
Demand criminal investigation of attorneys and other governmental employees involved in obstruction of justice in terry Lakin trial

Certified mail FOIA requests received by the registrar and dirctor of health dep. in HI on May 9. Answer is due within 20 days

LTC Dr. Lakin is finally free. We now need to work really hard to put criminal and fraud Obama in the cell, that Lakin occupied. Prison is a generous punishment for one getting in the WH with a forged BC and stolen SSN ID. Please, work hard to remove Obama from office and have him criminally prosecuted!!!

        SOCIAL MEDIA:  LIKE us on FaceBook  *  JOIN us on Twitter TERRY LAKIN IS FREE See the pictures and story Look for postings later at WND, Post & Email, Greeley Gazette, and others. *** CLICK HERE FOR TERRY’S RELEASE DATE AND HOMECOMING DETAILS  **** Click here for all news stories. The countdown […]

Summary of the pleadings and oral argument in Hornbeck v Salazar, my motion to intervene, more will be posted later

Yesterday I had a an oral argument in Hornbeck v Salazar. This case deals with the fact that Obama administration de facto destroyed oil and gas industry in the gulf of Mexico by placing a moratorium and later, when the federal judge placed an injunction on the moratorium, Obama regime contimued destroying the oil and gas industry by refusing to […]

Freedom of information request sent to Loretta Fuddy- director of HI Dep. of Health

DR.  ORLY TAITZ ESQ 29839 SANTA MARGARITA PKWY, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA CA 92688 ph. 949-683-5411 Loretta J.  Fuddy,  ACSW, MPH Director of Health state of Hawaii Department of Health 1250 Punchbowl str., Room 325 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 05.07.2011 REQUEST TO ACCESS ORIGINAL 1961 TYPEWRITTEN BIRTH CERTIFICATE OF BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (IF IT EXISTS) […]

Everyone should copy my letter and exhibits to the Registrar and Director of Health Department in HI and forward to SSA and Congress and demand immediate hearing and criminal investigation of Barack Hussein Obama’s illegal use of invalid CT SSN 042-68-4425

      Dear Dr. Orly Taitz,                                                        May 9, 2011        This morning I received a request for more information, from the social security administration.  You […]

from supporter Bart

Bart Piscitello Submitted on 2011/05/07 at 4:09am Patriots and well informed readers who follow this site: The momentum is starting to shift our way. Thanks to Dr.Taitz, our Joan of Arc, we are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel; hopefully, it’s not an oncoming train. Orley has created a movement […]

Here is the video tape of the argument before the 9th Circuit court of Appeals

I need to explain a couple of points, which people might not know or understand. I filed this case as the only attorney on inauguration day. Gary Kreep joined only towards the end. I represent Ambassador Alan Keyes,  10 state representatives and 30 members of the military. Kreep represents only 2 clients. After Carter ordered the case […]

my appearance on Larry Elder show, KABC. Nobody can call him a racist

Email:   Password:   Close  Please note that passwords are case sensitive. Please make sure you are typing your password in exactly as you created it. First time here? | Trouble Logging in? | Forgot your password? HOME   SHOWS   VIDEOS   PODCASTING     Michael and Me Annual Elderados receive a free copy of […]

This is a supplemental brief, that I filed in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

10-55084 Pamela Barnett, et al v. Barack Obama, et al “File a Citation of Supplement​al Authoritie​s (FRAP 28(j) Letter)” InboxX  Reply |ca9_ecfnoticing@ca9.uscourts.gov to me show details 3:24 PM (2 minutes ago) ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record and parties in a case (including pro se […]

Finally election fraud cases are being tried and officials are facing prison terms. So far nothing was done in relation to fraud committed by Damon Dunn here in Ca and of course Obama was not prosecuted yet. Please, demand prosecution

FYI – Two Michigan Democrats Charged in Tea Party Election Fraud fromEarl C  toOrly Taitz <orly.taitz@gmail.com> dateSat, May 7, 2011 at 9:46 AM subjectFYI – Two Michigan Democrats Charged in Tea Party Election Fraud hide details 9:46 AM (26 minutes ago) Just FYI Orly.  ~Earl ————- Two Michigan Democrats Charged in Tea Party Election Fraud. […]

Watch this FOX Business clip

Please, call the host of this program, Eric Bolling,  and demand that they talk about Obama using an invalid Social Security number.  His producer is Sergio phone 212-601-2365. I was supposed to be on that program that day, but Sergio made a mistake. He told me the recording will be at 3. He later called me […]

Great victory in Missouri! State assmbly passes eligibility bill. Please, call the senate, demand to pass it in the senate as well!

Missouri Birther Caucus Great Day for Missouri Birther Caucus Submitted by .Sean on May 4, 2011 – 5:02pm The Missouri House of Representatives today passed legislation requiring all candidates for president and vice president to wave their birth certificates in front of someone at the Missouri Secretary of State’s office. Should the Senate pass the […]

from Voltaire blog. Please, forward this to your Attorney Generals, governors, congressmen, demand immediate investigation!

Orly Taitz Exposes Barack Obama for Social Security Fraud.flv 06.05.2011 | Author: admin | Posted in Freedom of speech O’Donnell is a complete & utter jackass in the way he conducts himself here. Like it or not Ms Orly Taitz definitively exposes Barack Obama for Social Security Fraud. If this were perpetrated by anyone else […]

Please, forward it to every TV and radio station, every newspaper,m every state and US representative and senator. We have a criminal with a forged BC and a stolen SSN ID usurping the White House. We need immediate Congressional hearing, his removal from office, special election and criminal prosecution of the usurper. You have to act now! We don’t have much time

 Flag this message KJCT8 News in Grand Junction, CO (Video) Graphic Artist Questions Obama BC–Says Doc “edited in its entirety” Friday, May 6, 2011 10:12 PM From: “judy View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Thought this might be helpful to you…JW   https://www.kjct8.com/video/27711458/index.html   https://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2716165/posts     GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. — Even after the White House […]

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