
From Tea Party Express- help true Tea Party candidate Joe Miller in Alaska!

Lisa Murkowski has sunk to a new low.  She is now relying on a new liberal “Super PAC” that is dumping $600,000 into the Alaska Senate race, smearing Joe Miller and urging voters to “write in” Lisa Murkowski’s name on the ballot. They have a new anti-Joe Miller TV ad, which if you want to see […]

Do you need any more proof, that Obama is an antiAmerican New World Order Puppet???

Gil Guignat Phoenix Conservative Examiner SubscribeSponsor an Examiner View all of Gil’s articles Print Arizona denied immigration defense by Ninth Circuit Court October 15th, 2010 7:16 am MT Do you like this story? The President of the United States has joined forces with 20 foreign countries to whip Arizona into submission. As unbelievable as it […]

Joe Miller in Alaska needs your help, as Murkowski is running as a spoiler, Sharron Angle needs your help, as Scott Ashjian is running as a fake tea party candidate and a spoiler

We’ve always been straightforward with you about the status of the races for tea party candidates – both when things are good, and when they are not so good. In Alaska problems are emerging. First a new poll shows the race is getting close between conservative Republican Joe Miller and liberals Lisa Murkowski (Independent) and […]

If you are a NJ voter, appeal to Chris Christi to stump for the team and visit IL, NV, WA

While Clinton and other Dem luminaries are campaigning for their team, most Repub luminaries are indifferent and lazy to say the least. I don’t see them stumping for the team, specifically in senatorial races. I have to say that Mike Pence is doing an amazing job to rally the troops in congressional races, it is not […]

Today Obama submitted response to my appeal in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

10-55084 Pamela Barnett, et al v. Barack Obama, et al “Submit Brief for Review by the Court” InboxX  Reply |ca9_ecfnoticing@ca9.uscourts.gov to me show details 4:27 PM (25 minutes ago) ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record and parties in a case (including pro se litigants) to […]

FOX news host Laura Ingram joined ABC political correspondent Jack Tapper and demands that Obama release all of his sealed vital records

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 Video: Radio Host, Fox News Contributor, Former Supreme Court Law Clerk Laura Ingraham; Obama, It Is Time To Release Your Records ObamaRelease YourRecords on 12:01 PM   Via MrTimotheus85; Laura Ingraham – Obama It Is Time To Release Your Records – Laura talks about the records that Obama won’t release from […]

Important action item!!! Your help is needed in a Senate race in IL

Recent Rasmussen report shows a very tight race for Obama’s old seat.  Republican Steven Mark Kirk is leading Democrat Alexi Giannoulias in a 3 way race, however in a 2 way race Giannoulias is 1% head. That is a concern. I know a lot of patriots in IL are working hard to help  Bobby Schilling to […]

After I started heavily promoting Sharron Angle, she gained 7% in 8 days. Take that “Politico”!

Yesterday Sean Hannity announced that Sharon Angle is leading Harry Reid by 6%. Even Hannity is surprised by her surge in the polls. While my support is not the only factor, it helps the candidates, by mobilising the patriots, who want the eligibility issue promoted. I explained to Politico, that my reason for supporting candidates, is finding ones […]

ABC news asks Obama’s campaign manager David Axelrod about Obama’s missing long form birth certificate, Axelrod has no answer (probably, because he knows that there is no long form BC, and he and his boss need to go to prison for this massive fraud)

Via ABC News; – Axelrod to US Chamber: What Are You Hiding That You Don’t Want the American People to See? – TAPPER: Isn’t that like the whackjobs that tell the president he needs to show them his full long-form birth certificate so he can put to rest the questions that have been raised? AXELROD: […]

action item, a new idea to promote the eligibility issue

Please read wiki articles below, explaining Asch experiment and Milgrom experiment. Republicans are poised to take the House. Typically with such a  shift, the House minority leader becomes the Speaker of the House- that will be John Boehner, the minority whip becomes the majority leader- that will be Eric Cantor. A new position opens.- that will […]

Why Democrat party hates Republican women, and what should Republican women do about it?

If you were to analyze prior elections, you would see that men were Republican stronghold, women -Democrat stronghold. In typical families men were the ones, who worked and earned the living for the family. Women had more time for charity work, were more likely to identify with typical Democrat causes and push for aid for […]

Contact Steve Pearce, Republican N.M. If he signs a pledge to bring Obama’s illegitimacy to presidency to the House judicial committee, we will support his candidacy and we will deliver donations and votes for him

At the Sept. 30 event in Los Lunas, New Mexico, a woman stood up and asked Pearce if he would “be agreeable to subpoenaing and making him show a birth certificate.” “Because if he is not eligible, because of everything he signed, every bill he signed, every executive order, his czars, our whole government, everything […]

Let’s hope Senator Joe Miller brings the elligibility issue to the Senate Judicial committee hearings

TPMDC Miller (Barely) Admits Sarah Palin Qualified For POTUS, While Dogwhistling To Birthers Brian Beutler | October 6, 2010, 5:00PM  6Share 17tweetsretweet 14diggsdigg Republican candidate for US Senate in Alaska Joe Miller Read More AK-SEN, Barack Obama, Birther, Joe Miller, Sarah Palin Share Send to a friend! To email:    Your Name:    Your email: It takes […]

Important. Sent to the Social Security Administration

  Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ President Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Phone 949-683-5411 Fax 949-766-7603 Orly.taitz@gmail.com OrlyTaitzESQ.com   10.04.10 Via Certified mail –return receipt Ms Dawn Wiggins FOIA officer Social Security Administration OEO FOIA Workgroup 300 N. Green Street P.O. Box 33022 Baltimore, MD 21290-3022 […]

If Dems are questioning Meg Whitman’s cleaning lady, using someone else’s social security number, it is green light for Republicans to ask Obama about his use of 042-68-4425, issued to another individual in CT

About a week ago Jim DeMint was on CNN,  Candy Crowley show and was asked “Why are Democrats so happy about your tea-party candidates, believing that they are easy to beat?” Demint responded “They are faking it”. It is a clear case of reverse psychology. Dems worked overtime to denigrate the tea party candidates, not […]

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