
I placed an ad regarding Harrison Bounel in other publicatons as well. Need more info on Darren Hankins

I am looking at people, who were the most vicious attackers of me and other civil rights attorneys and civil rights leaders bringing forward info on Obama. For example, Obama’s personal attorney Scott J. Tepper attacked me, however I caught him submitting too Judge Wingate in MS Obama’s forged ID, submitting forgery of a forgery […]

Press release: Attorney Orly Taitz placed an ad in Bronx Times and other publication seeking information on Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890, whose Social Security number 042-68-4425 Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Soebarkah is fraudulently using

I am searching for an individual Harrison (Harry) J. Bounel,born in 1890 in Russia,immigrated to U.S. in 1912, Jewish. according to 1940 census he resided in Bronx at 912 Daly str, worked at a nearby fruit store of Sam Cohen. It is believed that he was in a retirement home or hospital in CT in […]

Again Sheriff Arpaio, Investigator Zullo and Carl Gallops are treating every one of you as complete morons. Read the guidelines of the Supreme Court of AL below, they do not allow any witnesses, or any new evidence, they only review the records from the lower court and evidence from the lower court. Arpaio cannot appear in front of the Supreme Court of AL, cannot submit anything there. The only thing he can and has to do, is file a criminal complaint in AZ, with his DA. Tell Arpaio, Zullo and Carl Gallops to stop the BS. Tell Arpaio to file a criminal complaint immediately or refund all the money he collected, when he did press conferences and made promises for a year but never filed the criminal complaint with his DA and AG

Appellate Courts   Quick links Appellate Court E-Filing Court of the Judiciary Appellate Mediation Rule Changes Frequently Asked Questions Judicial Inquiry Commission   Appellate Courts Overview Appellate courts do not try cases, have juries, witnesses, or court reporters. They review actions or decisions of the trial courts by review- ing the record on questions of […]

Reminder! please go to the offices of every senator and particularly Rubio, tell them to start investigation of Obama’s failed E-verify or resign. We do not believe pathological liars, like gang of 8 lying senators, who are covering up Obama’s failed E-verify and want us to believe that they will check the e-verify of millions of illegals. Rubio, speak the truth or go home!

FOX News censored/heavily edited my interview and removed all evidence of Obama’s use of all forged IDs and a stolen CT Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel

  Please, see below the article by FOX News Latino.com I spent at least half an hour with the reporter for FOX News Victor Garcia. I begged him  not to remove from he article the evidence, the fact that Obama is not eligible not only because he had a foreign citizenship from birth, but also […]

More taunting: Right before my case goes in front of the 4th District Court of Appeal in CA on the denial of release of Obama’s college transcripts, Steven Spielberg does a video: “who is Obama, we don’t really know, we never got his transcripts…” See video from the correspondents’ WH dinner below

Press conference after the hearing before Judge England

Rand Paul talks about Obama endangering the National security: Obama cancelled NSEERS program which provided additional scrutiny in giving residency to immigrants from 25 Muslim countries, defunded a program which provided weapons training for airline pilots.

Mother of Boston Marathon bombers claims they worked with FBI for 5 years. gaping holes in the official account of the events

The mother of the Boston marathon bombers gave an interview to RT and stated that her sons worked with the FBI for 5 years. This can be easily checked.There must be phone records, FBI files, witness accounts of specific individuals visiting the house. Additionally there are gaping holes in the official account of the events. […]

Islamic jihad war in Boston. 2 Muslim brothers from Chechnia planted Marathon bombs. One is dead, One cop killed. One suspect is heavily armed with explosives, neighborhoods, Universities and mass transport on the lockdown. Tell the Senate to STAY the amnesty hearings. We can’t have an amnesty of millions of illegals, when we have an unknown number of terrorists in the country on lockdown.

  ‘Man in the White Hat’ at large; Black hat man dead… Massive manhunt underway in Boston suburbs… Watertown on Lockdown… Residents Told to Lock Doors… No Fly Zone in Place… ID’d as brothers from Russia region near Chechnya… Region ‘plagued by an Islamic insurgency’… Suspects’ Uncle: Men Lived In Cambridge Together For Decade; ‘Absolutely […]

Press Release: Major General Browne and 17 other high ranking U.S. military officers sent letters to Judge England urging him to hear Grinols et al v Electoral College et al on the merits

Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz Major General Edward M. Brown and 17 other high ranking officers of the U.S. military sent letters to judge England urging him to hear Grinols et al v electoral College et al on the merits. Reminder: the hearing in Grinols et al will be on Monday, April 22, […]

Press release: demand for a Senate hearing on Obama’s failed E-verify was sent by Attorney Orly Taitz to the “gang of 8”

Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz Demand for “gang of 8”, namely eight U.S. Senators, who introduced current massive amnesty bill, to delay the debate on the bill pending a senate hearing on the failed E-Verify of Barack Obama John McCain, R-Arizona Chuck Schumer, D-New York Michael Bennet, D-Colorado Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida Sen. […]

Is this a harbinger of weakening of the Communist-Socialist assault in Western Hemisphere? Chavez successor lead dropped from double digits to less than 1%, challenger seeks a full recount

Is this a harbinger of weakening of the Communist-Socialist assault in Western Hemisphere? Chavez successor lead dropped from double digits to less than 1%, challenger seeks a full recount Press release from the law offices of Orly Taitz Recount in Venezuela might pave the way for cleaning up elections fraud in the  U.S. Chavez successor […]

Join law abiding Americans against corrupt Congress and usurper in the WH, who are pushing amnesty of 25-42 million illegals. these scoundrels are claiming they will use e-verify, but they refused to check the E-verify of the thief sitting in the WH

New World Order Mafia needed a Democratic party stooge like Bill Clinton to push WTO-GATT. Clinton pretended to be one of the people and robbed 20 million American workers of their jobs and wages. Now the same mafia is using other stooges, Rubio among them, to overcome the resistance of American people to give amnesty […]

Please, review Sankey and Hendershot reports again, see if I missed something

I  need verification of Soetoro records in NY. I typically wait for multiple verifications from different licensed investigators before I submit reports to court. Mr Sankey’s reports showed Stanley Ann Dunham residing in NY, somewhere close to Columbia university. What was strange is that in the databases she resided in NY 10 years after she […]

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