
Great news! You can get 2 free trips to Vegas, if you are willing to walk the pricincts for Sharron Angle and Dr. Joe Heck!!!

This is great. We have buses for 2 weekends Oct 15-17 and Oct 22-24. I will be there the second weekend. Bus transportation from So CA, hotel (double occupancy) and meals will be provided. NV repub party will provide the barbecue dinner and some entertainment. We will walk the precincts and lobby for Sharron Angle […]

Bombard the Dems in battleground states with personal visits and phone calls, demand answers to eligibility question. Make Obama’s WH tenure so radiactive, that the Dems will demand his immediate resignation to save their own skins!!!

Dear Orly : Thank you for your continued support of WorldNetDaily.com. WND occasionally sends emails like this one to introduce major advertisers to our loyal readers and valued customers. Please take a few moments to consider their message. Thank you again, from the team at WorldNetDaily.com!   “I can’t spend all of my time with […]

Election projections (that is, if there will not be rigging, elections fraud or some engineered excuse to postpone the elections)

Election projections (that is, if there will not be rigging, elections fraud or some engineered excuse to postpone the elections) Election news 1. In Nevada Sharron Angle is only one 1% away from Harry Reid 2. In WA Dino Rossi is only 1% away from Patty Murray 3. in CT Linda McMahon is only 4% […]

Most of the followers of Glenn Beck think he is lying on the issue of Obama’s illegitimacy to US presidency

As we know, most of the official Main Stream Media opposition to Obama, is a controlled opposition. Typically, US  establishment, US oligarchy will bring a couple of oracles, who would sound right on the surface. These oracles are typically set up with a pulpit and unlimited amount of money to build up a following and mislead the […]

House Majority whip James Clyburn: “Republicans will investigate Resident Obama’s birthplace if they take over Congress.” Oh, really?! No kidding!

Monday, September 27, 2010 House Majority Whip James Clyburn: Republicans will investigate Resident Obama’s birthplace if they take over Congress. YES WE CAN!!! ObamaRelease YourRecords on 11:27 AM Snippets via the Hill; – Dem Whip: GOP majority will issue birther subpoenas – By Jordan Fabian House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) warned Republicans will investigate […]

more info on 042-68-4425 SS number illegally used by usurper Obama

Michael Submitted on 2010/09/25 at 6:47am Orly, I just did a search for the number just before the Great Usurpers number, and this is what came up; Wood Thomas Birth Date 15 Jul 1962 Death July 1981 Age 18-19 Last address of record,06111 (Newington, Hartford Ct.) Issued by Connecticut SSN 042 68 4424 I hope […]

More info on person with similar ss number as 042-68-4425 illegally used by Obama

I am trying to figure out how exactly did Obama obtain the SS number 042-68-4425, which he used since around 1980. This SS number was issued in the state of CT  between 1976-1979 to an individual born in 1890. One of my supporters got info on an individual with a similar number 042-68-4437  (only 12 away). […]

First Amended Reply to motion

U.S. District Court District of Columbia Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 9/24/2010 at 4:48 PM and filed on 9/24/2010 Case Name: TAITZ v. OBAMA Case Number: 1:10-cv-00151-RCL Filer: ORLY TAITZ WARNING: CASE CLOSED on 04/14/2010 Document Number: 37     Docket Text: REPLY to opposition to motion re [34] MOTION […]

According to the media “Sarah Palin is pandering to Orly Taitz crowd” when she says that more questions are asked about Christine O’Donnell and her teenage and college years than anybody bothered to ask about Barack Hussein Obama

Please, you have to attack pro Obama lackeys in the media: don’t let this media scum attack you and call you names. Hold all o0f the officials accountable and demand answers from all of them.  You need to attack them with questions 1. why don’t you show journalistic integrity? 2. why are you committing journalistic […]

I need your help

BOSSING, MARGARET07 Jan 1896Nov 19828606850 (Norwalk, Fairfield, CT)(none specified)Connecticut042-68-4437 Her number is only 12 away from “Obamas” DEMO, ANTOINETTE30 May 1890Apr 19798806810 (Danbury, Fairfield, CT)(none specified)Connecticut042-68-9248 So, here is one issued to someone born in 1890 and died in 1979 I need my supporters in CT to help with research. Here are SS numbers that […]

Black Obama supporters are now turning away from Obama and expressing their deep disappointment

Michael Norris Questioner To Obama: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You”https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=155789811117473 Questioner To Obama: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You” CNBC Town Hall Questioner To Obama: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You” www.realclearpolitics.com “I’m one of your middle class Americans. And quite frankly, I’m exhausted. Exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that […]

Joint FBI and IRS investigation of corrupt judges

Michelle Submitted on 2010/09/21 at 4:25am Dear Dr. Orly-same corruption, different state, in case anyone needs this case for reference. This is one of the many reasons Cook County is called the cesspool of corruption from whence Obama sprang. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Greylord Operation Greylord was an investigation conducted jointly by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the […]

Live leak shows public hanging of men and women in Iran, you can hear the crown chanting “Allah u Ahbar” which means god is great. Do you want this in U.S?

Hanging of two men and a woman in public in Iran – Tabriz **Warning, may offend some viewers**     CLOSE [X] Tehran, Iran, Jul. 15 � Iranian authorities hanged a woman in public in the north-western province of East Azerbaijan, state media reported on Sunday. The unnamed woman was hanged in public in the […]

I don’t support radical militant views and I don’t subscribe to the notion that corruption is beyond repair

Magnus Johansson Submitted on 2010/09/19 at 12:10am Leonard McCauley: “I see no reason to defend the Judiciary, as it’s current state of Corruption is beyond Repair.” Yes, this is true; it is, like the two big political parties, rotten to the core. I once commented on Mario Apuzzo’s blog that the U.S. Supreme Court is […]

On Yom Kipur a 70 year old civil rights attorney Richard Fine was suddenly released from jail. Thank god, and thank you -courageous reporter Leslie Dutton from Full Disclosure network and Dr. Zernick and many others who fought this flagrant violation of civil rights under Obama regime.

Thomas Submitted on 2010/09/18 at 7:48am This is about another situation(read Below ) an article I read Today on Yahoo.com ———————————————- A 70-year-old lawyer who was sentenced to jail “indefinitely” on contempt-of-court charges was abruptly released Friday evening after spending a year and a half behind bars. Richard Fine was released from Los Angeles County […]

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