
WorldNews lead article “Orly Taitz shows her racist side”. My answer: “you have to be completely brain dead or one of Obama’s media or government thugs, to call racist a legitimate question about a CT SSN Obama claims he got in HI or a question about his missing long form BC”. The only racists around are Obama and his thugs in the media and government who attack, slander, harass and persecute me and other opposition leaders, asking legitimate questions and demanding answers. RINOs are not real opposition, they are bought and paid for by the same banking mafia, who put illegitimate Obama in the WH.

Friday, 14 January 2011 News Photos WN Presents The Examiner2011-01-14 Birther Queen Dr. Orly Taitz Esq. is ramping up the bigotry. In what she purports to be a letter she wrote to President Obama, inspired by his speech Wednesday at the Tuscon shootings memorial service, Orly says she wants to work with him to restore […]

my letter-challenge to Obama is going viral. It was just published on “ChristianMirror.com”

 Flag this message Fw: Orly Taitz’s letter to Obama Thursday, January 13, 2011 8:47 PM From: “James Add sender to Contacts To: “Preaching Tools” <admin@preachingtools.net> Cc: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> “An Open Letter to Barack H. Obama” by Dr. Orly Taitz, esq.   John- Is there anyway you can post this as a news item on […]

My letter to Barack Hussein Obama

DR. ORLY TAITZ ESQ PRESIDENT DEFEND OUR FREEDOMS FOUNDATION 29839 SANTAMARGARITA PKWY, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688 ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603 01.13.2011 Mr. Barack Hussein Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington District of Columbia Dear Mr. Obama, I listened to your speech in Arizona yesterday  and took it to heart. I would like to […]

An explanation, why so many elderly applied for SSN in 1976-1977. That is the reason, why elderly individual, born in 1890 got his SSN 042-68-4425. This is the number, that Obama assumed between 1980-1981 and is using today in the WH as the Pres and CIC. This is the biggest embarassment this nation ever known. This is the biggest threat to National security. Demand action from each and every state and FED official ASAP. Demand their signatures on petitions for House committees on Judiciary, Armed Services and Intelligence to investigate and issue subpoenas immediately!!!

There are a few possibilities. The odds are that it is probably a woman. However, it could also be a man. If he worked for the Fed gov or even some State gov, they were not required to be enrolled in social security. Seeing as he was already of age when SS started, he would […]

thank you Mr. Bass for a very generous donation of $500

your donations help me in either paying the $20,000 extortion from illegitimate Obama regime or use this money for printing, postage, court fees. For example, just little supplemental brief cost $650 in printing fee, so it helps. Even, if we didn’t remove the usurper yet, we are exposing him and all the utter corruption and lawlewssness, […]

The fact that the Supreme court rejected my eligibility case was among top 3 articles on ABC and was featured in 202 publications. The media started talking about this issue, though they still do not feature the most damning evidence of the SS fraud. I am checking on the submission dates for petition for reconsideration with the Supreme Court as well as the InterAmerican court for Human rights

Recently Published Doctor: Giffords now breathing on her own Comment Now Share   Ariz. suspect could face death in fatal attack Comment Now Share   Supreme Court rejects Taitz’s ‘birther’ appeal Comment Now Share US Supreme Court dismisses Obama citizenship case Times of India – ‎8 hours ago‎ The Court yesterday refused to hear an appeal […]

The Disciplinary board of PA is holding a disciplinary hearing against attorney Philip J Berg, who made outrageous allegations about me

Home Attorney Info Consumer Info Look Up Pennsylvania Attorneys Disciplinary Reporter Supreme Court Actions 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Brochures English (PDF) Spanish (PDF) About Us Overview Video History Structure Disciplinary Board Members Hearing Committee Members Executive Offices Disciplinary Counsel Annual Reports News & Information Appointments Case Decisions & Opinions Rule Changes & Updates Other […]

Associated Press and Bloomberg news reported that the Supreme Court refused to hear my petition. They did so without a comment.

News for orly taitz Town Hall High court turns away appeal from ‘birther’ leader 17 minutes ago The high court on Monday did not comment in refusing to hear the appeal filed by California lawyer and dentist Orly Taitz. She was contesting a $20000 fine … Bloomberg – 88 related articles   Response from Orly […]

I was right all along. Our corrupt media tried to accuse the right and tea party movement, but in reality the shooter of Rep Giffords was a lefty, worked on her campaign in 2007 and she subscribed to his you-tube chanel (she subscribed only to 2 channels).

 Flag this message Did Giffords subscribe to assassin’s YouTube channel? Monday, January 10, 2011 4:17 AM From: “WorldNetDaily” <alerts@alerts.worldnetdaily.com> Add sender to Contacts To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Did Giffords subscribe to assassin’s YouTube channel? In a bizarre turn of events, the YouTube website of Rep. Gabrielle […]

Murderer of the judge and shooter of congresswoman Giffords was a crazy Communist-Socialist, Jew hater. Look at his info on my space: favorite books “Communist Manifesto” and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” . He is just like those communist antisemites from “politijab” and “fogbow”, who claim to be attorneys and attack me, like scum who tampered with my car, like some criminals in courts who destroy the evidence and rape the law and the Constitution.

Capt-Dax Submitted on 2011/01/09 at 6:05am Name: Jared Lee Loughner Channel Views: 271 Joined: October 25, 2010 Website: https://Myspace.com/fallenasleep About Me: My name is Jared Lee Loughner! Hometown: Tucson Country: United States Schools: I attended school: Thornydale elementary,Tortolita Middle School, Mountain View Highschool, Northwest Aztec Middle College, and Pima Community College. Interests: My favorite interest […]

Reporting from American GULAG

exclusive interview for World Net Daily about my case that was discussed by all 9 Justices of he Supreme court today. Regardless of what will be announced on Monday, I will continue to champion the issue of ObamaFraudGate in the US and international courts, in front of the committee on the Judiciary of Congress, state assemblies and world media until we have all the answers

BORN IN THE USA? Well, somebody has to rule, right? Supremes consider stopping courts from passing the buck on eligibility Posted: January 07, 2011 10:00 pm Eastern By Drew Zahn © 2011 WorldNetDaily Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is the highest-ranking and first active-duty officer to refuse to obey orders based on President Obama’s eligibility.   The question […]

What is the chance that it is a random coincidence, that Obama’s name is connected in SS databases to the name of the chief actuary of SSA? For a country of over 300 million such probability is nearly zero

Harry Ballantyne retired 11 years ago as chief actuary of the Social Security Administration. This was what I found on: https://2008.myvote.org/www.ssa.gov/history/orals/maryross.html    [this seems to be info from 1962 !!] Ross: He had been head of it since it was still called (I think) the Analysis Division. When I was here, it was DPA, the […]

Look at the graph: US debt nearly doubled during Clinton 8 years from 3 trillion to nearly 6 trillion, doubled during Bush JR 8 years. during the first Obama years it went up from 10 trillion to 14 trillion. It would tripple if it continues at this rate. we have to place tariffs on foreign products now. Free trade has been bankrupting this nation during all of administrations: Clinton, Bush and particularly insane Obama

United States public debt From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Part of a series on: U.S. Budget & Debt Topics Major dimensions[show] United States public debt United States federal budget Health care reform in the United States Social Security debate (United States) Military budget of the United States Economy of the United […]

WH spokesman Robert Gibbs is asked about Obama’s fraudulent use of Ct SS number. Gibbs did not provide an intelligent answer and recently resigned

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