
nearly 900,000 American Citizens watched this video, demand answers and are not getting them. Vote Christine O’Donnell for senate, not RINO Mike Castle, to take the old seat of Vice-Usurper Biden. Go to the precincts and demand all the ballots counted in front of you, don’t trust corrupt establishment with ballot counting.

Now even attorneys of department of Justice are saying that we have a corrupt Dep. of Justice. How do you expect me to succeed going after illegitimate Obama or illegitimate Damon Dunn? Watch the interview with this DOJ whistle blower.Criminal cartel took over this nation. People will have to start making citizen arrests of the criminals, who endanger their lives, their property and their safe and lawful and fair voting

It took more than one person to win the war of Independence, more than one person to build a statue of Liberty

Dear Fellow Patriots,   For over two years some of us have heard of Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. and her efforts to seek truth and justice in the case of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate and now the election fraud of Damon Dunn in the race for CA Sect. of State.    Two years of self-funding […]

What can happen?

Yesterday attorney General of TX, Gregg Abbott appeared on FOX and talked about unthinkable turn of events. Drug cartels became so bold that they are shooting at the city hall in El Paso TX. Gov Brewer in AZ is appealing to the Nation, showing signs posted by the Feds,signs that are telling law abiding citizens of Az to […]

Is it FL 2000 all over again?

How many of you remember FL in year 2,000? What happened there? Deadline came and they simply stopped counting. On the website of the Secretary of state of Ca there is an area, which is called “County Reporting Status”. It has a total number of registered votes and the total number of ballots cast in […]

Taitz v Dunn, Superior Court Judge Corey Cramin issues an order to show cause on defendant Dunn, re Stay of Certifcation of votes

An order to show cause was issued by Superior Court Judge Corey Cramin  in Taitz v Dunn upon motion by the paintiff  Taitz against defendant Dunn. Complaint is filed on the issues of Elections Contest and fraud. Here are some explantions for  the readers of this blog, who are not attorneys. 1. What is an order […]

600 arrests at G-20

    Power from the Almighty striking the CN Tower in Toronto … insurrecting the Lord God Almighty has eternal consequences, indeed !!!   Geez 20 – Toronto Pronto   What wonderful ‘leaders’ that make the World Lost – Arrest them ALL !!!   Here’s a brilliant example of why !!! Now listen up Rupert Foxy […]

I agree with Stacy, I like Sarah Palin, but I disagree with some of her endorsements. In Az I support JD Hayworth, it is simply too dangerous to do business as usual. Vote JD Hayworth for senate, he is an underdog, but he represents real change. Don’t trust ballot counting machines, have voluteers to count each and every ballot.

Stacy Slaybaugh ArenaJune 26, 2010 at 3:58pm Subject: New group I am so sorry for all the confusion of late… Fred started this group & made me co-admin, way back when ~ it was “I Support Sarah Palin”, until the other day… I wrote Fred yesterday letting him know I had left the group, that […]

Mr. President, Do Your Job – Warning Signs Don’t Secure the Border

  PHOENIX –– Earlier this month, Governor Jan Brewer sat in the Oval Office with President Barack Obama to discuss the critical issue of border security. The Governor personally related to the President the concerns of millions of Arizonans over the lack of security on Arizona’s southern border. During their visit, President Obama committed to […]

I have now nearly half a million votes, by the time all unprocessed ballots are counted I should have close to 600,000 votes. Legal actions against Dunn and Bowen are going on. If the judges will follow the law I should become the next Sec. of State or at least will have Repub. nomination.

Estimated Unprocessed Ballots for June 8, 2010, Statewide Primary Election County Vote-By-Mail Provisionals Other* Estimated Total Remaining Last Update Provided by County Alameda 5,000 14,000 0 19,000 6/15/10 8:19 AM Alpine COMPLETED 6/11/10 9:24 AM Amador 907 107 1 1,015 6/10/10 3:51 PM Butte 7,526 1,051 0 8,577 6/10/10 2:39 PM Calaveras 24 201 184 […]

Now I have 481,562 votes. More ideas for proud citizens of AZ

Orly Taitz 481,562 Here is another idea. Citizens of AZ can start a petition to the effect of the following: Citizens of AZ have enacted a law, which mirrors the Federal law. Now they are being harassed and intimidated by Obama administration  and Attorney General Holder with impending legal action.  1. Citizens of AZ are […]

from Lyle Rapacki, member of FBI infraguard association of intelligence officers

From: Lyle Rapacki Lyle@SentinelIntelligenceServices.com Subject: New Hampshire passes resolutuion – Must read To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Cc: lyle@sentinelintelligenceservices.com Date: Saturday, June 19, 2010, 3:45 PM                               SENTINEL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES, LLC.                                                           ______________   Saturday – June the 19th, 2010 1540Hrs; m.s.t. (Arizona)                                                              Email Briefing Bulletin: __________   Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.                 IN RE:  New Hampshire […]

Can someone get in touch with governor Brewer?

There is a serious concern about legal challenges against AZ immigration. A couple of legal actions were filed in the Federal court in AZ challenging this law. i just heard on FOX that gov Brewer is waiting for the federal judge to decide. I am extremely concerned. Her best bet and best assurance of impartiality, […]

A question from a reader of the blog: “How do you impeach a federal judge?”

Judith Bailey Submitted on 2010/06/19 at 11:13am I never realized before that this country has so many corrupt judges. Just how can we get them out of office. Can the people impeach a corrupt judge and what evidence do they have to have in order to impeach him. How many votes. Answer: Now I have […]

Rise up America before it’s too late! Before corrupt and dumb politicians and government officials sell out the whole country!!!

From: sunnyjim To: sunnyjim Sent: Fri, June 18, 2010 4:34:31 PM Subject: Ground Zero Mosque& the REAL Islam   Here is a TRUTHFUL 7-minute clip, courtesy of Leon & others, about “peaceful” Islam and its plan  to create a MUSLIM “VICTORY” MOSQUE at GROUND ZERO in NY City.  More BLOOD HAS BEEN SHED over RELIGIOUS ISSUES — over the centuries since humans populated the Earth — than ANY other cause. O’D Sender said: Perhaps this group […]

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