
From Christina Russell and Jackie Smith

Rasmussen is now exposing George Soros.  https://www.americanissuesproject.org/soros    

More on Pelosi

Why is this moron PELOUSY still getting elected and still making money off of us tax payers?????  She evidently slept through her job for several years only to wake up and declare she didn’t know anything about the enhanced interrogations that she and many of her cohorts were briefed on several times and gave their […]

Submitted in TN

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 To Mr. Barack Obama Via: U.S Attorney Russell Dedrick, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward Schmutzer, Eastern District, Tennessee From: Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III, United States Navy Retired Distribution: Wide SUBJECT: CRIMINAL ALLEGATIONS REGARDING THE COMMISSION OF TREASON I have observed and extensively recorded invidious attacks by military-political aristocrats against the Constitution […]

From Linda Collins

Do you want Barack Hussein Obama and his cronies to have the power to SHUT DOWN THE INTERNET? Dear Friend of the Constitution, That’s EXACTLY what’s about to happen, if Congress passes two new bills… Unless YOU help to stop them!   TELL CONGRESS TO REJECT GIVING BARACK OBAMA TOTAL CONTROL OF THE INTERNET! CLICK […]

from a reader

Dr. Taitz,   THANK YOU for all you are doing to help us save this country.  I pray for your safety and protection.  I have been following what you have been doing online mainly through Team Sarah.  I pray daily for this country, our troops and for this nightmare to end.  I sure didn’t vote […]

Thank you Major General Childers

Re: Sunday, April 19, 2009 7:19 AM From: redacted View contact details To: “Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> I will be happy to submit the pleadings to the Governor and AG of Virginia if you forward it to me. Virginia seems to be a Democratic state these days as the governor and two senators are all democratic […]

From Robert Firth, FL

  Quantitative easing ex nihilo   If you don’t know what this means you are a fool and dupe. Not to worry, you’re not alone, 99.9% of all Americans are too. If you care about your country and have any money in savings you will want to pay special attention to this.   “Quantitative easing […]

from Donald and Mary Gehring

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