
Press release: second response received from the Department of Justice. Update on several of the legal actions filed by Attorney Taitz against Barack Obama

Press Release from Attorney Orly Taitz Second response received from the US Department of Justice. They are stating that they are forwarding complaint and FOIA request from Taitz  to yet another department. As of now  the status of challenges against Obama due to his use of a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 and all fabricated IDs […]

Press release: Criminal complaint filed with Pam Bondi, Attorney General of FL for violation of 14th amendment civil rights of George Zimmerman and inciting riots and violence by AG Eric Holder, CRS department of Dep of Justice, Barack Obama and Angela Corey, as well as complaint for fraud committed by NBC and ABC

Press release: Criminal complaint filed with Pam Bondi, Attorney General of FL for violation of 14th amendment civil rights of George Zimmerman and inciting riots and violence  by AG Eric Holder, CRS department of Dep of Justice, Barack Obama and Angela Corey, as well as complaint for fraud committed by NBC and ABC . See […]

Complaint filed with Attorney General of FL seeking criminal charges to be filed against Eric Holder, Barack Obama, CRS, Angela Corey for violation of 14th amendment civil rights and for inciting violence and riots, as well as complaint against NBC and ABC for fraud


Notarized FOIA request to the IRS with exhibit 1(Obama’s signature under the stolen Social security number in his tax returns)

Press release: summons issued to the Postmaster General and Inspector General of the USPS in a legal action by Attorney Orly Taitz dealing with Obama’s use of a fabricated USPS cancellation postal stamp on his fabricated Selective Service certificate

  Press release: summons issued to the Postmaster General and Inspector General of the USPS in a legal action by Attorney Orly Taitz dealing with Obama’s use of a fabricated USPS cancellation postal stamp on his fabricated Selective Service certificate. After the case was filed, Inspector General sent a response that he sent the  June […]

Press release: FOIA request filed with the selective service, demanding a response, whether a criminal complaint was filed against Obama in connection to his use of a forged selective service certificate with an affixed fabricated stamp

  Press release: FOIA request filed with the selective service, demanding a response, whether a criminal complaint was filed against Obama in connection to his use of a forged selective service certificate with an affixed fabricated stamp

Please support Congressman Rohrabacher who made an ultimatum to Speaker of the House John Boehner that if Boehner dares to put any amnesty/immigration bill to a vote, when majority of Republicans oppose it, Boehner will be thrown out of his position of the Speaker of the House. Call Boehner and tell him not to pull Rubio, not to commit treason agaimst 90 million Americans out of workforce and not to put to a vote ANY immigration bill. Any bill that will be sent to a committee, will be gutted and turned into a mega amnesty

Congressman Rohrabacher’s birthday

Reply to untimely opposition was filed in Obama’s fraudulent Social Security number case

Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz: a response to an untimely opposition was filed in Taitz v Astrue 11-cv-402 case. This case revolves around Barack Obama’s use of a stolen Connecticut Social Security number,which was traced to Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890. Social Security administration and the Department of Justice were caught red […]

Tectonic shift in the center of gravity in the Middle East and possible repercussions on the US policy, upcoming Mega amnesty bill and 2016 elections by Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ

Many in the U.S seem to misunderstand this tectonic shift in the center of gravity in the Middle East. Obama  regime has misinterpreted  the role of the military and the nature of the reforms, as well as forces behind them. Many do not understand Egypt and the role of the military there likening it a […]

You live by the sword, you die by the sword: military put Morsi in power and military removed him

Some of the leftist and pro Obama reporters are claiming that this is a military coup in Egypt and it removed the democratically elected President, however let’s look at the facts and the truth. How did Morsi come to power? When protesters gathered at the Tahrir square during the first revolution, Mubarak did not budge. […]

Breaking news! Press release: Response from the Inspector General of the USPS was received today. Inspector General referred the complaint to the USPIS Mail Fraud Division for action and results to be reported within 30 days

Press Release Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ By a very interesting coincidence today, right after filing a legal action against the Postmaster General and Inspector General, Attorney Taitz received a response from the Office of the Inspector General of the USPS David Williams. According to the response attached below they received the criminal  […]

Press release: legal action filed against the Postmaster General and Inspector General of the USPS regarding the cover up of a fabricated USPS stamp in Obama’s Selective Service registration

Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz Press release: legal action filed against the Postmaster General and Inspector General of the USPS regarding the cover up of a fabricated USPS stamp in Obama’s Selective Service registration In 2009 attorney Orly Taitz met with the Director of Selective Service William Chatfield and provided him evidence that […]

After the government failed to file a response in Obama stolen SSN case, the government is asking the judge to allow them to file a late response

Department of Justice is asking Judge Lamberth to allow them to file a late answer after the notice of failure to respond was docketed because they were confused and did not understand that they need to answer the motion. I kid you not, read the pleading. This is just unbelievable. Do you think they can […]

Appellants brief and excerpts of record were filed in Judd v Obama

Press release   Law offices of Orly Taitz Appellants’ brief  and excerpts of record were filed in Judd v Obama Keith Judd got 41% of the vote in W.Virginia primary against Obama’s 59%. His contention is that Obama won the election by fraud, by asserting his identity using a stolen Social Security number and forged […]

Press release: 4th District Court of Appeal in CA to hold an oral argument in legal action Taitz v Obama et al

Press Release Law Offices of Orly Taitz 4th District Court of Appeal notified Attorney Orly Taitz that it will  hold an oral argument in the case Orly Taitz v Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein, E. Emken. The oral argument will be scheduled in the next 4 months. The case revolves around a complaint of elections fraud […]

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