
ObamaForgery for dummies

Original ‘birthers’ at work scouring John McCain ‘s  LFBC… Orly Taitz’s  revenge…                             Pls circulate across the  USA. 1 Attached file| 19KB

Breaking news! More criminal compicity in one of the highest courts in the nation!

  Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita ste 100 RanchoSanta Margarita,CA92688 Ph.949-683-5411 Fax 949-766-7603     US COURT OF APPEALS FOR THEDISTRICT   OF COLUMBIACIRCUIT _____________________________________________________________       Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ, Appellant, V Michael Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security, Appellee Demand to withdraw/revoke unlawfully issued mandate. Demand to investigate nefarious activity/corruption in […]

Please, contact University of Akron OH and Politico magazine, demand firing of Prof. Dvid Cohen for academic dishonesty, journalistic malpractice and criminal complicity in elections fraud and forgery

Share this Print David B. CohenAssociate professor of political science, The University of Akron : In 1968, Republican presidential candidate George Romney initiated the practicing of releasing tax returns by making 12 years available to the public. Forty-four years later, his son, Mitt Romney, reluctantly made available only one year and that was only after […]

Obama’s campaign called Romney a felon. Time to speak up the truth: Obama is a thief, who stole the U.S. Presidency with forged and fraudulently obtained IDs. Challenge to Obama: sue me for defamation if you are not a thief and if your BC, SSN and SS certificate are not forged!

Boston Globe Publishes False Bain Story, Obama Campaign Calls Romney  a Felon, Vindicated Romney Campaign Demands Apology In a conference call with reporters this morning, the Obama campaign focused  on this morning’s Boston Globe story arguing that Mitt Romney remained at Bain  through 2002. The Romney campaign has called the story “not accurate.” “Either Mitt […]

Please, help in calling the Supreme Court and demanding that they post resubmission of Farrar v Obama to Chief Justice Roberts

Please, keep in mind that when one Justice of the Supreme Court denies an application for stay you can resubmit to another Justice. I resubmitted to Roberts over a week ago. Please, call and demand that they docket that Farrar et al v Obama was resubmitted by attorey Taitz to Justice Robets a week ago. […]

I am very honored to state that I was asked to be a part of a documentary about Jackson-Vanik amendment. Henry Kissinger will be a part of this documentary

This documentary is planned to be released close to 40 year anniversary of Jackson-Vanik 1974 amendment. This amendment tied US-Soviet trade relations to lifting of the iron curtain and release of dissidents. Since then 1.2 million left the Soviet Union and settled in the West. The documentary will feature prominent immigrants and U.S. politicians who […]

Russian TV report on ObamaForgeryGate with English subtitles

Investigative Report On Russian Military TV Regarding Obama … www.frequency.com/video/investigative-report…/54686475Share Shared on Google+. View the post. You +1’d this publicly. Undo 17 hours ago – Orly Taitz, investigative report on Russian Military TV regarding Obama’s use of a fraudulently obtained SSN and a forged birth certificate. This site may contain …

Extremely important! Attorney General of Indiana stipulates (admits) that my causes of action against the Sec of State and Elections commission were never heard on the merits and should not have been dismissed. After 4 years of struggle this is the first such admission by the chief law enforcement officer of a state!!!

Press Release Attorney General of Indiana stipulates (admits) that causes of action of fraud, breach of fiduciary duty and negligence against the Sec of State of Indiana Connie Lawson and Elections Commission brought by attorney Orly Taitz were never heard on the merits and should not have been dismissed. They stipulate that these causes of […]

6 degrees of separation.Remember AZ assassin Jared Loughner was brainwashed by the Annenberg challenge , which was run by Obama and Bill Ayers

A tragedy struck in Colorado, a deranged man shot and killed 12 and injured many others. 1. The first natural question is: why nobody in this theater had a gun, which he could use to shoot the assassin? If at least one out of some 500 or more people in this movie theater had a […]

Just as media reports that Holmes has a CA issued SS number, they need to report that Chicago thug Barack Hussein Obama is using a CT SS number 042-68-4425, issued to a resident of CT born in 1890. Write to every media outlet and every judge and bureaucrat, demand that they stop this usurpation of the US Presidency, end this crime of the century and treason

From: https://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/07/20/Exclusive-Dark-Knight-Shooting-Suspect-James-Holmes-Registered-Democrat?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BreitbartFeed+%28Breitbart+Feed%29&utm_content=Google+Reader The James Holmes for whom Breitbart News has obtained documentation is 25 years old (the suspect has been reported as 24 years old). He has links to addresses in both Colorado and San Diego, where his mother has been reported to be from, according to news reports. He was issued a traffic citation […]

65% of Republicans question Obama’s story and his alleged papers, while OC register flagrantly lies about experts finding Obama’s papers valid. All the experts find Obama’s SS card, BC and SS registration to be flagrant forgeries, for which he and corrupt judges and officials aiding and abetting him, should go to prison

« Previous Post All Posts O.C. poll: 65% of GOP question Obama citizenship July 20th, 2012, 11:43 am · · posted by Martin Wisckol, Politics reporter inShare1 Obama at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2010. Two-thirds of county Republicans polled say Barack Obama might not be a natural-born citizen – and 20 percent of those are […]

Breaking news: members of the military can demonstrate in uniforms in front of the DNC convention against usurper Obama with forged papers

Until now members of the military were not allowed to demonstrate in uniforms. Now this ban was lifted, when members of the US military were allowed to march in their uniforms in a gay pride parade. Here is a new line of attack: “American patriots against the usurper pride parade” in military uniforms. We need […]

Very important, need volunteers to demonstrate during RNC and DNC conventions, need big banners “Obama is a thief, stolen presidency with forged papers”

I need volunteers, who can travel to the RNC convention in Florida  and DNC convention in North Carolina. There will be a lot of US and International media. We need to stick it in front of their faces, in front of the cameras. I need your donations in order to help bring the message where […]

Urgent!!! I need your help in calling the Supreme Court of the US. More evidence of tampering with the docket, my application for stay sent to justice Thomas and resubmitted to justice Roberts was deleted by somwone from the docket

This is the second case where my case is being deleted from the docket of the Supreme Court. The first case, application for stay Lightfoot v Bowen was submitted by me on December 12, 2008, right before the electoral college meeting, which formally elected Obama. The case was read by Chief Justice Roberts and referred […]

Unbelievable! My motion to recuse an Obama appointee judge Dolly Gee in Taitz v Sebelius legal action against Judeo-Christian ObamaTax, was assigned to another Obama appointee judge John Kronstadt. Can it be more ridiculous?

John A. Kronstadt From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search John Arnold Kronstadt Judge of the United States District Court for the Central District of California Incumbent Assumed office April 2011 Appointed by Barack Obama Preceded by Florence-Marie Cooper Judge of the Los Angeles County Superior Court In office 2002 – April 2011 […]

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