
Request FOR A JUDICIAL NOTICE FILED IN Conjunction with AN EMERGENCY MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION Petitioner Orly Taitz requests a judicial notice of the Official E-Verify report showing that that Barack Obama failed E-Verify in conjunction with the Social Security number 042-68-4425, which he used in his 2009 tax returns posted on the official White House web site Whitehouse.gov.

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: dr_taitz@yahoo.com, orly.taitz@gmail.com   UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA   Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                     §                              Plaintiff,                        §                                                                    §                           v.                                             §    EMERGENCY                                                                        §    […]

Jay Carney talks about Obama’s birth certificate, when asked about Benghazi and IRS. Can someone help me get a pass to the WH press conference, let me ask some questions, so at least Obama’s spokesperson gives answers to correct questions. I assure you, after a few questions and displaying a few docs, there will be no more press conferences, Obama will be moving from the WH to the Big House!!!

Jay Carney Brings Up Birtherism In Response To Questions On … www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/…/jay-carney-birther_n_3314452.ht…‎ 18 mins ago – The theory hinges on the false claim that his birth certificate is fake. Birther queen Orly Taitz (a lawyer and dentist from California) continues to lead the march, …

I am filing with Judge Royce Lamberth this motion for Judicial Notice of Obama’s use of a stolen SSN of Harrison Bounel in his 2009 tax returns

Yet again I am in front of Judge Royce C. Lamberth. What joy, am I a lucky girl or what? (not)   Feel just like a Dulcinea (for people in the know, Lamberth is the judge who in 2010-2012 covered up Obama’s forged ID that I provided him, claiming that he is not going to […]

I was proven right yet again. You are making a real difference, keep up the pressure and demand a refund! Now Mike Zullo is stating that something will come out in 2 weeks instead of 6 months. However multiple questions are still lingering and you need to demand the answers

Today Mike Zullo made yet another interview with Carl Gallops. I can see real changes and I believe those changes are coming because of intensive pressure and demand for answers  from you. 1. They stopped making defamatory statements about me. 2. Zullo and Gallops have changed their tune yet again.  Recently they were saying that it will be 6 months before […]

Open letter sent to General Paul Vallely and cc-ed to other high ranking generals

Dear General Paul Vallely, I see that you are spreading around a WND article about Arpaio. Please, read the articles I posted on  https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/ Arpaio spent nearly 3 years soliciting donations for his criminal investigation of Obama,he kept telling the public that he is conducting a criminal investigation, that it is a criminal case, asked people to […]

Support for me from the Tea Party Nation, which joins me in demand for Sheriff Arpaio and his investigator Mike Zullo to stop talking and attacking me, but to do their job and file a criminal complaint against Obama today. Sheriff Arpaio found that Obama’s IDs are 100% forged, if he as a sheriff, is not filing an official criminal complaint with the state and federal prosecutors, he is complicit in the cover up of forgery, fraud and treason. Demand that Sheriff Arpaio file his official criminal complaint with prosecutors today and stop treating his constituents and donors as complete morons!!!

Push For Sheriff Arpaio to File for Criminal Prosecution of Obama … www.teapartynation.com/xn/detail/3355873:BlogPost:2527287?xg…‎ 17 hours ago – From Orly Taitz: Who has the greatest power to push for criminal prosecution of Obama? I am explaining it again: the greatest leverage is in the hands of the d… Woman Lawyer Fights On- “Never Give Up” – Tea Party Nation […]

From the organizer of AZ tea party Brian Riley: A criminal complaint needs to be immediately filed with the appropriate authorities in my opinion. This does not look good and time is short.” Read some shocking revelations about CCP!!!

B. Reilly 0 approved Submitted on 2013/05/19 at 3:07 pm A few comments are in order for your consideration. 1.) I requested the Arpaio investigation and it officially began mid September, 2011. The investigation has only been underway for 20 months. Within 6 months after I was notified that the investigation would be done with “the […]

Who has the greatest leverage and power to stop Obama and push for criminal prosecution of Obama?

Who has the greatest power to push for criminal prosecution of Obama? I am explaining it again: the greatest leverage is in the hands of the donors for sheriff Arpaio and citizens of Maricopa county, AZ. Why so? Because Arpaio already announced that Obama’s BC is a 100% forgery, however he is not willing to […]

Request for a judicial notice filed in DC federal court seeking a Judicial notice of Merlins information systems report showing Obama using a stolen Social Security number of Harrison J. Bounel

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: dr_taitz@yahoo.com, orly.taitz@gmail.com   UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA   Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                     §                              Plaintiff,                        §                                                                    §                           v.                                             §    EMERGENCY                                                                        §    […]

According to the latest reports Adam Kokesh was wrongfully thrown in prison, please call and demand his release. I called the numbe below and was told to call the 9th district, not the 8th district. Does anyone have the number for the 9th district and updates?

cq 97 approved Submitted on 2013/05/18 at 3:36 pm Adam Kokesh arrested at Philly “Smoke Down” Submitted by JO4RP on Sat, 05/18/2013 – 18:05 in Activism & Events Adam has been arrested and is in jail in Philly… I can personally testify that he hadn’t even smoked yet… everyone please phone bomb the philly police and […]

Request for a judicial notice of the 1940 Census

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: dr_taitz@yahoo.com, orly.taitz@gmail.com   UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA   Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                     §                              Plaintiff,                        §                                                                    §                           v.                                             §    EMERGENCY                                                                        §    […]

Request for Judicial Notice of 120 year rule being filed with the US District Court for the District of Columbia. (in the public docket the SSN will be redacted)

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, STE 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688 Tel: (949) 683-5411; Fax (949) 766-7603  E-Mail: dr_taitz@yahoo.com, orly.taitz@gmail.com   UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA   Dr. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ, PRO SE                     §                              Plaintiff,                        §                                                                    §                           v.                                             §    EMERGENCY                                                                        §    […]

Even more egregious revelations

In response to my article Carl Gallops, the De Facto spokesperson for Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse investigator Mike Zullo is saying the following: “2. Zullo and Arpaio have filed no criminal charges because it is not within their jurisdiction to do so. Taitz should know this. Any first year law student or police […]

I am proven to be correct yet again: after 2 years of fundraising Sheriff Arpaio will not file a criminal complaint against Obama, Mike Zullo is planning to write a book, which will be another money maker but will not remove Obama from office.

2 years ago Sheriff Arpaio held a press conference stating that the tea party contacted him, advised him that fraud was committed in Maricopa county, Obama ran for office in Maricopa county based on fraud and using forged IDs, they were seeking a criminal complaint by Arpaio, as a duly elected sheriff, to be filed […]

Ruling mafia puppets in the House of Representatives reached an agreement in principle to push down our throats the mega amnesty and give millions of illegals not just amnesty, our jobs and benefits, but also Obamacare. All of the raging scandals might be a decoy to pull the biggest heist in the World History. Don’t get your eyes of the target. Tell every corrupt congressman: you vote for mega amnesty, we will throw you out in the primary and will prosecute you for treason. You have to be in their faces with biggest signs, shaming them or you and your children will lose your future.

House Group Says They Have Immigration Deal Here is my thought: it might be a coincidence  but I am wondering if all 3 scandals going on now, while our ruling criminal enterprise is trying to push for mega amnesty, is too much of a coincidence. Everyone is now preoccupied with those 3 scandals: Benghazi, IRS, AP, nobody is talking about mega […]

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