
from South Dakota congressional candidate Steve Hickey

Orly Taitz isn’t crazy – what’s insane is that so few care Orly Taitz isn’t crazy. To be honest, I’ve wondered, but after hearing her speak last night here in Sioux Falls on the issue of Obama’s eligibility, I can report she’s not a loon. To me what’s insane is that so few seem bothered […]

Follow up on Prof Ronald Rotunda story

Redd Submitted on 2010/09/17 at 4:28am You are quite popular. I am wondering what your take is on this article that came out in the Chicago Tribune yesterday by your friend Rotunda? https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/ct-oped-0916-birthright-20100916,0,4594378.story State Representative Cynthia Davis R-MO and writer Jane Jamison signed up as my friends on my new Facebook page 0 #   […]

ideas for Jon Stewart October 30, National Mall Wash. DC rally

John Stuart does not like picture of Obama with Hitler moustache. Please, people, let’s be thoughtful! Please, make some signs and banners of Obama with Stalin moustache!!! Hey, we are reasonable, we are making changes and adjustments.

Jon Stewart is organizing a rally against Birther Queen Orly Taitz and Raging Cajun James Carville to restore peace and sanity. I think we should join his rally with a slogan “after Obama shows his CT Soc. Sec application and his long form birth Certificate we will restore sanity in the country”. Please, call me 949-683-5411, if you can help make the signs and banners for this rally and for AZ rally.

Jon Stewart Announces DC ‘Rally to Restore Sanity’ 46 Comments By Marc Schneider  Posted Sep 17th 2010 06:34AM Print this page|EmailShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on DiggShare on Lifestream ‘Daily Show’ host Jon Stewart announced Thursday that he’ll lead a rally on Washington that aims to encourage angry citizens on both sides of the isle […]

Over 40 million Americans live in poverty. Stop schems, bring back the tariffs to bring the jobs back from China, India and Phillipins. If our corrupt government and Congress do not stop the insanity and don’t bring back the tariffs and American jobs, we will need to outsource all of them.

Census: 1 in 7 Americans live in poverty Print AP – Earl Roth, left, a volunteer chaplain at Wayside Christian Mission, speaks with James, a homeless man, … Play Video Economy Video:Geithner sharpens China criticism Reuters Play Video Economy Video:Geithner Grilled Over China CNBC Related Quotes Symbol Price Change ^DJI 10,593.93 +21.20 ^GSPC 1,124.54 -0.53 ^IXIC 2,302.63 +1.31 […]

Is there one man with guts to stand up to this dirty Chicago mafia?

I am sick and tired of Obama operatives harassing and intimidating everyone, who dares to stand up to them. Yesterday a leading Constitutional Scholar in the country Professor Ron Rotunda has e-mailed me. He signed up as my friend on my new facebook page and a number of his friends, distinquished attorneys and scholars followed him and […]

I got several e-mails where some individuals questioned, whether I am telling the truth about Constitutional Scholar Ron Rotunda supporting me and voting for me in the Republican primary for CA secretary of state against Damon Dunn. Here is one of the e-mails. I am telling the truth.

This e-mail was sent after Mr. Rotunda already signed up as my friend on my new face book page and I asked if he can recommend an elections law attorney to help with my cases, specifically with my legal action against Damon Dunn, who committed fraud by not providing a mandatory disclosure of the fact […]

An interesting idea from my supporter in FL

One of my supporters in FL(who wanted to stay anonymous)  suggested, that I should announce that I will reimburse my supporters, who are contributing to help me pay $20,000 in sanctions and fight this assault on Constitution, after I win the case and get $20,000 back from Obama and/or Department of Justice. I will be happy to […]

Denmark is now closing it’s borders, stopping Muslim immigration, demanding from Muslim immigrants proof of employment and assimilation in Danish culture.

From: Barry Reber – Accurate Building Date: Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 9:52 AM Subject: Denmark ‘Muslims are only 4 percent of Denmark’s 5.4 million people but make up a majority of the country’s convicted rapists and burden to government To: Barry Reber – Accurate Building <barry@accubuilders.com> Semi-long read, one that’s been around before but […]

George Soros’s $45 million dollar push to buy judges. After losing presidents, congress and secretaries of states we are now losing judges. What is left to do? Without any safeguards people will simply revolt, they have no more avenues left

About Contact Archives RSS Columns Photos Michelle Malkin  Soros Watch: $45 million to sabotage America’s judiciary By Michelle Malkin  •  September 9, 2010 02:57 PM Earlier this week, I noted George Soros’s $100 million contribution to open-borders, anti-Israel, anti-U.S. Human Rights Watch. Guess what he is up to now? Prepare yourselves for a $45 million, Soros-driven drive […]

Nazi regime arrests a man for “Impeach Obama” sign. Please make a hundred “Remove Kenyan born usurper Obama” signs. That will teach them a lesson to arrest people for free speech.

rom: wolfgang gielisch Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 9:29 AM Subject: This will make you sick. More proof Obama and libs are NAZI      I do believe we have freedom of speech ( aparrantly not )     Another example of government control  —  What next ??     This is almost a ten minute video. Subject:     […]

Demand that you representatives and senators support HR 1503- Bill Posey (R FL) bill seeking verification of eligibility of the presidential candidate in 2012 and in future elections. Make it a condition of your support and vote in 2010 election

 Flag this message Please support the presidential eligibility act H.R.1503 Sunday, September 12, 2010 5:05 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Jeff Mayton” View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com, “drorly” <orlytaitz@gmail.com> https://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h1503/show   Dear Republican, Please support the “Presidential eligibility act” H.R.1503. Currently we have 12 congressmen that have cosigned the bill. And well over […]

French are fighting back with “Pork and wine” parties and rallies and fighting Muslim , sharia invasion of France. Please, email me at orly.taitz@gmail.com or call at 949-683-5411 if you can help stage “Pork and Wine” party by this mega mosque at ground zero

Why liberal media protects burning of American flag as a protected free speech, but not burning od Koran?

Ed Submitted on 2010/09/12 at 4:07am The first American with COURAGE to stand against ISLAM and their BARBARIC RELIGIN….it is too bad it has to come to this but they( ISLAM) are reaping what they have sown…AMERICA will not be silent much longer…get ready to as we used to say back in the day “TO […]

The most important clip you’ll ever need to watch. It’s time! The whole nation is on the verge of financial slavery and economic collapse.

For the last two years I was very hesitant to speak up about one of the biggest tabus. I was hesitant to bring this last holly cow to slaughter, but things are so out of hand, that it became imperative. The genie is out of the bottle and it’s time to tackle the issue of  […]

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