
Demand for investigation and release of information sent to the Inspector General of the Social Security Administration

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Ph. 949-683-5411 Fax 949-766-7603 Orly.Taitz@gmail.com 05.16.2013 Attn Patrick O’Carroll Jr. Inspector General of Social Security Administration P.O. Box 17785 Baltimore, MD 21235 Via federal Express Copy via FAX 410-597-2101 Dear Mr. O’Carroll, Please find enclosed a copy […]

Is there any connection between Mitzi Torri and other IRS executives? When did Savannah Guthrie graduate from Georgetown university Law School? Guthrie, NBC anchor, is the only reporter who claimed to have touched the raised seal on Obama’s birth certificate during April 27 press conference

  herman 7 approved Submitted on 2013/05/16 at 4:19 am Lois Lerner husband, Michael miles was Georgetown grad 1983 and had worked in IRS chief counsel office. Mitzi Torri is Georgetown grad 1984 and had worked in IRS office chief counsel 1986-94. https://www.sutherland.com/michael_miles/   Obama didn’t know? Mitzi Torri, IRS attorney, who posted threats, is running […]

I was absolutely correct. Affidavit of Mike Zullo was attached as an exhibit to the motion to strike the Amicus Curiae brief of AL Dem Party, it is not a part of the underlying case or Appelant’s brief or a reply to the brief by the Appellee, Secretary of State

Please, see for yourselves: Mike Zullo’s affidavit is only an exhibit to the motion to strike the Amicus Curiae (friend of the court) brief by the Democratic Party of AL. I was correct in what I was saying. This affidavit by Mike Zullo is not a part of the case in the lower court, it […]

More clarifications re discrepancy of Indonesian records of Barry Soetoro and HI records of Barry Obama and why Mike Zullo’s affidavit will not be considered in the actual appeal in the Supreme Court of Alabama

1. I was asked to clarify regarding descrepancy of Indonesian records. Please, see attached picture from Obama’s  classmate Scott Inouie. It states 1969. Now look at Obama’s school record from indonesia; it shows that Obama under the name Barry Soetoro went to school in Indonesia from January 1 1968. Based on this discrepancy there were 2 boys: […]

Barack- Hussein- Nixon- Obama, Eric Goring-Beria-Holder, David-Goebbels-Axelrod, Janet -Himmler-Napolitano… Even far left NY Times decries Obama regime behavior. Maybe members of the media and entertainment should finally grow some backbone, boycott WH dinners and start reporting on forged IDs and a stolen SSN 042-68-4425 of the usurper Obama

Top Dem calls for public testimony on Benghazi… WASPOST: Obama’s claim he called ‘act of terrorism’ — Four Pinocchios… ‘Son of Watergate?’ GOOGLE’s antitrust settlement criticized… Loopholes cited as undermining impact… REPORT: Bilderberg merging with GOOGLE under the stewardship of Schmidt… DOJ tracked 20 phone lines at AP… Swept up entire collection of records… DRUDGE: […]

Oligarchs (billionaires) on the left and on the right are using their lap dog senators and pushing for mega amnesty which gives them cheap and obedient labor, while they are selling out American workers, robbing them of their jobs and welfare benefits. You are the only lobbyists who can stand up for you. If you do not stand up for your jobs and benefits, you will lose them!!!


Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Senate discussing “Immigration Reform bill of 2013” aimed at strengthening the apprehension of illegals through use of E-verify received from Attorney Orly Taitz evidence showing that Barack Obama failed E-verify. Taitz sent a demand to every member of the Judiciary Committee to enter this evidence in the record of the committee hearing. Every law abiding citizen is asked to contact every member of the Judiciary committee and demand a stay of the immigration reform hearing and an emergency hearing on Obama’s use of a stolen CT SS 042-68-4425

Taitz Report 05.11.2013 Senate Judiciary Committee Received Evidence of Obama Failing E-Verify

Members of the media have blood on their hands, if they would not have been complicit with Obama for the past 5 years, we would have had a different President long time ago, different leadership and U.S. ambassador and others would have been alive today. Now as the Benghazi damn is broken and the media knows that Obama is falsifying records for political gain, Bill O’Reilly, Laurence O’Donnell, John Cobelt, John Avlon, Rachel Maddow an others owe me an apology and settlement for enormous damage and enormous emotional distress they caused by being criminally complicit with Obama and by attacking me, a whistle-blower, defaming me and assassinating my character as a part of the cover up

All of the media including Bill O’Reilly had all of this evidence for several years now. As journalists with integrity they had a duty not to commit journalistic malpractice, they had a duty to stay on this story until Obama is removed from office and prosecuted, same goes for the top officials in the government. […]

Letters sent to Senator Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions and other members of the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Senate demanding to stay the immigration reform hearing and conduct an emergency hearing of the issue of Obama’s use of all forged and solen IDS. Donations to cover the cost of the Federal Express delivery of packages are greatly appreciated

Defend Our Freedoms foundation Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Fax 949-766-7603 Phone 949-683-5411 Orly.Taitz@gmail.com Via Federal Express 05.10.2013 Attention Senator Ted Cruz Member of the Judiciary Committee Dirksen Senate Office Building, Suite SDB-40B Washington, DC 20510 Demand to enter essential information in the record of the […]

Press Release: Attorney Taitz is currently working with Rose Salantiri, director of the prior recall effort on a recall of corrupt U.S. Senators and Congressmen who are pushing for the mega amnesty, which destroys the U.S. national security, American jobs and bankrupts social services

Press release Attorney Taitz was able to get in touch with Rose Salantiri, the director of the prior recall effort  to remove Senator Menendez . Miss Salantiri is well aware of court proceedings as she has years of experience as a court reporter. Ms. Salantiri also knew who Attorney Taitz is, she is well aware […]

Press release: announcing a new campaign to recall corrupt senators and congressmen. Please, start recall petitions to recall each and every corrupt senator and congressman, who is committing treason by undermining the U.S. territorial sovereignty, U.S. borders and U.S. economy and pushing for legalization of the invasion of 42 million illegals. See guidelines to start the recall of corrupt senators and congressmen below. AZ tea party should lead the effort with the drive to throw out of office 2 gangsters out of the gang of 8: Jeff Flake and John McCain. They are committing treason against the state of AZ, they need to go.

Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz Attorney Orly Taitz is calling on U.S. Patriots and law abiding citizens to start a recall drive to remove from office all of the corrupt senators and congressmen who are voting for the Mega amnesty conceived by the Obama regime and the gang of 8 corrupt senators: Chuck […]

Tea party Patriots are giving a resounding NO to the Mega amnesty! Urging you to call your senators.Take that Obama-Clinton-Reid-Rubio axis of evil and the rest of the gangsters of the Congress!

This Is Important and Your Senators Need to Hear from You Patriots, Tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary committee will begin mark-up on the Amnesty Bill and it is important that they hear from you today! They haven’t even begun to discuss the impact this massive piece of legislation will have on the Obamacare train wreck, and […]

Lying Bilderberg billionaire’s puppet, Marco Rubio, claims that conservatives and Tea Party support the amnesty. Earth to moon, Tea Party Conservatives to Rubio: stop lying, we will not destroy the country so you can get in the WH!!! Go away Rubio, you showed yourself as a sold out puppet not any better than Obama or Clinton!

      The Amnesty movement is getting desperate.  They are pulling out all of the stops in an effort to make America believe that real Americans support Amnesty.   Something shocking happened yesterday.  It speaks to the desperation of the pro-Amnesty crowd.   What is it and what is the response?  Find out now […]

Press release: Federal Elections commission rules in favor of the candidate for U.S. Senate Orly Taitz

Press release Law offices of Orly Taitz For the past 5 years Attorney Orly Taitz was in the forefront of  the legal battle seeking to prosecute Barack Obama and his accomplices for elections fraud and for Obama’s use of all forged IDs and stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was issued to Harrison J, […]

Read the case below, see how AL Supreme Court works. Demand honest service from Arpaio, demand that he abide by his oath of office and file a criminal complaint against Obama and his accomplices

      WND and ORYR are posting articles saying that Sheriff Arpaio is going to get involved in the oral argument in Obama eligibility case, which is on appeal before the Supreme Court of AL. I posted here a decision by the AL Supreme Court, which was just released. It is a different case […]

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