
this ad was e-mailed to 150,000 supporters of Sharon Angle, who led Nevada challenge to Harry Reid, but was robbed of her senate seat in a highly rigged and manipulated election

Dear American, Do you remember when Ronald Reagan was Governor of California? A lot has changed since then, especially the type of leaders representing California in Congress. This November, liberal Senator Diane Feinstein is up for re-election and Republicans are looking for a conservative leader willing to give voters a real choice. Hi, this is […]

sent to connie Lawson, new Secretary of State of Indiana (Ms. Lawson was sworn in a few hours ago)

Demand to forward pending elections fraud complaint to the new Secretary of State of Indiana Connie Lawson X Inbox X Reply | Orly Taitz to Jerry, Charles, Brad, oig.hotline, Trent, clawson, bobkern4congre., Billy, edward, Chicago, Bob, Frank, Steve, Karl, Sheriff, bcc: 912, bcc: BAFFauthor, bcc: chalice, bcc: constitutional., bcc: dugald.mcconne., bcc: Ed.Pilkington, bcc: editor, bcc: […]

New Secretary of State was appointed today in Indiana. Please, write to her and demand that she respond to my Elections fraud complaint that was not resolved yet

Transcript Farrar Sheriff Arpaio press release and video links Connie Lawson New Sec. of State in Indiana X Inbox X Reply | ANN L SWIHART to me show details 5:45 PM (1 hour ago) Connie Lawson, who has served in the state senate since 1996, is Indiana’s new secretary of state. Gov. Mitch Daniels named […]

Great new poll! nearly half of Americans agree with me in that Obama did not provide valid documents.

Do all these Americans agree with Sheriff Joe on Obama? A brand-new scientific poll is out on the results of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s probe into the authenticity of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and the president’s eligibility for office. You’ll be stunned at the percentage of Americans who agree with Sheriff Joe … Click here to […]

WorldNetDaily is reporting that I lead the Republican field for for the U.S. Senate. Please, contact CA GOP and demand that they rescind their endorsement of the lowest scoring candidate Emken and reallocate GOP funding and support to me

Poll: Orly Taitz leads GOP Senate field Birther attorney aims to unseat Califronia’s Feinstein Published: 4 hours ago Laguna Niguel attorney Orly Taitz, known nationwide for efforts to prove President Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen, is leading the Republican field in the reelection bid of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., according to a […]

Latest polling: Dr. Orly Taitz is ranked #1 among CA GOP voters, while GOP board endorsed Emken polled dead last with only 1% of the vote. Stand up against corrupt establishment! Don’t let them steal the election yet again!

New Polling Shows Ramirez Strong, Emken Dead Last Al Ramirez and Orly Taitz Fight for First Place Among Republicans in U.S. Senate Race A poll conducted by Pulse Opinion Research on March 8th, 2012 shows that conservative businessman Al Ramirez and “birther” activist Orly Taitz are running neck and neck for first place among Republican […]

Great news! Judge Coleman in MS is ready to hear my case against Obama, his available dates are between March 29-April 24. I would appreciate donations, so I can fly to MS and stay there, there are no direct flights, I will have to take 2 flights

Taitz v. MS Democratic Party, et al, Hinds County, Mississipp​i Robert Kenneth Coleman  redacted to me, Justin, Harold show details 3:33 PM (31 minutes ago) Counsel: Several matters on my calendar for the next few weeks have been disposed of and as a result I have the following dates available for hearing pending motions in […]

Sent to MS: Taitz v Democratic Party of MS, Secretary of State of MS

MS final opposition motion Dem party

Thank you Judson Philips, founder of Tea Party Nation, for your support, in spite of attack by Soros sponsored Media Matters

Far-Right Extremist To Distort Fast and Furious March 12, 2012 4:05 pm ET by Chris Brown  This morning’s edition of Fox News’ America’s Newsroom hosted Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips to discuss efforts by Tea Party leaders to pressure Republican congressional leadership regarding the ATF’s failed Operation Fast and Furious. Media Matters has previously […]

I need your help in urging Arpaio to provide a sworn testimony so I can win in court

https://www.teapartypowerhour.com/videos Please, listen to Arpaio’s interview in the link above. He never submitted his report to any authorities: he is saying that he does not want to put them in an uncomfortable position, so he is saying that the Maricopa county DA and Attorney General of Arizona and governor Brewer are known establishment puppets, who will […]

As expected, corrupt GOP establishment endorsed an insider Washington lobbyist Elizabeth Emken for endorsement. Please, donate to RunOrlyRun.com, so we can win over this corrupt establishment

Corrupt GOP establishment yet again went for the insider: Washington lobbyist Elizabeth Emken.   The whole endorsement process was a sham. I wasn’t even told in advance that there was an oppotunity to speak in person to the board. 5 minutes before the endorsement hearing I got a call that I can address the board. I […]

See how WW2 veterans won over the criminal enterprise and mafia, which controlled elections in TN. If we don’t find one honest judge, if Congress does not act by Nov 6, this might be the only way to remove the usurper and his junta that took over the nation

new interesting finding in research, need your help

I found some correlation between multiple Social Security numbers in Neil Sankey report and Susan Daniels report and Obama’s campaign offices. My gut feeling is that this list of Social Security numbers might be a key to the 300 million dollars worth of unaccounted for donations for Obama 2008 campaign. It looks like they made up names of […]

from a supporter Bart

Bart Piscitello ubmitted on 2012/03/08 at 8:57am Copies of your infamous DVD should be sent to every member of congress and double copies to scotus. Doubt if they will use them, but if a doner will pay for the cost of making these copies, and the postage, this would, perhaps get someone to look at it […]

Professional videos of trial in GA and presentation in New Hampshire are being done, will be sold with my autograph to the supporters for $22.50

Obama is flaunting his crimes, rubbing them into our faces by selling mugs and T-shirts with his forged birth certificate for $22.50 Here is my answer to our Thief -in-Chief: 2 professional videos are being prepared: 1. A historic trial in Georgia, where I brought 7 witnesses, including a retired deportation officer, licensed investigator and […]

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