
Report of federal agent Stephen Coffman disappeared from my site. Please, send it to orly.taitz@gmail.com. It should be on one of the mirror sites from 2009. Report shows Obama’s selective srvice certificate to be forged

Are you still surprised why Chief Justice Roberts is still reading my papers (3 years and counting) that he promised to read while on camera in front of over a 1,000 people

WOW. 360 degrees turn. Justice Roberts weasels and says that the individual mandate is unconstitutional under the commerce clause, but constitutional as a new tax. Obamacare is declared as a new heavy burden tax on your shoulders! Second American revolution is on the way for the states to secede.

This is shocking. SCOTUS originally announces that Obamacare is unconstitutional under Commerce clause but at the end rules that it can be considered constitutional as a new heavy burden, new tax on all of us, even though the feds claimed this is not a new tax. Globalist CFR, Bilderberg attack continues. Globalists can  attack us with heavy taxes from […]

Taitz v Astrue Court of Appeals petition to supplement

Taitz v Astrue Court of Appeals petition to supplement

Indiana Motion for relief from judgment due to error of fact

Indiana Motion for relief from judgment due to error of fact

Draft of Motion to reinstate case in Indiana due to flagrant error by the court in motion to dismiss

DR. ORLY TAITZ ESQ Plaintiff Pro SE 29839 SANTA MARGARITA, STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, CA 92688 ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7687 orly.taitz@gmail.com   IN THE SUPERIOR COURT MARION COUNTY                                                                     DR. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ                                 )       Case No. 49D 141 203MI 1 2046  KARL SWIHART                                           ) EDWARD KESLER                                        )           BOB KERN FRANK WEYL                                                […]

Letter to Postmaster General, demand for investigation

Letter to postmaster general, demand for investigation

Extremely important! Don’t play Obama’s game, what to do with the second wave of ballot challenges?

This is extremely important. I am now getting from people copies of the challenges they filed with their Secretaries of State and I am just about getting a heart attack, and I am ready to smack all of those morons from Article 2 super pack gang. Why so? Because those challenges are empty. There is nothing there […]

Second notice Secretary of State of CA Debra Bowen

Second notice Secretary of State of CA Debra Bowen

Second notice Janet Napolitano

Second notice Janet Napolitano

More evidence of elections fraud and elections rigging

Press release Additional evidence of elections fraud in California screenshot 776 votes taken away from Taitz Please see attached screenshots: On Friday, even with official rigged elections I already had 146,761 votes. On Monday evening, June 18th it was reported that Orly Taitz had only 145,985 votes. It meant that not only zero votes were […]

Demand that Stephen Spielberg show the same strength of character in responding to the criminal with forged IDs in the WH, as he is responding to Mel Gibson. I

Stephen Spielberg’s reply to Mel Gibson…I am one Jew who doesn’t accept your apology today. I don’t accept it, because you have spit on the graves of the Goldwyns, the Warners, the Mayers, the Cohns, the Foxes, the Thalbergs, the Selznicks, the Zukors and the thousands of other Jews both living and dead who have […]

Another disastrous result of Obama’s myopic foreign policies

Brotherhood claims victory in Egypt president vote  

Anti American usurper Obama destroys millions of American jobs by giving unlawful amnesty to illegal aliens. Corrupt judges, corrupt governemental officials are still aiding and abetting him.

REPORTER INTERRUPTS OBAMA! PRICKLY IN ROSE GARDEN… PRESIDENT SCOLDS: ‘I didn’t ask for argument’… But doesn’t take questions — again! EDITOR: ‘A reporter’s job is to ask questions’… WH press corps ‘startled’… MSNBC: Would a white president get heckled? CORRESPONDENTS’ ASSOCIATION SCOLDS…  

Petition for En Banc hearing in Taitz v Astrue, Washington DC

Taitz v Astrue Petition for En Banc Hearing

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