
Why do I need to reach the parents of slain Navy Seals and Ambassador Chris Stevens

diskiss 0 approved diskiss@sharklasers.com Submitted on 2012/10/27 at 3:18 am Orly, please do not do this. Every military person and foreign service officer knows that they may be called upon (justly or unjustly) to make the ultimate sacrifice during their service. If you want to avenge their deaths, go to Libya and track down […]

Q & A Do you plan to appeal, if the ruling in IN will be adverse?

Kerry 32 approved Submitted on 2012/10/25 at 6:02 am Orly, Do you have plans to appeal an adverse ruling? Orly, Do you have plans to appeal an adverse ruling? During the conference in judge’s chambers defense stated to judge Reid that they do not have any witnesses. They did not bring one single witness to […]

Press release-Evidence of forgery in Obama’s birth certificate was admitted into evidence at trial, decision by the court is expected shortly

Press release Law office of Orly Taitz Today a trial was conducted in Indianapolis Indiana on the issue of Daclaratory relief and injunctive relief due to Obama’s use of forged Birth Certificate, Selective Service Certificate and a fraudulently obtained Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425. Presiding Judge is a superior court Judge  Sherry K. Reid. For the Plaintiffs appeared […]

Update on Indiana Monday trial, it is still on in spite of last ditch effort by the defense to stop it

I wrote a lengthy report, but it disappeared, so I am writing it again, Just before court closing in Indiana defense filed a motion to vacate trial. It was not granted, I checked, the trial is still on. Additionally, John Sampson, who complained that his subpoena was sent to his work address, was served yet again […]

Very important update. Today on Peter Boyle show in CO John Sampson admitted that Arpaio told him not to show up in court in Indiana, and he, Zullo and Arpaio made a deal not to show up in court and not to testify!!!This means that three of them made a deal not to comply with court subpoenas

Today I was on Peter Boyle show in Colorado. At this show I told listeners about the trial in Indiana and told them that they can help with something, specifically they can help by contacting John Sampson, who is running for  Colorado state Senate, who appeared in my case before, to show up in court and […]

Your help is urgently needed in contacting the Chief clerk of the Supreme Court of the US, retired JAG General Wiliam Suter

First, some good news, the word is spreading, this is the latest printout from Google Orly Taitz 40 personal results.  1,130,000 other results. I can see that the issue of Obama’s forged IDs gets a lot of chatter, but every night Google deletes about a million articles to make it look, like there is little […]

Press Release: Motion to Compel Sheriff Arpaio’s appearance at trial filed

Law offices of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margrita ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 10.16.2012 Attorney Orly Taitz filed a Motion to Compel appearance of Sheriff Joseph Arpaio and Investigator Zullo at trial in Taitz, Swihart, Kern, Weyl, Kesler, Ripley v Elections Commission, Secretary of State of Indiana et al. The trial is […]

Kip Wainscott and Mike Jablonski, attorneys for Barack Obama received subpoenas for their client to appear at trial as a witness in Taitz et al v Elections Commission and Sec of State of Indiana

Important Inbox x Orly Taitz orly.taitz@gmail.com 12:52 PM (0 minutes ago) to bcc: kwainscott, bcc: michael.jablon., bcc: me Dear Mr. Wainscott and Mr. Jablonski Please, find attached a subpoena for your client to appear on October 22, 2012 10 am, at the hearing for a permanent injunction before Hon Superior Court Judge Sherry K. Reid […]


Activity in Case MDL No. 2417 IN RE:  Orley Taitz Litigation MDL Filed Inbox x JPMLCMECF@jpml.uscourts.gov 3:02 PM (2 minutes ago) to JPMLCMDECF This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system.  Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended. ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of […]

Huge! Order by a Superior Court Judge in IN to conduct an expedited trial on October 22 to enjoin Obama from being on the ballot

Press Release Law Offices of Orly Taitz Expedited Trial for Declaratory Relief and Permanent Injunction from allowing Candidate Obama on IN Ballot or alternatively for any votes to be counted for Obama is ordered to be held by Honorable judge Sherry K. Reid in the Superior Court, Indianapolis Indiana on October 22, 10 am. see […]

Proof from the certified transcript that I caught attorney for Dem Party and CA bar part time investigator Scott J. Tepper baldly lying on the stand about asking for judicial notice of Obama’s BC, when he had evidence from Arpaio that it is a forgery. Tepper has to be sanctioned by the Judge and CA and MS bar. He attempted to get the judge to legitimize a paper, when he had evidence that this paper is a forgery. This paper is Obama’s BC

MS tr pp70-74

Very important: Judd v Obama motion to STAY certification of votes for Obama in 2012 General election to be heard on November 5 2012.

  Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz Judd v Obama Motion to STAY certification of votes for Barack Hussein Obama due to identity fraud, elections fraud, use of a name not legally his and use of forged and fraudulently obtained IDs to be heard on November 5, 2012, 8:30 am before Judge Crter in […]

A message received from Forbes magazine

Forbes post Inboxx Kevin Underhill underhill.kevin@gmail.com 2:59 PM (33 minutes ago) to me Dear Ms. Taitz: As I believe you’re aware, I wrote a post for Forbes.com earlier this year in which I commented on the California primaries. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinunderhill/2012/06/05/the-california-ballot/ Do you have any comment or other response to what I wrote there? Specifically, is there […]

Press release: Second request for General election hearing against Candidate Obama was forwarded to the elections Commission and Secretary of State of Indiana

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 ph. 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603 orly.taitz@gmail.com 03.21.2012 Attention Mr. Brad King, co-director of the Elections Commission State of Indiana Second request for a general election challenge hearing against Candidate Obama Dear Mr. King, I was granted pro hac vice to represent plaintiffs […]

from Huffington Post

John CelockBecome a fan john.celock@huffingtonpost.com Orly Taitz, Birther, Sues To Remove Obama From Kansas Ballot Posted: 09/21/2012  1:07 am EDT redditstumble 12 20 3 177 Get Politics Alerts: Sign Up React: Important Funny Typical Scary Outrageous Amazing Innovative Finally Follow: Orly Taitz, Birthers, Ann Mah, Derek Schmidt, Kris Kobach, Orly Taitz Birther, Birther Movement, Cher, […]

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