
In Rome, do as the Romans

I believe Democrat party realised, that the house is lost, therefore they are concentrating their efforts on the Senate. Keep in mind in Congress you have all 435 seats up for grabs. Democrats have 256 seats. About a 100 of these 256 are in play. Republicans are projected to take over at least 54 out of these 100. They […]

I demanded answers to these questions from Dawn Wiggins, FOIA officer with SSA, no answer from SSA, no answer from judge Royce Lamberth for 2 months.

Jim Submitted on 2010/10/19 at 10:49pm That 7/55 on the Hamilton is not a 55, but a 65. It is a result of a bad scan. If it were a 55, both 5’s would be the same height and width. The first “5″ is wider and longer than the second “5″. They are clearly not […]

Attorney General of CA Jerry Brown and Secretary of State Debra Bowen are committing elections fraud by allowing R Candidate for Sec of State Damon Dunn to run for office, while fraudulently omitting from his voter registration card mandatory disclosure of his voter registration in TX and FL, where he registered as a Democrat

10/18/2010 For IMMEDIATE RELEASE REGARDING LAWSUIT AGAINST ATTORNEY GENERAL BROWN, SECRETARY OF STATE BOWEN FOR ELECTION FRAUD: Attorney General Brown, “The Worst Attorney General in America” according to Competitive Enterprise Institute in a July 2010 report, is complicit with Secretary of State Debra Bowen in promoting voter registration and election fraud in California as evidenced […]

Do you know?

There is probably no connection, but just in case I wanted to check if there is any connection between Harry C. Ballantyne, former actuary of the Social Security administration and William Ayers, or his wife  Bernardine Dohrn. or Ann Dunham, or Stanley Armor Dunham or Frank Marshall Davis. Mr. Ballantyne told me, he is a Democrat, […]

On Bearing Arms…

Power point On Bearing Arms…Click HERE and Open Slide Show; Then Right Mouse Click and SELECT Next


 Flag this message QUESTION…..HELP… Monday, October 18, 2010 1:37 PM From: “se” “se” <patapi@cox.net> Can you tell me WHAT Americans can do to put a stop to ILLEGAL ALIENS voting in our country..? Hispanic Consulates travel all over the nation signing up ILLEGAL ALIENS to vote. Their vote cancels out mine because I DON’T vote […]

see, what the liberals are saying

 Flag this message Fwd: To Cheer You Up Monday, October 18, 2010 5:08 AM From:          You know the honeymoon is over when the comedians start.     The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree… 25 to life would be appropriate.    — Jay Leno America needs Obamacare like Nancy […]

Please, report human rights violations in U.S. under Obama regime. Please, don’t forget Lt. Col Lakin and actions of Judge Lind, Clay Land in Ga and David Carter in CA

Zena Denise Crenshaw sent a message to the members of NFOJA on Facebook.   Zena Denise CrenshawOctober 17, 2010 at 7:14pm Subject: Please Join OAK’s Sign-On Letter to the U.N. Please visit NFOJA’s Meet Up message board for details. It links you to a letter to be emailed on October 28, 2010 to various U.N. […]

2 congressmen, who demanded to see Obama’s long form birth certificate are top contenders for Governorship. People ase sick of Obama lies, they want to know the truth,

COLMES: Do you really believe – you know he was born in Hawaii right? TANCREDO: I have absolutely no idea where he was born. COLMES: You’ve seen he was born in Hawaii; he was in two Hawaiian newspapers within two days of his birth. TANCREDO: Anybody can put an article in a newspaper. Just show […]

Tea Party candidate Paul LePage is leading in the race for Governor of Maine

Amazing! “Birther” Tom Tancredo jumped 24% in his run for governor of Colorado, he is only 4% behind his opponent! Support Tom Tancredo for governor of Colorado!!!

October 16, 2010 Tancredo Surges in Colorado A new Rasmussen survey in Colorado shows John Hickenlooper (D) now barely leading Tom Tancredo (C) in the race for governor, 42% to 38%, with Dan Maes (R) way back at just 12%. Tancredo’s support has surged from 14% in late August, while Maes’ support has dropped from […]

Open letter to Glenn Beck from Capt Neil Turner (Ret)

Open Letter to Glenn Beck October 16th, 2010 Neil Turner: Here is my OPEN LETTER TO GLENN BECK sent to CBrady@GlennBeck.com: AN OPEN LETTER TO GLENN BECK Glenn Beck! Can we talk? You talk about Restoring the Constitution – every word of it! Yet you refuse to talk about Article II, Section 1 – ELIGIBILITY […]

I wonder if there was a violation of Logan act in financing a “yes” vote on the new Constitution of Kenya

 Flag this message Obama’s Polygamist Half Brother Marries Teen; Obama Illegally Funds Pro-Sharia Constitution? Saturday, October 16, 2010 11:25 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “mmeandrews Obama’s half brother in Kenya says he married teen By TOM ODULA, Associated Press Writer Fri Oct 15, 11:49 am ET NAIROBI, Kenya – President Barack Obama’s polygamist half brother in Kenya […]

Public Speaking professor in Cal state University at Fullerton is telling the students not to vote for Republican Meg Whitman for Governor

A student, who wanted to stay anonymous for fear of repercussions during the final exams  from this professor, reported that a professor of the California State University at Fullerton told her students, that all the economic problems in CA are because of the  Republicans and that Republican candidate for governor Meg Whitman is not qualified […]

Even Slate magazine writes that Damon Dunn’s qualifications for office are mysterious. Bottom line, he was groomed by someone to run as a Republican Obama: he is packaged as a black Cinderella story, a lot of hype, no substance, elections fraud and the hearing in CA Superior court intentionally set for January 10, 2011, after the election. By the way, he calls himself a successful real estate developer. Can someone find at least one site, where he is developing anything? Where is he building anything? Where is he employing anybody? How is he a developer?

Podcasts & Video Blogs Weigel: Reporting about politics and policy Home « Prev | Main | Next » The Incredibly Exciting Race for California Secretary of State Posted Friday, October 15, 2010 11:01 AM | By David Weigel In 2006, while Republicans were distracted, wealthy liberal donors funded the Secretaries of State Project — an effort to get Democrats […]

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