
Report from the inauguration of the radical Socialist Dilma Rousseff as the new President of Brazil

newstip: Clinton with Chavez: HILLARY CHAMBERLAIN? InboxX  Reply |jose Barrera to me, Dr show details 3:40 PM (8 minutes ago) Despite a simmering diplomatic row https://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.99e856a0fb5a9fea7bf35be7ef15b71d.e61&show_article=1 President Hugo Chavez and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were seen having a brief, friendly chat Saturday at the inauguration of Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff. “They talked and […]

Here we go! Act one: 14 states will unveil a bill, which will inerpret 14th amendment, as relating to children of citizens only. No more U.S. citizenship for children of illegal immigrants. Children will follow the status of their parents. Child of a tourist, is a tourist, child of an illegal is an illegal, even if born on U.S. soil. States have to protect themselves or go bankrupt. States are fighting back against the globalist cartel, which is robbing this nation blind

This first bill will deal with the citizenship in general, not presidency. More bills to follow. Please, get of the couch and lobby hard your legislature and US Congress to extend this bill to all 50 states and to add the Vattel “Natural born status definition for eligibility to Presidency and vice-presidency. It is very […]

From Steve Malzberg show

I gave an interview to the “Examiner” yesterday, it will be published shortly. I talked to Steve Marlzberg a couple of days ago and I will be on his show in the near future, before my January 7 conference in the Supreme Court. Please, contact the media and civil rights organizations, (even NOW and ACLU) and […]

Chris Matthews “Obama, show your birth certificate” is still among the most popular clips on the Internet right after Lorena Bobbit, which got me thinking, whether it is a sign from above for the type of punishment Obama deserves for defrauding the Nation and persecuting civil rights attorneys like me and war heroes like Lakin. (I am just wondering)

Commented Bill Maher’s Christmas Message: Oprah, Tell Your Audience “Stop Losing Your Sh*t Over Material Stuff” Tucker Carlson: “I Think Personally [Michael Vick] Should Have Been Executed” Global Warming Skeptic Predicts Brutal Winter, Warns “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” Hey, What Has Lorena Bobbit Been Up To? CNN Offers Up A Snippet Chris Matthews: Why […]

Media explosion on ObamaFraudGate- 1,660.000 articles in 35 seconds on Google

Google even more » orly.taitz@gmail.com | Web History | Settings ▼ | Sign out Search settings Google Account settings     Advanced search About 1,660,000 results (0.35 seconds) 

OMG, Liberal media goes completely nuts!

: Google Alert – “Orly Taitz” InboxX Bill Van AllenBlogs 3 new results for “Orly Taitz” Today’s World Net Daily lead article | D… Dec 18 (11 days ago) Orly Taitz———- Forwarded message ———- From: Bill Van Allen <hvanallen@hvc.r… 5:33 PM (18 hours ago)  Reply |Bill Van Allen to richardwinger show details 11:08 AM (46 […]

Cornell law professor William Jacobsen and Catholic University law professor Sarah Dugin support my position. Can someone get their phone numbers and check if they would write Amicus Curiae in support of my case, which will be heard in conference by all 9 Supreme Court judges on January 7

 Flag this message Cornell Law Professor: “Obama’s strategy of concealing the records and dismissing the ‘Birthers’ as cranks is not working” Wednesday, December 29, 2010 10:47 AM From: “David LaRocque” Message contains attachments 1 File (111KB) winmail.dat “It…seems that the supposed intellectual poles have been reversed. People who supposedly are irrational and driven by hatred […]

Quite an awakening for Chris Matthews. Please, call him and see if he will allow me to talk about Obama’s constitutional illegitimacy to U.S. presidency and how it ties in withillegal immigration and anchor babies

 Flag this message Chris Matthews: “I Don’t Think Democrats Want To Stop” Illegal Immigration Wednesday, December 29, 2010 5:09 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Bud Chris Matthews: “I Don’t Think Democrats Want To Stop” Illegal Immigration https://www.mediaite.com/tv/chris-matthews-i-dont-think-democrats-want-to-stop-illegal-immigration/ » 56 comments by Matt Schneider | 5:49 pm, December 28th, 2010 Video What’s gotten into […]

Washington Post and pals need to get a life. They would not report on Obama’s Connecticut Social Security number he claims, he received in Hawaii, but would write 2 articles in one day “Is Orly Taitz and Eric Cantor friends-friends or facebook friends”. No wonder the country is going down the drain. Our main stream media is acting like a bunch of retarded 5 year olds.

From: Bill Van Allen <hvanallen@hvc.rr.com> Date: Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 4:05 PM Subject: FW: Google Alert – “Orly Taitz” To: richardwinger@yahoo.com News  5 new results for “Orly Taitz”     Is Eric Cantor ‘friends’ with birther Orly Taitz? Washington Post a friend of Orly Taitz, the dentist and lawyer who has become a leading figure […]

40 copies of this supplemental brief were filed with the Supreme Court and served on the Solicitor General. Lantagne printing was paid $625 for printing of the brochures of this supplemental brief and $1700 for printing of the petition. Proper formated PDF will be posted tomorrow

No. _10-541_______ In The Supreme Court of the United States           C ONNIE RHODES ,Captain, M.D., F.S., and D   R. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ .Attorney for the Petitioner, Interested Party,     Petitioner     v. T HOMAS D. MACDONALD , Colonel,Garrison Commander, Fort Benning, G   EORGE STEUBER , DeputyCommander, […]

“Kapdey v Hashdeu”- trust but verify comes from the Old Testament

  Submitted on 2010/12/27 at 4:50pm I’ve said many of these things to my husband about you. So she talks with an accent from her country. I admire her for knowing how to speak more than one language. I only know english. When someone has lived in communism and they tell you your country is […]

This request was received by certified mail at SSA on October 8, they were supposed to either provide the info or deny my request within 30 days. It has been 80 days. Two letters, stating they are processing the request, but no answer. Today I sent a final demand to respond within 10 days or another legal action will be filed and a formal complaint will be sent to the judicial committee of Congress.

  Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ President Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Ms Dawn Wiggins Social Security Administration OEO FOIA Workgroup 300 N. Green Street P.O. Box 33022 Baltimore, MD 21290-3022 Dear Ms. Higgins, I am requesting US Code 5 §552 FOIA disclosure of the following […]

Even the “Communists R-US” Huff post notes increase in requests for Obama’s BC in HI. If they don’t produce the papers, the requests might be plastered all over their Capitol and Abercrombie’s forehead

Obama Birth Certificate Requests Increase In Hawaii Posted: 12-27-10 10:15 AM What’s Your Reaction? digg Read More: Abercrombie Birthers, Abercrombie Obama Birth Certificate, Birhters, Hawaii Governor Birthers, Neil Abercrombie, Neil Abercrombie Birthers, Neil Abercrombie Obama Birth Certificate, Obama Birth Certificate Requests, Obama Citizenship Requests, Politics News 2 6views Get Politics Alerts Email Comments 1,437   […]

More on the tyranny of Obama regime. You can’t fight every law, you have to remove from office an illegitimate usurper first

The Inexorable March Of Tyranny December 27, 2010 by Bob Livingston  Americans hoped the midterm elections in November would put the brakes on the overreach of the current administration and Congress. However, as I expected, the hubristic arrogant bunch of elected elites that currently contaminate our nation’s capitol have refused to hear the message voters […]

I don’t know who is the author, but we have now the music and the lyrics for the play “American POW in America”

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