
Soros’s brown shirts in Media Matters attack “Washington Examiner” for standing up to Obama in supporter of the eligibility issue. Please, don’t get intimidated by the American SS and Georgy Goebbels, please, demand a position paper from every Congressman and Senator in Support of Lt. Col Dr. Terry Lakin and others like me fighting to hear eligibility on the merits and to expose Obama’s lack of valid SS number and lack of valid long form BC

Oh, this is funny – Media Matters spinning out of control   Reply |Ms Miki Booth show details 6:16 AM (2 hours ago)  https://mediamatters.org/iphone/blog/201011220019 Miki “The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should […]

Nick Wing of Huffington Post writes about upcoming eligibility state laws, but again commits journalistic malpractice and defrauds the public by stating that Obama presented his BC and is eligible. Obama refused to provide his original BC with the name of the doctor, hospital and signatures. He only provided a short version, created in 2007. He is, also, using SS number 042-68-4425, which was issued to another individual in CT.

Another House Democrat Goes Down Orly Taitz Cheers As States Ready To Consider ‘Birther’ Legislation The Huffington Post   |  Nick Wing First Posted: 11-23-10 10:45 AM   |   Updated: 11-23-10 05:43 PM What’s Your Reaction? digg facebook Twitter stumble reddit del.ico.us Important Funny Typical Scary Outrageous Amazing Innovative Finally Read More: Barack Obama, Birther Bill, Birther Bills, Birther Movement, […]

Amazingly Facebook voluntarily reinstated my old account. I need help with Social network accounts

As you might recall, on my birthday, when hundreds of people sent me e-mails on FB, wishing me happy b-day, FB blocked my account, stating that I might have inadvertently gone to a phishing site and they requested that I identify pictures of my friends in order to go back to my account. I could not identify […]

From Slate magazine, an article by David Weigel and a response to Ben Crair of “The Daily Beast” , why my work is important and why I cannot be compared to Alvin Greene

…”But let’s suspend the rule and spend a couple more minutes on Taitz/Greene to suss out just how lazy Crair’s criticism is. Why are Orly Taitz and Alvin Greene comparable at all? Taitz is not really a politician. She’s a judicial activist who has traveled the country to raise awareness of the Obama birth certificate […]

More discussion on why CA is broke

John Submitted on 2010/11/23 at 2:16am Yes, why don’t all those medical, social and educational professionals work for minimum wage with no benefits or pension, the way you do? Why can’t we go back to the 19th century, where you could work employees 16 hours a day, 7 days a week with no benefits at […]

Please, help the resistance movement against the regime of Communist Dictator of Venezuella Hugo Chavez

 Flag this message ORLANDO URDANETA & GENE SHARP Tuesday, November 23, 2010 6:14 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Movimiento de Resistencia Nacional” <mrndevenezuela2@gmail.com> Add sender to Contacts To: undisclosed-recipients Orlando Urdaneta arranca el movimiento de resistencia con un resumido adelanto de lo que le espera a “Fulanito” al unificarnos todos en torno a […]

Again this misleading MSNBC report is being published. What now? and what you can do.

1 Prop Give Props Video: Taitz seeks to duck fine with Supreme challenge This Link is located in the Public Channel MSNBC Most Viewed Videos. Posted by MyPropsMonkey101 days ago (msnbc.msn.com).  Views: 5 Tags: video Related Tags: news  tv  business  finance  politics  election  wall street  funny  economics   Rachel Maddow explains the lengths to which Orly Taitz has gone to avoid paying a $20,000 fine […]

More on Obama’s records: the problem is not in lack of evidence…

Now Obama’s cronies are coming with a new story, claiming that there was a typo in his application for his Social Security number. They are saying that he has a CT Social security number because of a typo.  It is hard to believe that there was a typo, but even if you were to give […]

Obama’s SS number was not mis-typed, he is using SSN 042-68-4425, which was issued to another individual in CT. Our U.S. Attorneys, Eric Holder, members of Congress are aiding and abetting massive fraud and treason by allowing Obama to continue as The U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief

Arnold Submitted on 2010/11/17 at 9:05pm LOL !!!! You obviously have never worked in an IT department. I worked as a programmer for a government agency ( though not SS ) back in the mid 70’s. Whenever we ran a job that had a zipcode in it, the first 3 digits of the zipcode were […]

Can someone find, who this guy is? I still have no response from the FBI and police

Neil N Bob tube8.com sukme@haha.net Submitted on 2010/11/17 at 11:15am You mean they cut out the parts of the interview where you just rambled on about something you were never asked about? It would be nice if some Muslim terrorist pulled you from your car, kicking and screaming and then tore off all of […]

End GATT now, we need tariffs on cheap junk from China, we need balanced trade, so that more Americans can get jobs and can feed their families

Report: 45 Million Americans Went Hungry in 2009 Updated: 22 hours 57 minutes ago Print Text Size Print this page|EmailShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on DiggShare on Lifestream Dave Thier Contributor AOL News Surge Desk (Nov. 16) — Last year “food insecurity” amongst Americans remained at the highest levels it has ever been since the […]

A new hit piece from George Soros’s BrownShirtsRUS “Media Matters”, most important parts of the interview were cut out, of course

Share Print Email “Birther queen” Orly Taitz praises Fox’s “great” hiring of Dobbs November 16, 2010 6:12 pm ET by Eric Hananoki  Orly Taitz, one of the leading members of the conspiracy theory that President Obama lacks a valid birth certificate, praised Fox Business’ decision to hire fellow birther Lou Dobbs. In July 2009, Dobbs […]

By refusing to rule on the issues of Obama’s criminal behavior in elections fraud and SS fraud, judges are violating the canons of Judicial Ethics and can be impeached by Congress together with Obama and with people who are aiding and abetting Obama

Jim Submitted on 2010/11/17 at 6:11am Canon 1: A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary CANON 2: A. Respect for Law. A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. […]

More clarification on Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number from CT. He used it as recently as this year to file his 2009 tax returns. When we’ll have one judge with a drop of shame and integrity and honesty to care about the fact, that we have a president, committing social security fraud and identity theft? One judge? Anywhere?

Jim Submitted on 2010/11/16 at 7:08pm 1. There is not an identity of the person the number was issued to ( that was the reason for the attempt to get the SS5 form issued to that number ), just that it was issued to someone born in 1890. 2. It is the number he used […]

Why Royce Lamberth, chief judge of the District of Columbia, and others are ignoring the evidence of Social Security fraud committed by Obama?

Jim Submitted on 2010/11/16 at 7:40am What is not credible about the SS number issue? There was proof submitted to the court in the form of an official government record that he actually used that number. That number was issued in 1977 to someone born in 1890 ( and before you say that is ludicrous […]

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