
So far one American actually did it. He burned the Koran at Ground Zero on 9/11. So far it is only one such incident, that I know of

Obama can issue an executive order, fed gov can take over any building in eminent domain

This father of the fallen firefighter is talking about the fact that Obama talked down to them and lectured them, as if they were bigots and racists.  Obama is the biggest bigot and racist. The way he and Holder do not prosecute black panthers and election’s fraud shows them to be the biggest black racists. […]

watch this video! We don’t want this barbaric Muslim culture and Sharia law in US.

Cheryl Espy-Dalton was tagged in a video. Stoning of a MUSLIM Woman!! Please watch and see how women are treated in Islamic Countries. We must fight together to END this! Women are treated terrible under Islamic Laws and if we do noting, this will continue. Length: 1:25

Huffington post on Michelle Obama

This came from the far left Huffington post. Even they didn’t enjoy the fact, that Michelle took 40 friends on an extremely expensive vacation in Spain. Why wasn’t this money spent in LA or FL affected by the oil spill and severe loss of tourist income? And by what right is she spending our money […]


From August 9 I collected $6,431 towards $20,000 of the legal extortion to keep all of us quiet about Obama’s illegitimacy to US presidency. Please, contribute to help me make the difference of  $13,569. There need to be attorneys willing to defend your rights, when they attack you and your families and take away your livelihood and […]

There might need to be a second American revolution before we can get rid of BHO and his Commie Czars

Elizabeth Submitted on 2010/09/05 at 10:37am “There may need to bea 2nd American Revolution before we are rid of BHO and his Commie CZARS” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As long as there are corruptible judges in high places, as long as the SCOTUS is oblivious~~ as long as Congress is blinded by the long-winded subversive representatives, and cases […]

Sheriff of San Francisco instituted a sanctuary city, aiding and abetting Mexican violent criminals and endangering the lifes and rights of US citizens. We need help and protection of US military, minutemen and organized militia in protecting US citizens in S. Fr. county and prosecuting S. Fr. Sheriff Michael Hennessey for treason against US Constitution and treason against US citizens

Jim Kouri Law Enforcement Examiner SubscribeSponsor an Examiner View all of Jim’s articles 2 comments Print Sheriff takes “Sanctuary City” policy to the extreme, say critics September 5th, 2010 8:38 am ET Some call Hennessey the “anti-Arpaio.” He’s a fellow-traveler of Speaker Pelosi and Barack Obama.Photo: SF Weekly The top cop for a major California county may prove […]

Why do I recommend to vote for Republicans in November.

Magnus Johansson Submitted on 2010/09/04 at 12:06am The Republicans have long since missed their chance of being honest and trustworthy. When restoring a house, you shall not try to repair a log rotten to the core, you instead replace that with a new and fresh one. What can you do now? 0 # Answer from […]

What can you do now?

What can you do now? There are a couple of  options Plan A Recent Gallop poll shows Repubs leading Dems by 10 points on a generic ballot. This is the largest gap in some 68 years of poll taking. While the Senate is under a question mark, there is a good probability of Repubs taking the […]

Tell this to Judge Land. one of the biggest web magazines, Slate.com quotes Lt.Gen McInerney in support of birthers

A Good Get for the Birthers Posted Wednesday, September 01, 2010 8:03 AM | By David Weigel I try to ignore the birther movement unless it inducts someone important — a congressman, for example. The (sigh) American Patriot Foundation’s announcement that Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (ret.) has signed an affidavit supporting court martialed birther Lt. […]

Please, join this rally and support our soldiers, who risked their lives for you, and are now being imprisoned for defending you against the terrorists

Info InboxX  Reply |Stephanie F to Orly, me show details 11:10 PM (22 minutes ago) Orly,   Here is the Leavenworth information.   You asked me to call you.  What is going on?   Steph PLEASE REMEMBER THIS UPCOMING EVENT AND SUPPORT IT ANYWAY THAT YOU CAN.  PLEASE PASS THIS ONTO OTHERS AND DO NOT […]

More evidence of violation of Constitutional rights under Obama-Holder regime

While all the systems of checks and balances are dead and paralysed and all the US Attorneys and judges are either ignorant or impotent to uphold the laws and the Constitution, the regime is hard at work in harassing and intimidating the dissidents and trying to isolate them. Suspension of my face-book is only a […]

Explosive new TV interview “On Second Thought” with William Wagener

Today’s “Impeach Obama” rally in San Diego, it will be shown on channel 8 and channel 10

Today there were petition drives set in different locations. Laguna Niguel post office location was hard at work gathering signatures to impeach Obama.  These pictures are from today’s San Diego rally, which was held at San Diego Harbor. Many passing cars were honking and yelling impeach Obama, f-Obama. Channel 8 and 10 news recorded the […]

How do you create an “umph” or current political layout analysis

Currently there are 57 Dem Senators, 41 Repubs and 2 Independents. Independents: Sanders and Liberman typically vote with Dems, so repubs need 9 more seats to tie and 10 more seats to take the Senate. Keep in mind that only a third of the senate seats are due for re-election -33. About 40% of them […]

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