
Free Commander Fitzpatrick! He was thrown in prison for challenging “professional” Jury Foreman, who was placed by the establishment and allowed to sit as the Grand Jury foreman for 20 years. Foreman refused to let Fitzpatrick present criminal charges against Obama to the grand Jury. We have a dictatorship and a tyranny. Jury foreman for 20 years does not represent citizen grand jury. He is a puppet of the establishment.

 Flag this message UPDATE ! CMDR Fitzpatrick ! Dialog with the Devil – Can’t Handle the Truth !!! Saturday, October 30, 2010 8:46 PM From: “chuckolb”MCSD-Badge2.gif          Voter Responsibilities https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKFnjfm17bo (link if above player is missing)   https://www.judeo-christianvoterguide.com/ https://wallbuilders.com/       UPDATE ! CMDR Fitzpatrick ! Dialog with the Devil – Can’t Handle […]

Please, report Daily KOS to the deparment of Justice, Judiciary committee of House of Rep and Inspector General for repeatedly defrauding the public

ACTION ALERT: Orly Taitz posting SSNs online–again ShareNew  0 Christian Dem in NC’s diary :: ::   Daily KOS is a far left comi internet rag, which is engaging in  defrauding and brainwashing of  innocent young people. Please, read their article above. They are intentionally misrepresenting the truth, they claim, that I am publishing a social […]

Article in World Net Daily about my Petition for Writ of certiorari filed with the Supreme Court

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Ann Moorman” <View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com https://www.wnd.com/?pageId=221373     BORN IN THE USA? Lawyer: ‘Environment is more favorable for judges to decide on the merits without fear’ Posted: October 30, 2010 1:00 am Eastern By Brian Fitzpatrick © 2010 WorldNetDaily Orly Tait   California attorney Orly Taitz says the changing […]

Reject NWO mafia puppet Lisa Murkowski, support Joe Miller-R AK. Read the latest from Sarah Palin

Lisa, are you going to shut down my Facebook page for writing this? by Sarah Palin on Friday, October 29, 2010 at 9:20pm Yesterday, Lisa Murkowski’s hired guns threatened radio host Dan Fagan, and more importantly, the station that airs Fagan’s show, with legal action for allegedly illegal “electioneering.” The station, unlike Murkowski, who is […]

for some reason Huf Post is running again this hit piece. They are saying:”What’s on next week George? A split screen debate between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Orly Taitz?” My answer: No problem, I have more knowledge of foreign relations and speak more foreign languages than Hillary Clinton. I am not afraid of any debate with her and I know I will win.

Joseph A. Palermo Author/Associate Professor of History BIO Become a Fan Get Email Alerts Bloggers’ Index More Orly Taitz! digg facebook Twitter stumble reddit del.ico.us Read More: Abc, Alan Greenspan, Alan Keyes, Andrea Mitchell, Anne Coulter, Bernie Goldberg, Bill O’Reilly, Birther Movement, Birthers, Dick Morris, Far Right, Frank Gaffney, Geithner ABC This Week, George Stephanopoulos, […]

Very interesting math, it can be a blood bath of 107 Democrats being thrown out of the House of Representatives

I decided to do some very interesting math. According to the most respected polster Scott Rasmussen, out of 19 senatorial seats, currently held by Democrats, which are due for vote in 2010, Republicans are poised to take over 8-10. I took the lowest number of 8 and converted it into procentage and applied to the number […]

Update regarding Lt. Col Lakin

thanks for helping col lakin.             Inbox   X                    Reply   | alex rynkiewicz  to me show details 4:37 PM (2 minutes ago)   ms taitz     i went to wash dc bergs rally but only 50 people there— i cancelled my membership […]

Christine O’Donnell is only 6% behind Chris Coons

 Flag this message Great News: Christine O’Donnell Surges to Within 6% in Brand New Poll Sunday, October 24, 2010 11:23 AM From: “Tea Party Express” <info@TeaPartyExpress.org> Add sender to Contacts To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com   New Poll Has Christine O’Donnell Within 6%  Stunning news to report today, fellow patriots.  A brand new poll has Christine O’Donnell surging to […]

As queen of the birthers I welcome Senator Harry Reid to my court. See SNL parody clip below!

 Flag this message Harry Reid the birther– If you have not already seen this, I think you will like it. It makes the point with comedy, Worth it!–Gil Sunday, October 24, 2010 9:18 PM From: “Gil Guignat View contact details To: “‘Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ’” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> https://www.thehopeforamerica.com/play.php?id=5593 Even Washington Post is featuring this clip

When will Bill O’Reilly and the rest of our corrupt main stream media stop spinning and stop defrauding American Citizens? Please, write to Inspector General and FCC and demand criminal prosecution of ones in the media, who are aiding and abetting in ObamaFraudGate

 Flag this message wnd: FAILure TO READ? Monday, October 25, 2010 1:22 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Michael Angelus” View contact details To: “Joseph Farah” <jfarah@wnd.com>, “Bob UNRUH” runruh@wnd.com ) SCOTUS 10-21-10-Taitz-USSC-Pet-for-Writ-of-Cert.pdf Hey Joseph Will you be publishing the attached brief filed with SCOTUS this week? As usual…WND is the “news source” for […]

Hottest stories on Twitter features:”Obama cancels trip to Golden temple in fear of fuelling the Orly Taitz and Tea Bagger brigade” My answer “Can he cancel his stay at the White House too, while he is at it?”

TweetMeme, Hottest Stories on Twitter Welcome Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.  |  Logout Top Stories Right Now 1 Contribute the Apple JDK source to OpenJDK – Petition Spot – 374 Tweets 2 Twitter Status – Experiencing elevated error rates – 381 Tweets 3 Lady Gaga Hits One Billion Views on YouTube – 1367 Tweets 4 Internet TV and The Death of Cable TV, really […]

I submitted a petition for writ of Certiorari yesterday, will any of the Justices of SCOTUS ever read or even see any of the pleadings? There were no singnatures of any justices on any orders on my prior cases. Access to records is denied.

 Flag this message Taitz v MacDonald (10-A56): Did you ever get to see the signature of SCOTUS justice on the order of denial ? Saturday, October 23, 2010 3:05 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “joseph zernik” View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Hi Orly: I wonder if you ever got to see […]

Petition to the Supreme Court for Writ of Certiorari

10-21-10-Taitz-USSC-Pet-for-Writ-of-Cert FedEx-shipment-report

“Political Wire” echoes what I’ve been saying all along!! WA is your battle of Normandy

“Political Wire” echoes what I’ve been saying all along!! Check out our other sites: Political Dictionary and Political Job Hunt October 20, 2010 Murray Barely Ahead in Washington A new McClatchy-Marist Pollin Washington finds Sen. Patty Murray (D) with a one point lead over Dino Rossi (R) for U.S. Senate, 48% to 47%, among likely […]

Tom Tancredo runs for Gov of Colorado and suports eligibility

 Flag this message TOM TANCREDO was on FOX NEWS today & He will be on Bill O’Riley TONIGHT! Wednesday, October 20, 2010 2:03 PM From: TONIGHT, TOM TANCREDO will be on the Bill O’Riley Show, FOX channel. INTERESTING!   Be sure to tune in. I will!    Courtesy: Larry Breazeale, Msgt. USAF, (ret.)                Deputy […]

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