
“The Guardian” a leading newspaper from United Kingdom publishes a new article about eligibility. They are already writing about my article, posted yesterday “New play -American POW in America”. Within hours it is being promoted on the other side of the globe.

Barack Obama detractors, the’birthers’, face challenge from Hawaii governor Conspiracy theorists’ claim that president is an alien interloper and not a US citizen to be challenged by Neil Abercrombie   Share   Comments (8) Ed Pilkington in New York guardian.co.uk, Sunday 26 December 2010 17.15 GMT Article history Barack Obama’s citizenship is a target for the […]

January 1, 2011 call every radio station and newspaper and demand coverage of the the Lakin story. Main talking point: Decorated war hero, American POW is rotting in jail because the fraud in the WH wouldn’t explain his CT SS number and his lack of long form BC

Orly Taitz’s Photos – Orly’s Photo 12 of 16   Back to Album · Orly’s Photos · Orly’s Profile Previous Next Click on people’s faces in the photo to tag them.   with talk show host John Rothman

NY Times writes about new gov of HI trying to aid in cover up for his spiritual godson Obama. He talks about disrespect to the President, what about disrespect to every American citizen and the Constitution. Are we governed by the law or by the mafia, which makes up laws as they go

Hawaii’s Governor Takes On ‘Birthers’ By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG HONOLULU — Gov. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, who befriended President Obama’s parents when they were university students here, has been in office for less than three weeks. But he is so incensed over “birthers” — the conspiracy theorists who assert that Mr. Obama was born in […]

From former Scotland Yard detective and licensed investigator Neil Sankey

Major General Karl Horst                                                     December 24, 2010   Sir, I would like to draw your attention to the situation relative to the Military’s treatment of Lt. Col. Terrence L. Lakin. I am a 65 year old American Citizen. I spent the first twenty plus years of my life in the British Police Force, as I […]

Bring it home in the form of the art. Let’s bring the story of de facto crucifixion of Lakin to every playhouse and theatre near you

I truly believe in collective intelligence and a team work. One of my supporters Alexander Gofen came up with a great idea of  making a play and reenacting citizen grand jury trial held in Harlem. I thought about it and feel that it might be even better to reenact Lakin’s life and trial and bring […]

Will Abercrombie aid and abett Obama in creating a cover up? We need judiciary committee of Congress to investigate. i will be happy to work with them. As a doctor and a lawyer I know all the documents we need to look for

Jim Submitted on 2010/12/25 at 3:14am Oh, they will probably show SOME paper, now that he has his own man in and records can be changed. If they do, the question that needs to be asked is why are they showing them now ? The only way they can be shown is with Obamas consent. […]

From my “friends” on the left and response from Orly ‘What is the difference between Santa and Barack Obama?

‎ stuart_oneill‎ RT @GottaLaff: Orly Taitz is asking to see Santa’s birth certificate. Will she never learn?//Takes brain to learn. Twitter – 55483 15 hours ago ► ‎ AnaRevolution‎ #lol RT @GottaLaff: Orly Taitz is asking to see Santa’s birth certificate. Will she never learn? Twitter –   Response from Orly: What is the difference […]

Merry Christmas from Gov. Jan Brewer of AZ. I say she makes a cute Mrs. Claus

Governor Jan Brewer’s Photos – Wall Photos Photo 46 of 46   Back to Album · Governor Jan Brewer’s Photos · Governor Jan Brewer’s Profile Previous Next Click on people’s faces in the photo to tag them.

Remind corrupt Congressmen, Senators, US attorneys, military leaders and judges that they took an oath to uphold the Constitution. We need a Constitutionally eligible president, not a fraud sitting in the WH without a valid SSN, valid long form BC and allegiance to and citizenship of 3 other countries

Thomas/PatriotofPast Submitted on 2010/12/24 at 4:14pm When writting to Mr. Lakins superiors, PLEASE REMIND THEM : They SWORE an Oath, An Oath to uphold THE CONSTITUTION! Not an Oath to The Commander in Chief… It is The Constitution that the Men and Women are laying in Arlington… Remind them of this, The Constitution IS OUR […]

Here is a link to Los Angeles Times article. Please, write and call governor Abercrombie of HI and demand the earliest possible date for the eligibility debate. Explain to him that an army hero is sitting in jail because he is not willing to serve under a usurper. There is a total demoralization of US military and it will only get worse until the issue is resolved

Fwd: Birther Article InboxX  Reply |George Miller to colony14, me show details 9:13 AM (3 hours ago) Regards, George Miller https://venturacountyteaparty.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don’t you just love the LA Times?   https://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-obama-birthers-20101224,0,3744847.story

Please send Christmas presents to Lakin, his wife and children. Please, call each congressman, Senator and governmental and military official reminding them that Lakin cannot celebrate Christmas because of their gutless and spineless behavior, because of their fear to demand answers from the usurper in the White House

 Flag this message Obama Ineligibility Scandle Gives Lakin Prison For Christmas Send letters for clemency Friday, December 24, 2010 7:48 AM From: “srm View contact details To: Undisclosed-Recipient@yahoo.com Message contains attachments 4 Files (627KB) | Download All apfphotos4.png frontpage201004222.gif LakinFlyer3a.jpg icon_pdf.gif   >>>>>>>URGENT<<<<<<<<URGENT ACTION NEEDED<<<<<URGENT<<<<<<<<<<<<   If you have already done this, thank you….I am […]

Governor Abercrombie of HI and arrogant usurper Obama: put up or shut up and go home. POW LTC DR Lakin is a political prisoner in US because of your fraud

For Hawaii governor, discrediting anti-Obama ‘birthers’ is a top … Dec 24, 2010… live birth … you don’t find the name of the doctor, hospital or signature,” said prominent “birther” Orly Taitz, a California lawyer and … blog.bitcomet.com/post/268415/ – 2965 49 minutes ago

Gene Simmons from KISS today on CNN: ” I want my Obama vote back!”

I can’t believe I lived to see crazy rockers asking for their Obama vote back.  If this guy wants his Obama vote back, than I say, determination on the eligibility issue is near. Merry Christmas!

New governor of HI wants to use his office to counter my view. No problem. we can have a debate on the issue tomorrow, but I doubt he has the guts and other parts to face me

 Flag this message la times trying to reach you Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:39 AM From: “Dilanian, Ken” Add sender to Contacts To: “‘dr_taitz@yahoo.com’” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Dr. Taitz, Just left you a phone message.  I am trying to reach you to talk to you about a story we have out of Hawaii quoting Gov. Abercrombie saying […]

There are now 66 pages of comments on “Tea Party Nation” threat started by the founder attorney Judson Phillips. Here is one of the most common questions and answers

 Reply by Steve Brown on November 6, 2010 at 10:38am Keep up the good work Dr. Taitz. I believe this is an extremely important issue. At this point the only way that it can be resolved is by the Supreme Court, unless of course Mr. Obama were to willing come forth with the proof of […]

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