
Please, help LTC Lakin, an american hero, a decorated flight surgeon will be rotting in jail because Obama is refusing to show his original long form birth Certificate

pb_realestate@comcast.net to  me show details 8:44 PM (9 hours ago) https://www.safeguardourconstitution.com/tlawsummary.html It’s the 14-15 of Dec. Let’s go!!  We can hold signs outside before and after the trial exposing obama’s fraud crimes! Why don’t you post on your website and see how many people we can get to go?? It’s time to take off the […]

Thank God- SB 510 fails on Constitutional grounds. Now, somebody needs to explain to our brain surgeons in Congress, that BO fails on Con.(as in Con Law+Con Art) grounds too, and we are home free! :-)

A number of my supporters asked Anderson Cooper to invite me on his show and talk about eligibility, but he does not invite me, because he knows that I will take him and his lies apart

 Flag this message Talking of OUTRAGE !! Tuesday, November 30, 2010 12:50 PM From: “nsankey View contact details To: “Shhh!” Ladies and Gentlemen, I know that virtually nobody watches CNN these days, but of the few that do, I am surprised not to see more  (or even some) outrage over how Anderson Cooper treated Texas […]

A comment from commander Kerchner, lead plaintiff in Kerchner et al v Obama et al, brought by Mario Apuzzo

hitler.jpg Comment from lead Plaintiff Commander Charles Kerchner; The “Roberts Court” of the U.S. Supreme Court imo will be known in history as the Neville Chamberlain supreme court, the great Obama appeaser court. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Chamberlain Appeasement due to fear that some immediate small amount of veiled and threatened violence from the far left Saul Alinsky goons […]

My yesterday’s meeting with the author of the”Creature from Jekyll Island” G. Edward Grffin

the inscription says “Orly, I totally support all that you do” G. Edward Griffin. This book is a must in understanding the banking industry of modern times and the creation of the Federal Reserve after the infamous trip of President Wilson and several prominent bankers to the Jekyll Island, GA. Mr. Griffin ia a big […]

Here is an interesting thread as to why we follow Vattel theory of natural born citizen and not British “Common Law” theory of “Natural born subject” of the crown

Have a chuckle at Politijab InboxX  Reply |Michael to Mario, Charles, me show details 11:20 PM (6 hours ago) To join-in the forum you will need to register, but I think you can read it as a guest.   https://www.thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=4898&p=189071#p189071   gentrfam wrote:English Common Law (See The English Common Law (Calvin’s Case, or the Case […]

Do you see something peculiar with this picture?

There were hundreds of thousands of classified Pentagon docs releases by Wikileaks and nothing was done by Obama regime. They just sent to the owner of Wikileaks a letter, saying “nu,nu,nu, be a good boy”!??? On the other hand, when I representedseveral  members of active military, legitimately questioning Obama’s eligibility, Obama regime used the department […]

More on voter fraud and reversing the results in blackbox voting. We have to de-certify all electronic voting and ballot counting machines. The voters have to get access to 100% of the voter registrations and ballots

Washington bringing King County inefficiency to Kitsap Oct 17 2008 Voters would be unwise to ratify Walt Washington’s temporary appointment as Kitsap County auditor. He is an export from King County’s notorious elections division, and since his appointment here he has already been personally cited with approximately a dozen public disclosure violations and other discrepancies […]

Ron Paul to Be Appointed Committee Chair Overseeing Federal Reserve

Ron Paul to Be Appointed Committee Chair Overseeing Federal Reserve In one of the best moves the Republicans have made in a long time, they are poised to give committee chairmanship to Congressmen Ron Paul in order to oversee the operations of the Federal Reserve. From the Hill.com: Paul is poised to take over the […]

a TV program about my legal challenges to Obama’s eligibility aired today at 1 Moscow time to REN market of 120 million people. A link and a WIKI article about REN-TV network is below

Will be aired this Saturday InboxX  Reply |Alexander Gofen to me show details Nov 24 (3 days ago)        Dear Orly,        I have just gotten a word from Svetlana, that the show will be aired this Saturday November 27 at 13:00 Moscow time, REN TV rubric “Voiennaia taina”. Svetlana promised to record a video […]

Somali man plotted car-bombing at a busy Christmas celebration in Oregon and our Troika of Rocket scientists: Obama, Holder, Incompetano still refuse to profile and insist on searching American 3 year olds and 90 year old nuns. Only hearing on the merits of eligibility issue in SCOTUS or in the Congressional hearing will put an end to this regime

Feds: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Ore. Print AP – This image provided by the Mauthnomah County Sheriff’s Office shows Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, arrested … By WILLIAM McCALL, Associated Press William Mccall, Associated Press – 28 mins ago PORTLAND, Ore. – Federal agents in a sting operation arrested a Somali-born teenager just as he tried blowing up a van […]

from BirtherReport.com

-Home- -Posts RSS- -Comments RSS- -Chat Room- -Message Board- Saturday, October 23, 2010 Attorney Taitz files Petition for Writ of Certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court for Captain Rhodes/Taitz v. Colonel MacDonald/Obama, et al.. ObamaRelease YourRecords on 11:55 AM This Petition is regarding the sanctions ordered by federal judge Clay D. Land in the United […]

Interesting. I got an invitation to several events at U.N. University. There was no fee. This is one of the events

Order Confirmation for Reforming the International Monetary and Financial Architecture InboxX  Reply |United Nations University to me show details Nov 25 (1 day ago) Images are not displayed. Display images below – Always display images from orders@eventbrite.com Reforming the International Monetary and Financial Architecture Thursday, December 09, 2010 from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM (ET) […]

Finally an enormous Ponzi scheme, called European Union, is being thrown in the dustbin of history, right on top of another Ponzi scheme, called the Soviet Union. Please, help me clean up massive elections fraud in CA and other large states, so we don’t fall victims to another Ponzi scheme, called North American Union. I need help in CA, NV, WA, CO, WV. call me at 949-683-5411, if you can help in these states

‘Who the Hell do You Think You Are? The Euro Game Is Up!’ by Sam Samford (videos) 3:29 European MP Nigel Farage: ‘Who the Hell do You Think You Are? The Euro Game Is Up!’ November 24, 2010 at 12:30 pm – Dateline: Europe Nigel Farage: “You are very, very dangerous people indeed. Your obsession […]

If FCC takes over the air waves, demand immediate position paper from every Congressman in support of January Congressional hearing on criminal prosecution of the FCC management for Unconstitutional Junta style taking of the American air waves, for aiding and abetting massive fraud of American citizens and for treason against the U.S. Constituion and U.S. citizens

SENTINEL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES, LLC                    LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D.                                     ____________   Wednesday – November the 24th, 2010 0925Hrs; m.s.t. (Arizona) ____________________ Email Briefing Bulletin:     The below announcement being released this morning demonstrates what many are beginning to realize; the U.S. Congress is quickly fading into the background becoming a mere parilamentary body, […]

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