
When Obama mouth piece attacks Romney for associating himself with birthers, it means that Romney is doing the right thing

Birther Madness: Trump and Romney Partnership Means Win for Obama Gather.com Donald Trump is a birther, and aside from Orly Taitz, he’s the loudest of the conspiracy racists..erhm..theorists. Donald also isn’t showing any signs of …

Obama and his accomplices are cornered! AZ Secretary of State Bennett is not backing off! He continues demanding verification of authenticity, Arpaio is pushing, I am pushing with RICO and other law suits. They have no papers and will go to prison! Listen to the audio of Bennett’s interview!

  Actual 11 minute interview. It might be worth a listen.   Does the story match interview.. https://ktar.com/resources/audio_headlines/segment_player.php?a=18068 https://ktar.com/resources/audio_headlines/segment_player.php?a=18068 Please, spread the word, please twitter this interview. Please twitter like there is no tomorrow “Orly Taitz for US Senate”. follow me on twitter. Please, add “likes” to “Dr. Orly Taitz” Politician. I hit 5,000 friends maximum […]

Please, twitter, like there is no tomorrow “Vote Orly Taitz for US Senate”, spread the word on Facebook, post likes to “Dr. OrlyTaitz political figure”

Major Endorsement for Dr. Orly Taitz for US Senate from publisher of Libertarian Republican, Founder of Republican liberty caucus, senior aid to Congressman Ron Paul

 Eric Dondero 10:28 AM (3 hours ago) Hi Orly, We spoke briefly yesterday.  Twas a pleasure.  You have my official endorsement for your US Senate race.  Eric Dondero, Senior Aide, US Congressman Ron Paul 1997-2003 Founder, Republican Liberty Caucus Publisher, LibertarianRepublican.net  “Yes, when she first burst on the scene, many conservatives and libertarians were a little […]

Vote Orly Taitz for 2012 US senate- a better California awaits made it on the viral Video chart!

Viral Video Chart – VOTE ORLY TAITZ FOR 2012 US SENATE ~ A … 3 hours ago Watch VOTE ORLY TAITZ FOR 2012 US SENATE ~ A Better California Awaits, if Our Support Is With Dr. Taitz! at ViralVideoChart now viralvideochart.unrulymedia.com/youtube/VOTE_ORLY_TAITZ… – Cached This video was made by my supporter Tracy Fair. as you know, […]


OBAMA LIT AGENT SHOCKER: ‘BORN IN KENYA AND RAISED IN INDONESIA AND HAWAII’ https://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/05/17/The-Vetting-Barack-Obama-Literary-Agent-1991-Born-in-Kenya-Raised-Indonesia-HawaiiRecently discovered Obama’s 1991 bigraphy, published by his literary agent, lists him as born in Kenya. Now we need to find one judge, who is not corrupt and who will finally rule on a mountain of evidence and will remove him from the […]

Joseph Farah and Jerome Corsi from WND stick a knife in my back for the second time! Demand a drop of integrity from them! Demand to stop promoting my competitor, who laughs at eligibility, and promote my candidacy for the US Senate!

Yesterday Joseph Farah of WND ran an article by Jerome Corsi, where they state that the Secretary of State of AZ advised the government of HI that without verification of Obama’s eligibity  he will not place Obama’s name on the ballot. Keep in mind: all of it might be a lot of hot air. We have only a […]

this is the 6th poll in a row showing me leading all GOP candidates going into June 5 open CA primary

CaliforniaSurvey of 500 Likely Voters Conducted May 9, 2012 By Pulse Opinion Research   1* If the election for U.S. Senator fromCaliforniawere held today for whom would you vote?                                 10% Republican Doctor, Attorney and Businesswomen Orly Taitz                   6% Republican Businessman and CPA Greg Conlon                 41% Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein                 […]

WOW! Senator Diane Feinstein agreed to debate me. However she has 5 conditions: FOX news is not allowed to transmit the debates, we are not allowed to talk about Obama’s eligibility, my supporters will not be allowed in and so on. Should I agree to these conditions?

Feinstein2012@aol.com 10:13 AM (5 hours ago) to me Dear Dr. Taitz, It looks like you may end up being the California Republican nominee for Senate in the November general election. While I understand that you wanted to set up some debates before the June primary, this would have been inappropriate given the large field of […]

Dr. Orly Taitz leads all GOP candidates going into June 5 primary

Candidate Statement on CA ballots for U.S. Senator | Dr. Orly Taitz … www.orlytaitzesq.com/?page_id=32873Cached You +1’d this publicly. Undo https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/candidate-statement-for-state-ballot-pamphlet.pdf U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Orly Taitz I am not a. Poll: Orly Taitz leads GOP Senate field www.wnd.com/2012/03/poll-orly–taitz-leads-gop-senate-field/Cached You +1’d this publicly. Undo Mar 18, 2012 – Laguna Niguel attorney Orly Taitz, known nationwide for […]

With KABC syndicated talk show host Larry Elder at yesterday’s rally in Palmdale with congressmen Buck McKeon and Alan West

Over 70,000 people watched this video of my testimony to NH Ballot Law commission

How was the state of AZ and citizens harmed by Holder and by the fast and furious?

  Paul Jackson 11 approved Submitted on 2012/05/12 at 6:25 am @ The Truth… Perhaps, since you seem to believe you are some legal genius, you could explain to those of us of lesser legal acumen just exactly how AZ would have standing. I wait with great anticipation.  Holder attacks sheriff Arpaio! You fight fire […]

My motion to remand to state court was docketted today in MS Federal court

MS Taitz v Democratic party, motion to remand  Activity in Case 3:12-cv-00​280-HTW-LR​A Taitz et al v. Democrat Party of Mississipp​i et al Motion to Remand to State Court  cmecfhelpdesk@mssd.uscourts.gov  7:56 AM (2 hours ago) to Courtmail This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because […]

Holder attacks sheriff Arpaio! You fight fire with fire! It is time to sue Holder for violation of our civil rights and for Fast and Furious!

Holder Quo warranto 1,2 James v Obama quo warranto application This is the second time I am posting this article.  There is more tampering with my web site. Important articles disappear and the site is flooded with garbage and SPAM articles which show as pending. I have now over 2,000 pending articles. I believe it […]

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