Order on Motion for Reconsideration in TAITZ v OBAMA 6-18-2010


Tea Party becomes a global movement, aimed at ending the rule of global oligarchy and it’s puppets in corrupt sold out media and corrupt sold out governments.

From website Before it’s News Chris Matthews: Bite me Contributed by Tea Party at Perrysburg (Reporter) Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:37 View: Reporter’s biography | More stories This story has been viewed 125 times (125 times in the past 24 hours, 2 times in the past hour) 1 person on this page right now  So […]

now I have over 450,000 votes, counting of ballots will continue, legal actions against Dunn and Bowen continue

I now have 450,621 votes I got more votes than any other candidate backed by the tea party movement or any other dissident against Obama regime. Keep in mind, I ran in an impossible environment: 1. Secretary of State Bowen instructed Registrars not to check IDs and drivers licenses of the voters. CA has millions of […]

Huffington Post article. NBC documentary was a little better than usual MSNBC rants, but a lot of issues were misrepresented

Usually Usually I don’t have time to watch TV and watch only clips that my supporters send to me, but my husband and I watched this documentary and we thought it was done better than the usual deranged rants of Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Chris Olbermann. Maybe the reason was, that it was done by NBC […]

I am getting more and more support from women’s groups around the country, Chris Matthews behavior backfired. I am afraid his special documentary tomorrow in prime time will be another hit job

your predictions in article are coming true InboxX  Reply |mark westmann to me show details 10:31 PM (11 minutes ago) this article you wrote https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=11411 you said you can bring your message to women’s groups and it looks like it has happened. I dont think it’s a coincidence that it has come true. A number […]

Thank you writer Marla Miller for standing up for me

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Now I have 424,439 votes, 50,000 more votes than was originally reported

Can someone contact Wikipedia and other media and let them know that 1.I already have 424,435 votes, that I am on my way to at least half a million votes 2 that Barnett v Dunn, Bowen and Brown is scheduled for October 25th. 3.I have 5 days after the end of canvassing to file my own action. […]

Response received from the secretary of state Bowen and Attorney General Brown in Barnett v Dunn, Bowen, Brown

Response was received from Attorney General of CA and current Democratic party candidate for Governor  Edmund (Jerry) Brown, Stephen P. Acquisto, Supervising Deputy Attorney General, anthony P. O’Brien, Deputy Attorney General- Attorneys for Defendants Edmund G. Brown (he represents himself), Attorney General and Debra Bowen, Secretary of State. It is interesting that they asked for […]

Now there are nearly 13 million search results for “Orly Taitz”. If each article is read by at least 10 people, thats 130 million- nearly half of the population of US will know about Obama’s illegitimacy to US presidency.

  36 unique top-ten pages selected from at least 12,499,976 matching results   Did you mean: orly tait   Ixquick does NOT record your IP address !       Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire. Defend Our Freedoms Foundation – 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688 – […]

Now there are 12.5 million articles on IXquick.com under “Orly Taitz”. I am not sure exactly what is going on, but it is going viral. Where is NOW now?

I am wondering: where is NOW now? Where is the National Organization for Women?  Do I have to be  a lesbian, a stripper sleeping with a celebrity or at the very minimum a liberal Democrat to get some support from the National Organization for Women? Where is Gloria Alride? Where is Katie Couric? Where is Barbara Walters? […]

Internet explosion continues: IXquick.com reports close to 6 million articles under the name “Orly Taitz”. Even if only 10 people on average read each article (usually it’s much more than 10) it’s about 60 million people know about Obama’s illegitimacy to US presidency. It’s time to give me discovery!

  48 unique top-ten pages selected from at least 5,719,527 matching results   Did you mean: orly tait   Ixquick does NOT record your IP address !       Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire. Defend Our Freedoms Foundation – 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688 – […]

RT TV has shown this interview live in LA, NY, DC, on 6 continents. I wish they would not have shown the paintings and would have concentrated on the issues, but we will need and will have discovery in both actions: against Obama and against Dunn, Bowen and others. Keep in mind, Watergate started with the money trail. RT TV just posted the interview on you tube. Here it is. I hope we will have discovery soon. Nearly 2 years of hell and agony is probably enough for any human being.

Is there an expert on letter drawing by the candidates?

Washington Post reported that in a drawing letter T was ahead of D, which means that in every ballot I was supposed to be first, Dunn second, but many have reported that in their ballots Dunn was first and I was second. If the ballot counting machines are programmed in opposite, than the results are reversed. […]

Internet explosion continues: Yahoo shows nearly 4 million hits for Orly Taitz

3,820,360 results for orly taitz: Search Refiners Keep in mind, that vote count in CA will continue for 30 days until July 9th. Yesterday they reported 368,000 votes. Now it is nearly 382,000 votes. I was given an estimate, that as more and more people are now voting absentee, total absentee vote is now reaching 40% […]

A lot of ballots were not counted yet.

Please, wait to see the final count of the ballots. Results are misleading. Official web site of the secretary of state provides an announcement that 100% of the precincts were counted either fully or partially. The operative word is partially.  Counting 1% of the votes in some precints also constitutes a partial count. I just […]

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