
Obama regime is in default on Obama’s fraudulent use of CT Social Security number. More tampering by the clerk of the court

Case Search Calendar Opinions Orders/Judgments Briefs XML TXT Logout Help     If you view the you will be charged for 2 Pages $0.20       General Docket United States Court of Appeals for District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals Docket #: 11-5304 Docketed: 10/31/2011 Nature of Suit: 2895 Freedom of Information Act […]

good news from Europe, people are rising there against the Bielderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission mafia and their puppets in the positions of power

 Corruption in Europe Antonio Bassi 11:35 PM (5 hours ago) Dear Orly, I will be short because I have to run to work but I had to say this. Even if Obama will be re-elected (and he most likely will be), don’t give up your cause because sooner or later you will prevail. Here in […]

Jerome Corsi is destroying the case on which I worked for 4 years 24/7/365. He is gratuitously making up an American father for Obama. What is his motivation to do so? Tell WND and Corsi to stop this.

BHO Jr. Biological father Inbox Viktor Karlsohn   3:28 PM (7 minutes ago) Miss Orly: What is you take on: President’s father not Barack Obama Sr. https://www.wnd.com/2012/04/film-presidents-father-not-barack-obama/ by Jerome R. Corsi comment from Orly This is too much. WND and Corsi claimed to support this issue. However their actions as of late show the opposite. They […]

Thug-ocracy regime of the usurper Obama is celebrating 1 year anniversary of the release of BC forgery. How many corrupt and dirty judges, US attorneys, AGs and congressmen were invited to the party? How many of them will ultimately go to prison?

  Obama’s lap dog media, such as Daily Kos is celebrating 1 year anniversary of Obama’s posting on line of the computer forgery, which he claims to be a copy of his BC. They attack decent Americans, who demand removal  of Obama from office and his criminal prosecution for use of forged documents. But what […]

Letter to the Court, Notice of Unlawful attempt to remove the case from the Suprem court of the State of MS

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Plaintiff in Taitz et al v Democratic party of Mississippi et al currently in the Supreme Court of Mississippi Letter to the court Via certified mail return receipt Case 3:12cv 00280 NOTICE OF AN IMPROPER ATTEMPT BY THE DEFENDANT TO REMOVE […]

More clarification and update on WND, Corsi and others. Clarification on discovery: attorneys can do discovery and serve subpoenas only after a judge denies a motion to dismiss or after defendants file an answer

I  got several e-mails, where I was told that ORYR (supposedly Bob Nelson) and Sam Sewell  are promoting a video clip with a recorded phone call from Larry Kleyman. In this phone call Kleyman is saying that in a case of Mike Voeltz, for which he now substituted as an attorney, discovery is under way […]

Why I am challenging Obama, but not challenging Marco Rubio

I was asked repeatedly: why am I challenging Obama, but not challenging Marco Rubio. Here is my explanation. One cannot fight all the battles in the world, you have to pick your battles. There is a fundamental difference between Rubio and Obama. Obama’s documents are forged. The man is a criminal. Anyone else would be […]

Interview given by US Senate candidate Dr. Orly Taitz during CA CRA convention. Interview highlights new racketeering causes of action filed against Obama, Pelosi, Obama for America, Fuddy, Onaka, Astrue and others

My US Senate candidate statement was received by 40 million citizens of Ca, see below

My response to the MSNBC Grapevine reporter Kelly Lincoln and Daily Kos. Do your homework before making accusations!

I got an e-mail letter from MSNBC reporter Kelly Lincoln. She accused me of lying. She said that it was impossible for a person in Moldova to be living in a shack, when her parents are teachers. So, she concluded that I was lying, that either my parents were not teachers or I did not […]

An open letter to a reader, answers regaring Larry Kleyman, WND and ORYR

An open letter to a reader, answers regaring Larry Kleyman, WND and ORYR On February 10 there was a written solicitation to raise $25,000 for attorney Larry Kleyman and there was a written announcement that within a week, which would be by February 17, Kleyman is filing legal actions in FL and CA. A couple […]

I am leading all other candidates in CalGuns poll. Please, log in and vote for me

https://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?t=562111&highlight=poll+orly+taitz Calguns.net > General Discussions > 2nd Amend. Related Legal & Political Discussion Candidate For US Senate Page 1 of 2 1 2 > View Poll Results: Who should I vote for to oust Feinstein? Orly Taitz – Republican 15 37.50% Elizabeth Emken – Republican 14 35.00% Robert Lauten – Republican 0 0% Dan Hughes […]

Please, distribute my fliers “Orly Taitz for US Senate 2012” to your mailing list, your neighbors, friends, coworkers, in your schools, libraries and supermarkets

Orly Taitz for US Senate 2012 Please, see attached my 3 page campaign flier. I spoke to the 9/12 Orange county Tea Party yesterday and got a standing ovation. People are waking up. We can make it, we can win. Toay I am speaking to the Republican Women Federated of Los Alamitos, California Republican Assembly […]

Update in MS. Judge Coleman provided new suggested dates.Plaintiffs are requesting a clarification on the status of the case

Taitz v. Democratic Party of Mississipp​i, et al, 1 JD Hinds County Circuit Court, # 251-12-107 CIV Robert Kenneth Coleman 9:53 AM (36 minutes ago) to me, Harold, Justin, Scott, Samuel, Francis, Barbara Please be advised that the court has the following dates available for above referenced cause: April 30, week of May 7th, 22-25 […]

Ballot access news, Fragmentary CA polling suggest that the top two CA senatorial candidates expected to advance to the general election are Senator Feinstein and Dr. Orly Taitz. This is the third poll showing the same results

Fragmentary California Polling Suggests Orly Taitz Might Place Second in U.S. Senate Race on June 5 April 16th, 2012 On June 5, California will hold its primary. In the U.S. Senate race, Democratic incumbent Dianne Feinstein is running for re-election. Because California is using a top-two primary on June 5, all candidates from all parties […]

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