
Senator Corker: Show me the intel! UN chemical weapons inspector Carla de Ponti: Chemical weapons were used by the rebels, not government of Syria

Is Obama administration rushing  to bomb Syria in order to deflect attention from their de facto stealing of estimated 300 billion from retirement and disability funds of Federal employees, of NSA, IRS, FEC, DOJ scandals and of impending revelation in courts of Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number and fabricated IDs? By Orly […]

Press release: Judge Ellen L. Hollander gives Department of Justice additional time till September 16 to respond to my motion for Summary judgment

  Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz U.S. district Judge Ellen L. Hollander granted the request of the Department of Justice,  who on behalf  of their client, United States of America, asked for additional time to respond to a 2 page motion for summary judgment filed by Attorney Orly Taitz in a case Taitz […]

Press release: DOJ asks for more time for the United States of America to respond to a 2 page motion by Attorney Taitz seeking Summary Judgment for release of a Social Security application of Harry Bounel, whose CT SSN 042-68-4425 Obama is fraudulently using in his tax returns

Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz DOJ asks for more time for the United States of America to respond to a 2 page motion by Attorney Taitz seeking Summary Judgment for release of a Social Security application of Harry Bounel, whose CT SSN 042-68-4425 Obama is fraudulently using in his tax returns. Today Attorney […]

The public wants to know about the status of legal actions against Obama and the status of the resistance against the Coup d’etat by fraud, taking of the US Presidency by Obama through the use of fabricated IDs. More on damage to the US economy coming from the “Kis Act”. 42 million illegals will claim they were brought here as kids. Demo-repub regime treats Americans like morons

First a couple of words about scrubbing and de-linking About 1,510,000 search results under Orly Taitz on Google (0.35 seconds) I am sure 2/3 will be scrubbed with an hour. Typically there are 2.5-1.5 million results. the regime scrubs or delinks 70-90%, most of true information, articles of support and leaves most of the defamatory […]

Political correctness running amok

We are seeing the push for political correctness at the expense of common sense at its’ height and it destroys lives. Today Bradley Manning announced that he wants to live his life as a woman and wants to undergo gender transformation surgery. We are told that we have to rush into accepting it, call him […]

It is clear that Canadian TV is a 100% censored, just as the U.S. major TV networks. The whole interview that I did with Joy Malbon was cut out of the report. Joy Malbon is the chief of the Wash DC office, she called from 202-775-0358 at 12:56 EST and the interview was recorded on Skype. Recording started at around 2 pm EST. Call Joy Malbon and ask, whether my interview was censored out due to my reference to evidence of Barack Obama’s lack of legitimacy and Obama’s use of fabricated IDs?

It is clear that Canadian TV is a 100% censored, just as the U.S. major TV  networks. The whole interview that I did with Joy Malbon was cut out of the report. Joy Malbon is the chief of the Wash DC office, she called from 202-775-0358 at 12:56 EST and the interview was recorded on […]

My interview to Atlantic Wire. The reporter did publish my statement about the US Congress pushing mega amnesty and promising to check E-verify, while they are refusing to address the issue of Obama’s failed E-verify

POLITICS BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY NATIONAL GLOBAL Open Wire All topics Ask a Birther: Are You Convinced by Ted Cruz’s Birth Certificate? Associated Press  Email article  Comment ELSPETH REEVE2:29 PM ET Ted Cruz is trying to nip Cruz birtherism in the bud by releasing his birth certificate and renouncing his Canadian citizenship. Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother […]

Press release Motion for Summary Judgment filed in MD legal action seeking Obama’s records

Press release Law Offices of Orly taitz In June of 2013 Taitz filed yet another legal challenge seeking SS-5 Social Security number 042-68-4425 application by Harry Bounel, which Obama fraudulently used in his 2009 tax returns. This case is slightly different from one filed in DC, as in DC the SS-5 is requested based on […]

Demand for a correction of an article and my quotes sent to U.S. News

U.S. News link News for orly taitz ‘Birther’ Orly Taitz: Ted Cruz Has ‘Basically the Same Issue as Obama’ U.S. News & World Report ‎- by Steven Nelson ‎- 54 minutes ago ‘Clearly there is an issue of eligibility,’ anti-Obama activist says. Nelson, Steven 10:11 AM (36 minutes ago) to me Orly, Thanks for speaking with me. Here’s a link:https://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2013/08/19/birther-orly-taitz-ted-cruz-has-basically-the-same-issue-as-obama Orly […]

LegalPronews.com runs my article on Eric Holder trying the break the knee caps of Standard and Poor, which in 2012 downgraded the US rating. Do S&P attorneys know that according to CA antiSLAPP statute they can have the case dismissed immediately and get their attorneys fees from the feds?

Do you remember mob movies where Guido and Bruno are threatening to break the knee caps of a shop keeper unless he pays of the mob? For years all of the rating agencies gave high ratings to companies and financial institutions which where questionable. If the feds were to bring legal actions against all of […]

Press release: Attorney Orly Taitz submits a request for information under FOIA to the Dep’t. of Treasury in regards to suspected fraud in reporting National debt to be unchanged for the past 70 days

Press release Attorney Orly Taitz on behalf of Defend our Freedoms Foundation submitted  to the Department of Treasury a request for information under Freedom of Information Act in regards to suspected fraud in reporting by the Department of Treasury of the U.S. Debt being unchanged for the past 70 days. FOIA request is attached below […]

Russia provides further explanation that Obama regime will not like

For 5 years we have seen corrupt judge after corrupt judge coming up with the most idiotic excuses, why did they refuse to address on the merits the issue of Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number 042-68-4425 of an immigrant from Russia Harry J. Bounel, as well as his use of laughable forgeries […]

WSJ agrees with my assessment, other municipalities will follow Detroit

WSJ agrees with my assessment in that other municipalities will follow Detroit and Flint. https://www.moneynews.com/StreetTalk/WSJ-Moore-Cities-Detroit/2013/07/23/id/516643?s=al&promo_code=1444E-1 My only notion is  that WSJ is censored by the establishment, which is the part and parcel of the New World Order-Bilderberg. As such they are not allowed to mention the #1 reason for the bankruptcies: dismantling of the tariffs […]

Press release: requested response was provided to Judge Wingate in MS on July 20 2013. Response was requested via e-mail from chambers and was not docketed

Press release July 20 2013 As requested by the USDC MS Judge, Henry Wingate, a response was e-mailed to his chambers and the decision is due soon. The case was filed in February 2012, before the primary election  in  MS and deals with fraud committed by Obama using a stolen Social Security number and fabricated […]

Once the richest city in the country is bankrupt, the whole nation will follow suit if we do not fight. Upcoming PPT and immigration bill will accelerate the bankruptcy in multiple cities, counties and states. Tell your congressmen and senators: We do not want America to follow Detroit! We do not want America to go bankrupt: NO to PPT, NO to Mega Amnesty, repeal or renegotiate WTO-GATT!!!

UPDATE: Detroit files for bankruptcy with 100,000 creditors… Everybody knows this simple maxim: you do not get something out of nothing. Sadly our politicians pretend that they do not know it. What happened to Detroit? Loss of the automotive industries pulled the rug from under he whole city, hence de-population 2/3 of the residents left, […]

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