
Obama regime is not letting citizens report SSN fraud by Obama, demand a congressional hearing on this issue

dianna burton Submitted on 2011/09/23 at 2:43pm tried to leave a fraud report and the site crashed.what can i do now? tried to leave a fraud report and the site crashed.what can i do now?  When you write and call Congressman Lamar Smith, chair of the Judicial Committee and file a SSN fraud complaint in 2 […]

US Department of Injustice: having a criminal with a stolen Social Security number-is not an extraordinary circumstance, Obama’s right to privacy to use a stolen SSN supercedes the right of 311 million American citizens to know, if we have a legitimate President and have a fraud and a criminal removed from the WH.

Taitz v Astrue opposition to motion for reconsideration Please, forward my motion for reconsideration with all the exhibits and the response from the Department of Injustice to every congressman and demand they write letters to chairmen and ranking members of House and Senate Judiciary committees and subcommittees on privacy and demand to invite me to the committee […]

Update on my trip to DC yesterday

I came back from DC in the middle of the night. I will write a full report a bit later. I flew red eye there, red eye back I have to be back at work today. To add to the hardship, I was diagnosed with a stress fracture in my foot and had to walk between […]

Update: copy of my pleadings were forwarded to Judge Puglisi’s chambers

I just talked to the clerk of the court in HI. Initially, on September 16  my code did not work for electronic filing, so I submitted my pleadings via FedEx. The clerk stated, that the pleadings submitted on September 16th by one day delivery, were received only yesterday, they will be docketed today and a copy […]

More attacks from Obots

Orly Taitz Wants to Run for Senate ‎ You +1’d this publicly. Undo Gather.com – Chelsea Hoffman – 21 hours ago Orly Taitz, the famed queen of the birther movement, wants to run for senate. Everyone knows she doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell, but it’s sure to … ► Joe Arpaio Rounds Up Birther […]

From Linda Jordan, who submitted an affidavit with Obama’s failed e-verify for my case Taitz v Astrue

Linda . Submitted on 2011/09/20 at 6:21am Orly, In response to my E-Verify Affidavit about Barack Obama’s social security number, several readers have raised a few points repeatedly and I think I can provide some clarification for them. 1. I was able to do a search through E-Verify on Mr. Obama because Washington D.C. participates […]

Tell sheriff Joe Arpaio: it should not take 5 years to investigate Obama, we have all the proof of Social security fraud to arrest him today

   Is Sheriff Joe Arpaio for real or is he simply a part of controlled opposition? What in the world does he mean, that it will take 5 years to investigate Obama? Social Security fraud is proven by me already by providing to court Obama’s tax returns and selective service certificate with CT SSN 042-68-4425, which […]

from supporter Euphora

Yephora Submitted on 2011/09/19 at 11:37am As said once before I believe (no tangible proof, just feminine instinct) that there is a fiduciary arrangement between these two. Not a crime in itself but, considering the national stakes involved and how they have teamed up to undermine you, this partnership (pact?) they have made with each […]

Pat Boone introduced me to the Beverly Hills Tea Party as a special guest and the most courageous woman

Wow! What a weekend. Between Dennis and Sue Prager telling me, that they admire me and Pat Boone introducing me to the Beverly Hills tea party as the most courageous woman, I am in seventh heaven, I feel we are really making progress, the genie is out of the box. The latest evidence of Obama […]

Obama’s tax returns with CT SSN 042-68-4425 and Obama’s failed e-verify were hand delivered to the syndicated talk show host Dennis Prager, his show can be heard nation-wide on over 100 stations

At the Republican convention, as I talked to Dennis Prager, he asked “Are you Orly/You have to meet my wife, you are her hero”. I met his wife, Sue, a very beautiful and very intelligent woman, who told me that she follows my cases and considers me a person with a lot of strength, more […]

From my supporter “Orly doing the Lambeth walk w/o honorable escort. Keep swinging!”

Orly doing the Lambeth Walk w/o honorable escort Thursday, September 15, 2011 4:31 AM From: Add sender to Contacts To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Message contains attachments 1 File (30KB) lambeth-walk.jpg   but taking all the correct judicial steps to upheld the Rule of Law! (photo source: https://www.vauxhallandkennington.org.uk/lambethwalk.shtml )     Free speech & the Constitution of a sovereign […]

Letter from Judge Lamberth to a citizen

Update on Joseph Farah and his promotion of Gary Kreep, who together with Philip Berg is harassing me with the most despicable law suit

I got an e-mail from JosephFarah, editor of World Net Daily,  where he is saying   “I’m just going to say one more thing here: Gary Kreep bought his way onto the cruise – just as you could have done” this is absolutely not true. Joseph Farah, editor of World Net Daily knows full well, that […]

Great, great news. I just got a call and next Thursday I am meeting with a legal counsel ot one of the top committee chairs in Congress

Since I will be in DC on TH, I need all of you to renew your effords and call each and every congressman and senator, Commissioner Astrue, White House counsel Ruemmler and staff of Hilary Clinton. My meeting is tentatively at 12 pm. I am trying to be the most productive I can be and […]

My motion for rconsideration filed with judge Lamberth was docketed

Taitz v Astrue Motion for reconsideration, Draft 3 Activity in Case 1:11-cv-00​402-RCL TAITZ v. ASTRUE Motion for Reconsider​ation        Reply   | DCD_ECFNotice@dcd.uscourts.gov show details 8:31 AM (44 minutes ago)   This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is […]

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