
I reported on Obama’s use of CT SSN 2 years ago, I am yet to find an honest judge, governor, congressman, US attorney, Attorney General of the state, who would have some backbone and some other parts to act on it and remove this fraud and usurper from the White House

Womb Raiders – Orly Taitz – The Colbert Report – 7/28/09 – Video Clip | Comedy Central      Bill Van Allen  to richardwinger, liz.benjamin show details 12:33 AM (6 hours ago)   https://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/229691/july-28-2009/w omb-raiders—orly-taitz oldie by goodie: Orly knew what she was talking about so long ago on the Colbert interview.

from supporter Bart

Bart Submitted on 2011/04/20 at 9:49am For those who want to help, but don’t know how: Take a little time, take out your credit card, and send Dr.Taitz a small contribution. It’s right there on the home page. That poor lady has a multitude of expenses, legal filings, sanction payments, travel, telephone, stationary, internet, consultation, […]

“Birth Certificate” and “Orly Taitz” make it to the top of the recommended sections of the “Google News”, which gives us exposure to the millions of people around the world

Most prominent religious leader in the country, Rev. Franklyn Graham, backs Trump for President

« Back to Inbox Archive Report spam Delete Move to   Labels   More actions  ‹ Newer 16 of 26933 Older ›breaking: now FRANKLIN GRAHAM is PRO TRUMP! InboxX  Reply |jose Barrera to me show details 6:26 AM (2 hours ago) (Not good news for Ann Coulter and Karl Rove) https://www.newsmax.com/Headline/FranklinGraham-DonaldTrump-2012PresidentialElection/2011/04/22/id/393825   Franklin Graham: Trump […]

We need help in OK, Speaker of OK assembly Kris Steele is engaged in obstruction of Justice

Today everybody in Washington DC, in the media and in the state houses of representatives know that Obama is a complete fraud, sitting in the White House with a stolen Social security number and without a valid long form birth certificate. Now we can see a clear pattern of Obstruction of Justice, we can see that […]

Recall of Jan Brewer shifts into second gear

Mimi Pryor recallgovernorbrewer.com mimi@recallgovernorbrewer.com Secretary of state of AZ authorized recall drive to recall Jan Brewer. Please contact Mimi Pryor at recallgovernor Brewer.com. I will remove the on line petition and I advise my supporters to contact Mimi Pryor and sign the actual petition. If Governor Brewer comes to her senses, we will stop this […]

Corrupt and dirty Hollywood executives pour money to usurper Obama

Yesterday, as I drove to work, I heard on the radio that Jeffrey Katzenberg, President of  Dreamworks SKG is hosting a fundraiser for Obama and collecting $38,500 a plate. I felt like stopping my car and throwing up. Please, see below information on Dreamworks. Steven Spielberg originally moved his production to Ireland, where for a number […]

UN Declares War on Property Rights – Most of the USA would be Off Limits to Americans

tony N Submitted on 2011/04/20 at 7:49pm Orly we need to include the Business networks like Fox Business and CNBC Business shows Bloomberg because they are all not reporting the true Inflation data thats relating to Food Security that Inflation is signaling to us that Shortage in supply is on the Horizon and that they […]

from supporter Bart

Bart Submitted on 2011/04/20 at 9:49am For those who want to help, but don’t know how: Take a little time, take out your credit card, and send Dr.Taitz a small contribution. It’s right there on the home page. That poor lady has a multitude of expenses, legal filings, sanction payments, travel, telephone, stationary, internet, consultation, […]

what goes around, comes around

 Flag this message Arizona: White House snubs Brewer on immigration talks as she snubs Tea Party on eligibility bill Wednesday, April 20, 2011 8:45 AM From: “Gil Guignat”  dr_taitz@yahoo.com https://www.teapartytribune.com/2011/04/20/arizona-white-house-snubs-brewer-on-immigration-talks-as-she-snubs-tea-party-on-eligibility-bill/    

Write to Federal Communications Committee and demand severe sanctions against networks complicit in Social security fraud, elections fraud and possibly treason committed by Bara

Jonathan Submitted on 2011/04/19 at 6:01pm When we get our Country back we will make sure Bill O’reilly and Glenn Beck get what they deserve and that is jail time. And this goes for all of you traitors including bail-out-boehner and Eric Cantor and all these msm network anchors who continue aiding and abetting Criminals […]

my interview on Peter Boyles show

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 Atty Orly Taitz Slams Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer; Discusses Obama’s Social Security Number… ObamaRelease YourRecords on 12:30 PM Video: On The Peter Boyles Radio Show Attorney Orly Taitz Slammed Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer For Her Veto Of The Proof Of Eligibility Legislation; Taitz Also Discussed Obama’s Social Security Number Reserved For […]

Extremely important, your help is needed to support AZ presidential eligibility bill

I would like to explain, what is going on in AZ. AZ procedure of approving bills differs from Presidential approval, which many reporters, even National network reporters do not understand. In federal government if the President does not approve a bill, such bill dies. That is called “executing a pocket veto”. In AZ the law is opposite. If  the Governor […]

Please, help me by contacting the Interpol ASAP

Here is the name and addess of the hacker in Spain. Please, help me by contacting the Interpol in Spain. Look at the name of the hacker. Her name is “Rania”, which is a Muslim name. She is in Madrid. There are a lot of Radical Muslim groups in Madrid, Spain, engaged in financial schemes and terrorist […]

So far, as I predicted, Mubarak is pushing for new economic and political reforms, moving people towards more productive state of mind, while not succumbing to the tyranny and totalitarianism of the “Muslim Brotherhood”

So far Mubarak is getting the message. He is removing from his government members of the oligarchy, who went too far with their diabolical looting (pretty much like the U.S. oligarchy). He is trying to get a grip of the situation by changing people’s frame of mind from looting towards clean up, as I wrote […]

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