
Eligibility Tsar

 Flag this message Nomination Dr. Taitz as Eligibility and Election Fraud Tsar Saturday, October 10, 2009 7:36 AM From: “PORTUGAL10 View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Dear Orly Thanks for all your great work. Please POST.   We The People Hereby Nominate: Orly Taitz as The People’s Eligibility & Election Fraud Tsar. Citizenwells as The People’s […]

From talk show host Vicky Middleton

Dr. Orly, this is a great historical story of special divine help for the outnumbered Catholics against the Ottoman Empire….Emailing: Battle of Lepanto (1571) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.htm Thursday, October 8, 2009 8:17 PM From: “Vicki Middleton” <View contact detailsTo: “‘Orly Taitz’” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Battle of Lepanto (1571) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: […]

From one of the observers in Sweden, following the case

“Nuts” from an idiot Thursday, October 8, 2009 7:51 AM From: “Magnus Johansson” View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Dear Orly, it was hilarious to read the moronic reply from Roger West on Charles Lincoln’s e-mail! You wondered if your being a woman had anything to do with the style of the reply: I don’t think […]

From Attorney Teresa Ward

Re: *** Barnett v Obama – argue Amendment XX Sect. 3 as supreme law supercedes DC 16-3501 quo warranto *** Wednesday, October 7, 2009 8:18 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Teresa Ward” > View contact details To: Congrats due only to Orly alone.  Good work.     “Thou has formed us for Thyself, and […]

Are we getting some help? I hope so

We Love You “Esther/Joan of Arc” Wednesday, October 7, 2009 4:31 PM From: “carol hugenberg”  View contact details To: dr_taitz@yahoo.com Dear Orly:   God keeps choosing the weak in the Bible to conquer the mighty, to show to all that He is the victor, not mere mortals.   Again, He has chosen you, a humble […]

Treasonous AP

 Flag this message Obama’s Job Approval Rises in AP Poll Wednesday, October 7, 2009 6:28 AM From: “MicroCapMaven@aol.com” <MicroCapMaven@aol.com> View contact details To: MicroCapMaven@aol.com LOL!  REALLY? Article says that, but reader poll definitely disagrees– 3:1 against!  The media are so out of touch with the public that it’s absurd.    Is it just remotely possible […]

 Flag this message Re: Dentist drills into Obama Mystique with sharp legal tools Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:07 PM From: “We are working on several levels:    –  Eligibility for office— This is NOT only about a birth certificate. It also includes foreign travel/timing, possible renunciation of citizenship, dual citizenship, alien father, mother’s residency requirement, […]

Washington Post story today

Fw: Washington Post story on Orly Taitz and the “Truther” Movement for Obama’s Eligibility Tuesday, October 6, 2009 7:51 PM From: “Jeff Schwilk” View contact details To: Undisclosed-Recipient@yahoo.com    Still awaiting Federal Judge Carter’s decision on motions to dismiss and for discovery.  A Federal Trial for Barack Obama is still on the calendar for Jan. […]

From National writers Syndicate

Obama/Soetoro’s Treason, Deceit and High Crime Against America Written by Bridget    by Bridget Geegan Blanton NWS Columnist  Drunk with a delusional sense of authority, the American media has become the tool of a powerful and corrupt media conglomerate that calls the shots and picks the players. Public perception of the media has changed and […]

From reader Arnie Rosner

Thank you Orly.   Thank you for being the dedicated stand up person you are. I can not possibly sufficiently express my appreciation and admiration for your level of patriotism; your level of dedication and your level of perseverance!  You represent the true spirit of America Obama is attempting to destroy. I am betting on […]

From US army veteran Leon Brozyna

Leon Brozyna Submitted on 2009/10/02 at 5:43pm Dr. Taitz: You are doing a magnificent job and don’t you forget it. I have seen on another site regular snickering reports of the mistakes you make. And I see the forms that are presented that make it apparent that these are standardized responses; this makes it clear […]

from reader Regina

Regina Submitted on 2009/10/03 at 11:15pm Dear Dr. Orly, When I saw recently the full front page article in WND, which had Gary Kreep and his US Justice Foundation asking for huge donations, made me sick to my stomach. I thought, “HOW DARE HE TRY TO TAKE ANY CREDIT FOR THE HARD WORK DR. ORLY […]

Recent filing in GA and CA

AW: Dear Mr. Lincoln Saturday, October 3, 2009 1:23 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified “Charles Lincoln”View contact details To: “John Charlton” m> Cc: “Dr. Orly Taitz” <dr_taitz@yahoo.com> Message contains attachments 6 Files (1249KB) | Download All Notice of Filing Exhibit A Affidavit ISO Motion to Recuse Judge Clay D Land’s OSC to Orly […]

I never got a cent from USJF

I got a phone call yesterday. An elderly former member of the military from NM, Ken Mazze, stated that he read an article in WND about hearing on October 5th, and he has given a large $2,000 donation to USJF – US Justice Foundation to help me. He  asked if I got the money ok. I had […]

What an honor, I am #6 on “Obama’s hit list”, according to Globe

Orly,   You may already know that the Oct. 5th issue of GLOBE magazine reports that you are number 6 on the list of “Obama’s Secret Enemies List.”   You are part of some very well know public figures.  You even beat Rush Limbaugh (9), Ann Coulter (10), Rupert Murdoch (11).   Sorry, but Glen Beck is […]

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