
Please, contact Bob Goodlatte, Chair of Judiciary committee, Daryl Issa, Chair of the Oversight committee and demand immediate inestigation and parallel criminal investigation by a special prosecutor of the violations of the 4th amendment rights under color of authority by NSA, DOJ, DHS, FBI, CIA, and their accomplices at Google, Skype, Yahoo, Verizon and others. Were judges blackmailed with this illegally gathered information, did they make decisions under duress, which would nullify their decisions? The whole 2012 election might need to be invalidated and new special election held due to wide-spread violations of civil rights by Obama regime and its’ accomplices in the tech industries

Spy agency can snoop without warrant… … Keep data collected ‘inadvertently’ Lawyers eye for evidence in murder, divorce cases… CLAIM: Top judges, generals, politicians wiretapped… Judge’s one-paragraph order governs mass collection… REPORT: SKYPE helped gov’t access customer data… McConnell: Attack on free speech… Govt to map your ‘every move’…  

Update info on DC rally today and interviews tomorrow

  I just came home from DC. I will provide a more detailed report tomorrow, hopefully will have pictures too. I provided the evidence of Obama’s stolen SSN and forged IDs to  Senator Ted Cruz, as well as FOX reporters Bill Thomas and Steve Shehovan (I am not sure about the spelling of his last […]

Thank God! Press release: Judge Lamberth, Chief Judge of the USDC for the District of Columbia gives leave of court to file 74 pages of motions and documents providing undeniable evidence of Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number and seeking release of the original application for the aforementioned number

Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz On 06.13.2013 Judge Lamberth Chief Judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia gave leave of court to file 74 pages of motions and exhibits submitted by Attorney Orly Taitz in case 11-cv-402 Taitz v Astrue (Michael Astrue was the Commissioner of the Social Security […]

After promising to provide within 24 hours Earth shattering info that will take down Obama regime, Glenn Beck produced absolutely nothing. 24 hours passed.

After promising to provide within 24 hours Earth shattering info that will take down Obama regime, Glenn Beck produced absolutely nothing. For this reason you can’t act as morons and believe empty words. When Arpaio states that he has a report from a forensic examiner, do not trumpet it until you see the actual report […]

A statement from Brian Rilley, Tea Party leader who brought to Arpaio and his assistant Zullo a criminal complaint from 250 citizens, seeking Arpaio, as their sheriff, to act and file a criminal complaint with the DA. In light of the fact that Arpaio did not file a criminal complaint with any state or federal authorities Rilley is wondering if that latest hype by Arpaio and Zullo is mostly done for publicity prior to publication of Zullo’s second book. He also states that he has a hard time posting on ORYR/BR site which is run by Richard Garruth with the help of George Miller

Please post on thread BR/ORYR “Obama ID Fraud.” Inbox x Brian Reilly 11:41 AM (34 minutes ago) to Brian Dear BR/ORYR: Still having problems posting on your threads.  Please post the following on the “Obama ID Thread.” Thank You. Regards, Brian Reilly “Mike Zullo’s investigation has now continued for almost two years. He has amassed […]

Update in regards to the Social Security pleadings and documents in DC

I just got off the phone talking to the DC court. Finally, on the forth day the clerks forwarded to Judge Lamberth’s chambers the pleadings and documents that I sent by FedEx and that were received by the court on Monday morning. The pleadings and documents are on Judge Lamberth’s desk, however Judge Lamberth is […]

Coulter calls proponents of amnesty: McCain, Flake, Ayotte, Graham, Hatch and Ribio- stupidest Republicans. They are flooding the country with cheap labor, robbing us of jobs, wages and benefits, pissing off the whole nation, do not care about millions of Americans without jobs and they are joining Democrats in committing treason. I personally do not beieve that they are so completely brain dead, I believe that they are utterly corrupt, bought and paid for. In this threat I want you to give me your opinion: how much all of this scum of the earth in the US Senate and Congress is being paid off to commit treason and sell out all of us, and what should we do about it??? Should all of them be getting death penalty for treason???

COULTER: IF THE GOP IS THIS STUPID, IT DESERVES TO DIE… Hispanic vote declined in 2012…

Please, sign to support Snowden! We need 65 more signatures for our petition to appear on the front page of WeThePeople at WhiteHouse.gov. which is seen by millions of people and will make signature gathering speed up exponentially

https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/institute-edward-snowden-national-whistleblower-patriots-against-government-corruption-day/Qhjys2vw I am appalled by statements of Senator Bill Nelson and Speaker of the House John Boehner, who called Snowden a traitor and I have a lot of respect for Senator Ron Wyden, who pushes for exposure of abuse by the government in deprivation of our rights and indiscriminate gathering of all of our bank […]

Please, sign my petition at WhiteHouse.gov petitioning to institute Edward Snowden, National Whistle blower-Patriots against Government Corruption day. Go to link https://wh.gov/liPYh to sign

Dear friends, I wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People, a new feature on WhiteHouse.gov, and ask for your support. Will you add your name to mine? If this petition gets 100,000 signatures by July 11, 2013, the White House will review it and respond! We the […]

Judge Lamberth to receive newly redacted motions by FedEx. additionally fedEx letters and documents were sent to Senator Kelly Ayotte and Chair of the House Judiciary Committee Congressman Bob Goodlatte. Donations to cover the fees are appreciated

Please, join the “Audit the IRS” protest Obama regime abuses rally June 19, 12 noon in front of the U.S. Capitol. I believe we need to rename the protest to “Protest usurper Obama and his tyranny regime rally “

Newly redacted motions to be received by Judge Lamberth on Monday. Please, read and advice me, whether I missed anywhere any area for redaction. Thank you

A great Kabuki theater in Phoenix, a review of current status of ObamaForgery case by attorney Orly Taitz

A review of the current status of ObamaForgeryGate by attorney Orly Taitz Recently Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo announced that they have an opinion of a forensic document examiner Reed Hayes that Obama’s BC is a forgery. They also stated that Hayes is a registered Democrat in HI. First, I received information that HI does […]

Harry Reid set the mega Amnesty vote for TU, it means that he believes he has 60 votes, that there are 6 corrupt Republicans who joined all of the corrupt Democrats to rob you of your jobs, your wages and your benefits. Call Senators, demand NO on amnesty

Democrats are voting for amnesty as it will turn some 42 million illegals into voting Democrats, it will create a de facto one party system and  an unlimited license to loot, steal and pillage from you for the rotten DNC establishment. That is why they are voting to steal your jobs and wages. With Republicans, […]

Press release: Shocking new revelation! The same Judge that signed an order allowing search and seizure of phone records of millions of innocent U.S. citizens, refused to allow to include in Obamacare case any evidence showing Obama using all forged and fraudulently obtained IDs

Evidence of Obama’s use of bogus IDs compiled by Attorney Orly Taitz Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz Shocking new revelations AP reported today that phone records of millions of innocent U.S. citizens were seized from phone providers and forwarded to NSA . The order was signed by Judge Roger Vinson, the same judge […]

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