
Examiner.com highlights the work by Attorney Orly Taitz on voter fraud

Hundreds of thousands of invalid voter registrations uncovered by attorney election 2012 August 19, 2012 By: Jim Kouri Contact Email Contact Email2 Contact Url Subscribe to Blog Remember my Info While the Democrats claim there is negligible fraud during elections, one investigation after another proves widespread fraud and irregularities.       Credits:         Police Times Related […]

Examiner.com story on legal actions by attorney Taitz on elections fraud

Important! Motion Hearing September 10, 8:30 am Rule 60 motion for reconsideration to dismiss RICO(against Obama and accomplices) in Keyes v Obama due to new information (affidav it from sheriff Arpaio)

Motions   8:09-cv-00082-DOC-AN Captain Pamela Barnett, et al v. Barack Hussein Obama, et al  (ANx), CLOSED, DISCOVERY, MANADR UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 8/13/2012 at 5:49 PM PDT and filed on 8/13/2012 Case Name: Captain Pamela Barnett, […]

A gust of fresh air, a boost of energy and a message “We will turn the economy around”- all embodied in Romney choice for VP-young congressman Paul Ryan

Ryan represents an amalgam of youth, energy and maturity. Ryan is 42 years old and will appeal to young voters. Noteworthy is the fact that Ryan is Roman -catholic and will appeal to millions of Hispanic voters, who happen to be Roman Catholic as well. This means that this nomination will help Romney to make […]

Obama mouthpiece “Daily Kos” is trying to play reverse psychology claiming that the public is tuning out Donald Trump and Orly Taitz. Not so, this is a wishful thinking coming from the Obama camp. The public is listening to Trump and me and taking notice

https://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/08/10/1118552/-Obama-is-a-stronger-incumbent-than-GW-Bush This is a follow-up to my diary from yesterday, which showed that, according to the poll averages from Real Clear Politics, the Obama/Romney race is nearly identical to the Obama/McCain race at this stage in the campaign. https://www.dailykos.com/… Today I decided to go back eight years to see how the race between the incumbent […]

More evidence of treason in high courts. Help me reach congress and demand a hearing on Obama’s stolen SSN and impeachment of Federal judges committing treason

DC – Taitz v Astrue Appeal – 2012-08-09 – ORDER Denying Petition … www.scribd.com › Research › Law 21 hours ago – Filed On: August 9, 2012 Orly Taitz, Dr., Appellant v. Michael James Astrue, Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, Appellee. BEFORE: Sentelle … DC court of Appeals filed Petition for Hearing En Banc […]

Notice: tomorrow the hearing will be only on motion to recuse Obama appointee judge Dolly Gee, motion on stay/injunction of Individual mandate will be held at a later day

Please, note that federal defendants have 2 months to respond. I filed Taitz v Sebelius on July 5th. It was sent from Santa Ana division to Los Angeles division and assigned to judge Dolly Gee, Obama’s appointee. I filed a motion to recuse. Hearing is on August 10, 9 am. This nmotion was referred to another federal judge, Judge […]

Great news in Indiana, Judge Reid reverses her prior ruling and allows me to proceed on 3 out of 4 causes of action against the Sec of State and Elections Commission: Fraud, Breach of Fiduciary duty and Negligence for allowing Obama on the ballot with forged IDs

Small note before I provide  the hearing report. It looks like one of 4 members of the elections commission, Sarah Steel Reardon, resigned from the commission. This was a hectic day, but things are looking up! I got up at 4 am yesterday and drove to LA and flew to Phoenix and from there to […]

Court signed and stamped subpoena for Detective Zullo to appear and testify in Taitz et al v Elections Commission, Secretary of State in Indiana. Please, call and write to Mr. Zullo and urge him to show up in court. I will pay for his transportation and lodging in Indianapolis. This is extremely important

Indiana Rule 60 Motion for Relief from June 25, 2012 Order IN Petition for a Writ of Mandamus 7.23.12

Prior motion to intervene as an individual in the Healthcare litigation is brought as an exhibit in Taitz v Sebelius. Your help and donations is greatly apprecioated, as it will help to continue the fight

DR.ORLYTAITZ, ESQ IN PRO SE CSB#223433 29839 S. Margarita Pkwy. Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 ph. 949-683-5411 fax 949-586-2082 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA PensacolaDivision STATE OF FLORIDA et al,                                                  Case No. 3:10-cv-91   v.   UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF                               Notice & Motion for HEALTHANDHUMAN SERVICES;                                  Reconsideration or Request for […]

In-depth brief on Bill Clinton’s communist ties, send far and wide before Clinton’s keynote address at the DNC Obama-nominating convention

Just Me 0 approved Submitted on 2012/08/03 at 7:42 pm WILL ANY OF THIS HELP? The following is an excerpt from Des Griffin, a gifted writer and prolific researcher of facts [March, 1998]: “In the final analysis, the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal is a sideshow – a relatively minor distraction. Its salacious nature serves to draw away […]

This statistics will surprise you

This statistics will surprise you by Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ A lot is said about Chinese accomplishments during Olympics, but the results need to be put in perspective, mainly one has to look at the per capita numbers, per capita accomplishments. China has population of 1.3 billion. 34 medals received by Chinese athletes mean that […]

Human rights in China. If Obama wanted to end outsourcing, why didn’t he propose and pass legislature to strip China of the most preferred nation status, bring back tariffs and bring back millions of American jobs that were sent to the Communist dictatorial regime of China???

Hard training: Her face etched with pain, a child trains  for Olympic glory while her gymnastics trainer stands on her legs.  Forging  of the Mandarin mermaid: How Chinese children are taken away from their families  and brutalised into future Olympians The  bears’ graveyard: Remains of animals butchered and beheaded to use in Chinese  medicine found […]

tell candidtes and organizations: not a cent for your campaigns until you demand pcriminal investigation and prosecution of Obama for use of a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 and for use of a forged BC and Selective service ID. Prosecute all of his accomplices in high places. Hit them where it hurts, in their pockets!

ken 76 approved Submitted on 2012/08/02 at 9:48 pm I think we all know it is not about the economy.. This is what it is about.. I relayed that to M Bachmann’s camp yesterday when they called me for support… I did mention I am supporting Orly Taitz when I can and that they should […]

Please, write to every congressmen, explain that a letter from a crook like Alvin Onaka does not represent release of anything, we need the original BC, original SSN application and origina Selective Service application, demand that congressman subpoena the original documents or resign and stop committing treason

I wanted to thank my friend Miki Booth for sending to me this letter that she got from Senator Coburn. All of the US Congressmen act like zombies on baths salts and copy the same script. They are saying that Alvin Onaka, registrar from HI sent to Secretary of State of AZ Bennett a letter saying […]

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